Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tiffany XXVII

                        ...THEY TRUSTEST AND THOU DID DELIVER THEM...
                                                              SCENE I

    "Ah my Jesus, Tiffany is here, I still can't believe it!" Stepping from the shower, glancing upon his stout muscular build, he'd literally crawled out of bed as not to wake her. "Now to keep her here, soon she'll have Dissuasion on the brain and ignoring her being homesick isn't it." As one making ready for work, had the weekend past as wonderfully as it could having her there with him, despite all the madness. "I admit, she had a hard night's rest, tossing and turning, murmuring mostly Mike in her sleep, a few Agurus' in there, his name as well, but all to be expected right husband I'm talking to in the mirror?" As one wrapping a towel, this perfect nudeness, into attending his teeth, moussing his hair, and checking his nails to facial stubble. "Man, I have this meeting with some of the top executives at the firm or I could call this whole thing off, probably still need too. Yeah, I can just see and hear Mrs. Bass right now, no doubt they'll be discussing a possible longer apprenticeship to partnership there, adding the Coogan name to a long list of there's Sye and Brad say good for our future Coogan firm. "Nicholas, I'm here," as one stepping from the walk-in-closet, just this beyond gorgeousness, only to sadden her, it was apparent he was leaving her. You're leaving me? I don't want to, you must know beloved temptress I don't want to. I have an important meeting, ah mandatory," as one leg by leg pulled his slacks on, all the more reminding her how she did not want to be alone, how just the thought of it was torturous. "Just come with me, Tiffany, hey, remember me, you're already dressed, I know, but you still have lots of time. I'd convinced myself since I was dead inside, I don't even know how I got here, like I woke last night and you was beside me, since, I was, I could never Nicholas find you, us again. Look at me, you, you found me, ok, look, look at me, neither of us are dead okay, lost, we have this god given, wonderful life ahead of us Tiffany.  I just know it and so do you, that's why, even how you, we found us. Now you do what you do to come even more amazing if that's possible and let me get the phone." {{{"Hello, ah, Nicholas Coogan, Nickie, Sye? I'm afraid I have bad news about Mike, I found out his plane came into France around the same time Tip's hit US'S. So you're telling me Sye, Mike or this Cullen guy is here? Okay, okay, no, I'm right here, talk to me Sye, what keep bugging me is, I know why Mike didn't just bring Tiffany with him. Perhaps he did, did you meet this Olaff, isn't Mike or Cullen a master of disguises? No Nickie no, there's no way he can get, be that close to her and, and, but you know Sye how devastated, terrified she was, looking for him in all the wrong places and he's right there, even right here. Hey, ah Sissy want to know how is she? Seems she talking to others at the center, but not to her, to be honest Sye, not too good, I mean I've never seen her so distraught, hey Nickie, I, I, I can't hear you, Sye, hey, Sye, yeah, no, I said I've never seen her this bad Sye, not even when, you know and you know how bad that was. I don't even see how she even made it here, how the hell did she find home, so was that Mike Sye all alone, this Olaff? Look, I'm getting dressed, but I don't know, she's like this lost, ah child, I think I'm afraid to leave her alone, Sye, sometimes she look at me like she don't even know me or as if she's looking straight through to someone or someplace else. Nickie, she witnessed Agurus's death, some of his comrades as well, she watched those terrorist bastards shoot him down in the desert, and Sye thought she heard him being mightily tortured, ears, eyes bleeding, all that." Soon shooting a curious inquiry of her toward the restroom where he could hear the shower waters, saying Tiffany was worse than Michael's hospital era, mean she was more than suicidal, even if she wouldn't dare do such a thing, all the maddening components were all again there. 'We now know, Aggie chased her into a hanger from there, a number 717 and his Olaff soon snatched her up and carried her out of there, then while she's throwing a tantrum Nickie man, refusing to leave Agurus. How I know this? One of my operatives know all this, and that Nickie man has to have some serious mental repercussions, like as you say as the days of hospital, Michael day and worst. Yeah," himself striking at  moisten nose to eyes, to clearing a tighten throat, at the horrid imagining of how greatly she'd again been endangered nearly to death."Sye, Mike is the type, if none can get to her, Aggatotres castle, he can't either, right, did bringing her to France play right into his plans? It's kinda hard to know that Nicki babe, the roll he's playing, especially if he and this Olaff are the same.  You're thinking Tiffany suspect that, that she possibly went along with his little disguise? I know you best not leave her alone like you said, ah Sissy is here, want to speak to her, here Ms bedazzling coming right now}}}; it's Sissy, I want coffee, you? Tea sounds wonderful. {{{"Hello Sissy, good too hear your voice too, ah, getting ready to go with Nicholas. Actually I may detour to the gown shop, what an amazing way Sissy of keeping the weary mind, head to heart off, huh? But I'll let you know, let me find some shoes, tweak the Omega, in time for the Lemars, I'll send my designs. Anyway Sissy, what's Kimberly Nolan assessment, can you fax me hers? Here's Nickie back, Tip, hey Tip, its she's dressing. we are hurrying along. Yeah ah Sye, honestly, she's not talking about it, she tossed and turned mostly about Mike, Agurus through the night"}}}. "This tea is delicious Nicholas or I'm hungry. {{{"But you keep the faith Nickie, it's you she loves, right? Ah, yeah, so you two I don't fall apart myself, it being so apparent she's really, really hurting, still there's no doubt we're crazy about each other. Is that enough, it has to be, right? Ok, yeah ok, talk to you both then, yeah, she's going with me, not Sissy an easy task, but I think the new shop is also driving her, ah, okay, okay, bye, goodnight all."}}} You beloved for like of a better saying have an alluring factor, very, very tempting, good, I don't Nicholas know how to look any other way and apparently Mr. drop dead gorgeous himself, neither does he, you. So, shall we dance? 
Yes, flawless girl, right into the elevator, was I an awful tease before I fasten off asleep, girl having you anywhere near me is an awesome tease, magnify that a million times, with you in my bed, so beyond imagining." 
{{{"Coogan here, yeah in the elevator shooting up to the heliport right now, kinda feeling like 007, well, Tiffany's exact mockery. Yes, yes Bij, calm down, she's with me, yes. Hey, hey, hey, no funny business, this is still business, right, and we'll see you there, yes there at the firm, Tiffany as well. We're taking the helicopter? No, the limo, is up here as well, wow, a private jet, helicopter, and a special Limo, who are you, 007? Yes Bjj 007 Attorney at law, bye,"}}}. Tiffany, I have something urging bugging and taxing me, but I don't know, how, to; could Olaff or was Olaff, Mike, ah specialist soldier Cullen Veneer or something like that? To be entirely honest Nicholas, I don't know one way or another, he is so good at disguises, I only pray it wasn't, that he isn't yet deceiving me this way. I'm sorry, don't, please don't do that, I wasn't, you had something, so, ah you 're thinking about visiting your castle dress shop, look for the woman, right? Yes, cherchez la femme, in French, Sissy did ask you, suggest, right? I'm sorry, you must be starving, we could stop on the way, no, no, I'm okay, I don't normally eat until around lunch, but that's turn all around here, still some coffee once we're there and a quiet place to work, got you as always. Nicholas, yeah darling girl, I'm sorry about all this, about your colleagues as well, thanks, but as you would say that your mom, well our moms Tiffany would say, this too will pass and no, I didn't suspect Olaff was Mike in disguise, you so want to ask, honestly Nicholas, I don't know if I would actually be here if I did, hum, I never been on a helicopter, wow, I guess now Mrs Coogan, I can thank you for your honesty."     >>>{{{"What's that? I don't understand" as one sitting right up, swallowing a thick throat, "wait a minute you haven't, no you tell me just how much trouble are we in? No, I said no, what you deaf now? She said she had a test to, I don't know, long enough to have pizza. ,No, no, no! Shaking, disagreeable head quite angrily, wondering just before how could people do something so awful, do they ever stop to think? "My god, about seven, seven thirty, well Brent have they and is this it? I tried to tell you, I said what if it goes wrong? Ok, Morg, yes, just calm down, you don't know anything for, who saw her fall? Where, because that is the first, you didn't get nothing, no evidence whatsoever? Okay, I guess I'm going to come, so you think you can round up enough guys that we can do a drag net between here and there? Yes" look let's just hope she's fitted into a dark corner somewhere crying it all off, you think it's more serious, is that Morg because you know and is not telling me or you're guessing because you haven't found her? Good bye, I'm on my way."}}}. He said hopefully she's in a dark corner somewhere crying it all off,  crying what off? Thing is he doesn't know anymore than we do, or so Morg he says, you all go, keep looking. I'll meet with Brook, catch up with you guys, come rise, go, Marked Tree, you with me? Yeah, Morg sure, what man, what? Nothing  cuz, Mohawk man, if you don't know, I can't tell you, look Tyler is missing, so yes, I'm coming? What time is it? For all we know, no one has seen her since she left here last night? Yeah, ah no, ah since the Burger center about seven, seven thirty, how you know that? Ah, Brent, he told me, I'll be right back, I hope it's not, ah, you know, them, well don't think that. You think I want to? But Reagan Tyler fit T-Kamb's customs of kidnapping girls just like her, I know Mohawk man no one want to say it, but it's true. Scary as hell, true, needing plenty of knee work if you know what I mean, and Marked Tree, what I got you and the Paris Globe for."

                                 ...BUT I AM A WORM AND NO MAN...
                                                       SCENE II

     "What is this, why are you suddenly so disjointed? I'm talking to the man in mirror~ cute lyrics, I thought you had court this morning, are you the fiance in love with Nicholas Coogan? What do you mean Lue, aren't we all? It was very obvious that you were very uncomfortable seeing him with his too amazing to describe friend and that mean I'm in love with him? I don't know Lynn, you tell me? I have some feelings for Nicholas, don't play with me, most women have feelings for him, he's every man they ever wanted, Nicholas Coogan. Even I have feelings for the man, question, are you in love with him? Does he even know how you feel? Right Lue, yes, I've been as honest as always, but he doesn't share your feelings? If he Lynn has your heart where do I fit into this puzzle? I don't know, to be honest Lue, I didn't think you really cared, well I do and our relationship will not last if your heart belong to another. I love you, I know Lue I don't tell you that enough, but that doesn't change how you feel about him, right? What can I say Lue, I know, say it Lynn for you, the lusting heart want, what the lusting heart want. I guess it's obvious, you're no longer competing with a fantasy, his Tiffany, Ly Lynn, that every woman that every man want is also very real. Yeah, I was there when you guys fell all over yourselves about her, kinda Lue, embarrassing. Clearly as in now Lynn you ladies know how we feel about you Coogan fans, as in tusay Lynn, right? So you need some help Lue or not, putting these files in Macremore and Vance order? Could take all day, well I don't have all day, but I can donate a couple hours, so what's M&V order. Thankfully Lynn it's color coded, and numerical and you smell really good, you think? My sis, my last birthday gift, I like it, it's almost break time, what if we put all this off Lue until then? I'd plan to skip it because of this, but since you're helping, ah, I been dying for Chinese, enjoy, I have a run. Rumor Lynn the new, look for the woman', window is live dressing Maaseiah male wear, three times a day, sidewalk standing only. I gotta see it, maybe I'll get ideals about the Lemars Ball, see you bout an hour from now." >"Everybody listen up, as we all know, the authorities won't do anything until after twenty-four hours, for those of you who don't know me "I'm Marked Tree, Deburk, one of the last ones to see Reagan Tyler before she ventured out later. We have enough people to do a little drag-net of our own, this is my cousin, Alien Mohawk and a couple of his friends. So what are we doing Tree? Excuse., what Payten, what? Look for a Jane Doe at the hospital, Jokim did you hear? He said look for a Jane Doe at the hospital, ok, you and Morgan, where did he go? He kinda ran off, Poke, you guys go, go, we'll stick our heads here and there, until you let us know different. So we're going on with our plans? Ah we just check everything, everywhere, hey everybody, meet at the Bulshop in an hour, everyone got that? We do a drag net from here to the Bulshop and we don't leave no stones unturned, my one thing I always wanted to say and lets just hope she is somewhere safe, again, crying it off. For those who don't these are my brothers Omri and Myra, we want to help, good, the more the better, did I see Payten, what was that he whispered in your ear? Man, who knows, right, I say we get this show on the road, I think my brother's, Marked and I will began our search from Tyler's place into the Bulshop, so see you all in an hour, ah you guys I have quarters if anyone need them. I'm going after Medicine, I promised him, he could help. Hey Alien man, yeah, ah we each have like a 5 miles radius, everyone have their walkies, talkies, good, okay, then, you find Tyler or the next best thing, meaning her location you alert the rest of us, so on my mark, get ready, get set, let's go."

                                         ...A REPROACH OF MEN...
                                                        SCENE III

     "This shouldn't take long, hopefully in time for lunch, lunch sounds good, say she who eats like a bird." Coming off of the elevator as those truly unaware, Nicholas and Tiffany's very sultry entry as usual grew instant and admirable attention. "Wow, such a perfect match, girl please, miraculous, impeccable is what those two are, a fashion designer, no, I mean look at her, she is fashion, you think she design her own clothes? Look at them, so strong, bold and beautiful, so vivacious says the cover of the century. Don't make me slap you, what? What? This is not a publication for a magazine, I mean whatever they have you hope it's contagious and all his colleagues are infected, invaded even into being as drop dead stylist." It wasn't so much what Nicholas was parading as far as his prestigious trend characterized but rather the tall, gorgeously benumbing temptress he was leading by the hand, and she at his beckon call dragging all those in direct awe right along. "News is really spreading about those two, what kind of news? That Nicholas' unspeakable as he is woman is in town and the fact she was the yang to his yen and beyond everything else, yeah, well she look every bit of those rumors, so good for him. Nicholas E for Excellent is an astonishing man, he deserve an equally deserving, as she is, impeccable woman, and that Felicia didn't sound the least bit envious, I entirely am. Ah April, don't get me wrong, like all y'all, I hate her, the audacity to flaunt all our miracle man, so easily, it's just that I'm gonna spend that energizing drama where it actually matter, my own heart's life support. Look at them, so charmingly, energetic and immensely romantic, look at how she just possesses him, and they each other.  Truly as one would an invaluable fortune, oh god, I want one, here, what's this? It's a number, and what, I'm three hundred thousand, ah that's not thousands, look again, ah cute, millions, I'll live too many life times before this number is called, that is so annoying and so cute, and that is my number, so April, get your own, lunch? Never thought you would ask." Sporting an intriguingly peculiar three piece tweed suite, gray in tint, with bell bottom slacks, sprinkle marvelously of burgundy, undoubtedly to accent a sixties style, matching overcoat, with a silken burgundy scuff tucked about the collar. Such a contemptuous attire demonstrated both her dauntless versatility and untamed personality, the primary components of vitality, thus a flawless power couple, Tiffany Ann and Nicholas Edin were being gossiped all around, a simply defying all description, pair.  "I hate to bring you here and rush off, I'm gonna work on my sketches, remember? You stunning Mr. Coogan inspire me, good, ah so good," soon reshaping her and silencing them into the hottest, most simple, yet erotic smooch. "You know,  like he'd waited all their lives to do just that, just burning an exciting her, was Tiffany reminded how lost she was without him. "You are so gorgeous, this edible mouth, tongue and I Tiffany, I am so proud that you're mine, and that mine is finally here with me. I won't be long, I can't be, I miss you already so entirely, already, you stunner husband, take your time, tell me when you get back, Nicholas, I ever tell you, when you kiss , bite into me, everytime it's like you been waiting for it all your life, you mean like, this, unless Mr Coogan, this office come with a nice, cold, shower, alright, alright, see you soon then Mrs Coogan, in my fitted with a cold shower, office, perhaps."     >>>"It's Mohawk, Marked Tree he's in and out the walkie, but I think he saying she's there, that they found her, ah here, take my keys, my car, find out for sure, bring us news to Bulmart, sound really good, see you there, hey, be careful, I am, I will. That's what Paten whispered in your ear wasn't it, sort of, but keep it to yourself, T-kamb is everywhere and we don't wanna make him another target., my lips are sealed, good, yeah there's a silver lining, Tyler might me found, but in ICU, it's still touch and go with her, right? God, wherever she is Tomas man, I hope she's alright, so how long to go? Look to be about twenty minutes or so, you Marked, you got someone special in your life? You mean Tomas beside seven other brothers, you have seven brothers? Yeah, and just the eerie feeling the parents still aren't finished, you know he can't drive right, that he never learn, and you're telling me this now! Just playing with you man, just playing, red skin, that was very obvious just now."   

                                         ...An Enemy Of The People ...
                                                    Scene IV

     {{{"District attorney Syefin Erin, so it's true, specialist, is it Cullen Veneer, lives and judging by this call you are in France. I have been in France working as a specialist detective for the Paris globe years before your Nicholas Coogan made his appearance. So all some god damn coincidence and the attempt on his life, killing two of his associates, haven't you Mr Veneer, killed over Bella Mafia before? Surely by now Sye you know if I want him dead, he wouldn't have survived Michael Day trials, none of you would've, if bombs weren't botched and all. So if not T-Kamb and seems it wasn't, Pepe Saurus? The one specialist Veneer I presumed truly rescued Tiffany Ann from a legion of vipers including you, warring over Pepe's most precious for sale to the highest bidder, priceless gorgeousness. What do you want, or should I ask? Tiffany Ann  dying for her Michael Day, offered herself to me during Jerusalem. Easily Sye, I could've kept her and she'll tell you that, honesty, ah, so none of this is about her. Good, Nicholas will be glad to hear it, that isn't what I said, if she come to me and she will, it won't Sye be while she's in panic hearts and double these indecisions, making. The single, dedicated, still crying, suicidal over her lost fiancé, masquerading Michael Day, Tiffany Ann Saurus possibly would run to you. Though the now sister in law, dedicated to god, wife of Attorney Nicholas Coogan, Tiffany Ann Saurus, Coogan, I very much doubt it. Just as so, my plans for France years now, did not include either of them, and won't, as long as Tiffany Ann Saurus is satisfied. Good day District Attorney Coogan, and you Specialist, Detective Cullen Veneer, still my advice, stay far far away from Tiffany Ann Coogan."}}}}     {{{"And baby bro that is what was said, word for word, a Paris Globe detective, more a specialist, super soldier, Agurus described of him, who Sye can have Tiffany easily, so he bragged..That mean what Paris Globe, Tristan Allen told me about T-Kamb, could've directly come from him. Ah my god Sye, is this office spinning or I am, my head, heart, myself? You Sye, you trust him, what he say? When he Nickie said as long as Tip is satisfied with what you two have, he's not to interfere, yes, but if she run to him, he will not again Nickie let her go, he also said. Yeah who'd blame him, who dare could? So Sye, all is fair in love, war and betrayal, still the question Nickie, is do you tell her? Not hesitating to say, yes, possibly the trial of Mr. Veneer's putting the puzzle ball back in my court, if I don't tell Tiffany and she finds out, it'll serve as proof Sye, I don't trust her, so yes, I will tell her. Look babe, I know how this is gonna sound, but having him there could be a good thing, surely Nickie like Pepe he'll do everything, including like now, risk his life to protect her, that include you and yours. Harsh reality is Nickie, Aggie, a few of his associates and two of your associates are intentionally dead, specialist Cullen Veneer trusted or not, you can't turn a deaf ear, blind eye, or Nickie, stubborn heart or back to those tragic facts. Wait, ah God wait, that's why, that's why he didn't bring Tiffany he knew getting Macremore private jet involved, would deliver her right to him, ah, wow, crossover 717, lean not brother into thine own understanding, it's maddening. Look, I'm readying right now to get Sissy, we're off to Agurus' memorial, and I still Nickie can't believe it, yeah, Tiffany send condolence flowers and covered all finances into years from now. Yeah, I did too, to him and his associates, I better go, don't be melancholy, and get some sleep, see this Veneer situation as a good thing, yeah but how Sye will Tiffany see it? Alright big bro, later, right babe, sweet everything, as mom kisses,  goodnight, bye."}}} Heyyyy, is everything alright? You fell asleep on the sofa, you tell me, look, I found you Nicholas because I couldn't think about nothing but getting to you, I knew if I just found you, Olaff, well first Agurus, he was like whatever you want, wherever, just tell me and I'll get you there. I thought he was just talk, what I told you, Sye told me what happen? One of his operatives told him, so Sye told me, Tiffany," wonderful that she's to snuggle even more permanent this sofa with him, this stunning, sorely tempting, inclusion. "I'm sorry darling girl, I'm sorry, I just want you to know you can talk to me, seven days of mourning, excuse, where one or the other is killed, there's a seven day stay until mortuary. So I'm to thank Agurus, but I'm to thank Olaff too for helping you find me, no, he found you, I gave him your name, address and Nicholas the next I knew you was coming into my Dissuasion prayer closet, and soon I'm looking at you and you was looking at me. My darling man found me as well, yes, and I'll do it again, and again. I couldn't help Nicholas thinking how little he probably thought I had for his brother, coming straight home, even to Dissasion, back to work, like none of it happen. No, Agurus, nor Olaff wouldn't have done what they did, Olaff did that to honor you, to Tiffany show his appreciation for us both. I guess I got something I want you to see, close your eyes first, okay, okay, I trust you. Now, open, ah my god Tiffany, you, you drew, sketched, yes, while you was so busy today. Its an enchanting wedding dress, yes, not my first, but I designed it with us in mind, Tiffany, beside you, I've never, I call it the Maaseiah, as in Nicholas, made of God, Jehovah, so royal it has a name, wow, I'm, speechless, good. Meaning my labor wasn't in vain, right? There's something I need to tell you, Nicholas, what? Uh, ah, how do I say it? It would seem, specialist Private Detective, Mr Cullen Veneer called Sye, talked to him Tiffany directly, I don't, what ah" seeing her shock, feeling her eyes, nose to cheeks with tears of spinning up, off, ah, ah, my god what are you telling, telling me? Nicholas please, it seem he's been working for the paris globe, head of it's security for years now, I think I'm, I'm gonna, be, Tiffany, ah my god. Tiffany, ah my god, what do I do? How do I, ah, Tiffany!!!{{Ah, yes, I need help, my wife just fainted, did she hurt herself, have an underlining sickness? No, none of the above, do you have smelling sauce, some ice?  Ice, I have, wait, wait."}}}. Tiffany, hey, hey look at, me, no look at me!" {{{Hello, ah, she's, she's again conscious, thank you, yes, thanks again.}}} Tiffany, I  hear you, I'm okay, I'm, I'm okay, shhhhhh, I got you, ah, ah god, ah ah, god, no, the rest, ah bathroom, just be careful, okay, just be careful, please! Well Nicholas, that went to hell!" Crying in the mirror she often avoided, what the hell was she gonna do now? Not only was Mike alive, he was there, he was right there, Tiffany, I'm okay Nicholas, try and get back to sleep, just not on the sofa, okay? What about you? I'm okay, just give me a few more minutes, alright, I'll be in bed waiting on you, why father, I'm looking at you as I look at myself, why is this happening, why do I feel so stretched and in so many various directions? My God is Christ, as mom would say, that's why your only begotten son, elected to serve your will and your will alone, so many other wills just pending and pending one disaster after another."     

                                    ..AND DESPISED OF THE PEOPLE...
                                                             SCENE V

"I understand, you're anxious to be there for your brother, but to rush it all, not fair, and that's my son, our son. Why talk at me like I'm abandoning you and kidnapping our son? Two months, that's all and you're Mark, relocated to new York as well, unless you was just telling me what I needed to hear, you got all this set, have a position waiting? I may have exaggerated, which part? It doesn't matter Tony seems to have pulled where he is, you're be working in his shop at no time. Whose talking here you or Tony, aren't you even speaking for Dissuasion Fashion. You know loving girl, I've never work a fashion, snip, snip barber, all fast pace like that. You're saying you're to set to learn?  Mark hear me, we can do this, we are doing this, question is, do you still need those two months? I need a 30 day notice, Zubat at least deserve that he's been really good to us, fine I'm not knocking you giving Zubat his notice, but this perfect apartment isn't gonna wait. No you right you and Jason Mark, Jr go ahead as you planned, man being away from you guys a month, you are really Miriam gonna have to help me, pray days past like hours, so we're apart only a day and six hours, got you, okay then, okay, let's do this."  >>"Tiffany, I'm sorry, wha, what, did you say? Poached Simon, your favorite, you gonna eat? I'm not really, it's what you said you wanted, so just a little, for me, I'm not some freaking child, okay!" As one coming up, storming off angrily, of course into apologies later, no doubt, but Nicholas generosity toward her, could be overbearing. "Okay, don't eat, but don't get so upset, well you, you want to talk about it? Talk Nicholas about what exactly?" As one getting hurriedly out, onto the balcony, it was as he'd told Sye, even that she was blaming herself., hell in some way blaming him. "You should eat Nicholas, ready to bed, you have an early morning, don't worry about me. I won't worry about you, if you don't tell me not to worry about you, I know, I  hate this, I hate the last six months ever happen. They took you so far away from me, I so hate them, but Tiffany, they did, they happen, despite how much I despise it. Okay look, I can't begin to imagine how you're feeling loosing Agurus like that, and oddly finding Mike, but I can tell you, I can tell you Tiffany how I'm feeling, helpless, confused, I have no ideal what just happen, even why. This I do know, right this very moment, I know one thing, I'm heads over heels, heaven and earth about you, that Tiffany mean prick you, guess what okay love, guess what? I'm going in, taking your advice, I am tired, you are not alone, as long as I live you are never alone. You're not in some imprisoned place Tiffany screaming your head off and no one hear you, I hear you. I was thinking about what Olaff said, it's Nicholas like we live in two different worlds, tell me, I want to hear it. You sure?" With new tears spilling a golden brown hue about her, or Nicholas always imagined, she was just such a wonderment, her name made of god, Jehovah god, so fitted her and everything she touched. "You sure about that? Those who took Agurus' life, though I know it, I can't call their names, in their eyes I'm Nicholas only a woman cursed. Even not worth the bone and blood that shaped me and they're men, made in Allah's image, so they must be important. Still, Agurus dead, they would now be responsible for delivering him, readied to mortuary to his family, with his remains would be a white envelope. In that envelope Nicholas would be the name of all those responsible and enough money, many thousands. That's so after they're done paying for the burial, the family won't be left so financially burden, Agurus being the head of his family, I was counted, Agurus wife, then you must know, I was to pass to his brothers. Since I was a foreigner the second eldest brother would decide what to do with me, kill, enslave me or exile me. Meaning we're equally blessed that person was Olaff, Michael Day or Cullen Veneer. Indeed Tiffany I'm beginning to realize I possibly owe him more than I can ever repay, maybe that oddity was about that guilt. You don't have anything to be guilty about, good night, don't stay up too late, Nicholas when you asked did I ever suspect Olaff was actually this Cullen Veneer, did you think that and, or possibly Sye? We know Tiffany he's a master at making us think one thing when actually something else is true, again you never suspected, or were you just too out of your element? Hoodwinked is the word, I doubt we will ever be for sure, goodnight Nicholas, I won't be that far behind, good, I miss you, miss you too, so, so much."

                                                     SCENE V

      "Well that adds into the hardest thing I ever had to do Barb, Jason cried and Daniel sound so sad he made me cry, every Saturday for the last seven years he and I and eventually the boys hung out. Tomorrow is Saturday, it's our baseball morning, come on baby don't do this to yourself, anyway look, come mesmerized with that breathtaking sunset. Well Sye over there is blaming himself, he feels responsible since it was his ideal to send him after Tiffany, I think we all Bradford know who's the blame. The only one I think that should be held accountable for Agurus's death are the ones who so viciously murdered him, and who else was Sye going to send? Agurus is that man, well was, anyway, I guess there some truth to that also, I just hope she's satisfied and will get her pretty ass as you Barb call it, somewhere and sit down, well as I said I don't blame her, Her was Bras about a Jerusalem memorial but I do wish she would can it with the heroics, speaking Barb of pretty asses, your's for example, you talked to this Royce guy yet, or I do forgo killing him? You can't play with something like that Brad, right now, I want my wife back Barb, I can sense this guy restricting us, you, what we suppose to have. I understand that, but don't tease about hurting to killing him, that's not funny at all, tell me it is only my imagination, that when I go to touch you there's a problem, even a mistrust, "I know I told you," as one moving from the glass doors into  seat the foot of the bed, they'd been in Morocco some days now, they Syefan and Susan, just a wrench in their tourism, Tiffany Ann latest tribulations had landed them, it was okay, they had a flight early the next morning, couldn't wait to get back to the children. "Maybe you're too impressed by it, find it flattering, like Barb playing with fire, getting us all burn. I mean being a shrink yourself, is this your prelude to a mid life crisis? I'll do it when we get back, talk to him, all I know you'll do it, but only when you want to, right? If this man Barb is in my wife's head, he's in our marriage bed, then this has already gone too far, it's mental adultery and you know it. I said I'll talk to him damn it Brad! And I said don't do me any favors, you can't fix this until you admit something is wrong, something is cracked, even broken, and like me, your loving husband you're terrified of what this man could mean to you."     >>>"So," laying her head into Syefan's juicy, edible, bare chest right now, being on the other side of the planet for it's dramatic reasons wasn't so romantic, but this, spending this kind of private time with Syefan Erin, was very special. "What Sye would be a good time, I'm sorry babe, a good time for what? You know what, no, I don't, stop hinting around and just tell me, it's, ah, that kind of thing, please, hey look up at me, tell me. I can only Sye tell you to forget it, I'm still trying to figure how Nickie, Tiffany and now Mike, all end up together, in Paris of all places, and not just that Macremore and Vance castles. Really Sye, those two are like magnets, they'll destined to find one another, and you said this Cullen Veneer has been employed there for years, yes Sissy, and he has the evidence to show it. Hey, where you going? I'm not that sleepy, sorry I didn't solve the puzzle of coincidence, yeah me too, hey, wait,"  hearing her voice shrinking into the distance, then soon as on a phone, boy had he stepped in it with Susan and has already began to pay for it"  {{{"Erica, hey it's Sissy, please tell me I' didn't wake you? You didn't, reading my last page of a heated romance novel, speaking of which I thought you and Sye would be tangled up, the last place you would be Sis is on a distant phone call. How did it go, the shoot with Vince and Anthony? Ah my god, stellar, amazing, I think we got our cover, probably the best one yet, got it over to Morrison, she said the same. Good, fantastic, and speaking of erotic beds, isn't Dr. Matthew Edwin Hymn there in yours, that Miss is none of your business, and I can't wait to do some of the things I'm reading here on him. I sorta talked to Tif today, good, I'm glad at least one of us did, well, how did it go? Tiffany was distant, something eerie is indeed going on with her, I got a kinda of Michael Day Harmon, blues, vibe from her. Yeah, only Sye Erica told Nichols it's worse, Michael days' alias Cullen Veneer called him, now imagine that? What, you do Sissy know what you just old me, our Mike isn't only proven alive, but he called and talked to Sye? I hear Dr, Hymn coming in now, is that Sissy what I heard or did I just hallucinate? I know, plus Tip has refused to talk to us since, like we betrayed her as well, well sis next time you talk to her tell her I said I can take a plane to France if need be, she can run but she's can't hide! No, that's my prezzie dip, want some? I better go, I'm disturbing Dr Hymn getting his wife, I'll tell Tip what you said, call me Sissy from the plane, and a few more times until you're all home, I will, love you, tell Mat the same, you too, Sye and all, bye."}}} "Ah God Sye, you scared the hell out of me!" Grabbing her heart in panic, swallowing her tongue out of her throat, so many time she'd told him not to do that sort of thing,. "I'm sorry, no, Sye, no, you're not, because you keep doing it, babe, babe, come on, when you want to do it? When I want to do what, marry? Have an actual Marriage? How Syefin Erin Coogan about when I'm given a proper proposal? But that's the answer to the riddle, you better stop asking questions, before you screw this up even worse, well it was sort of a proposal, yeah, Sye, I'll tell Erica., Tif and Ron and the list goes on how you sort of proposed we having a real wedding, good night Sye, good night, am I in the dog house or can I join you in bed right over there, good night, oookay, I'm, Sye, please, please, you're killing me, alright,  alright, come to bed, you've spoiled me, spoiled myself too Sissy, I guess."   

                                      ..THEY SHOOT OUT THE LIP...
                                                    SCENE VI

     "Will my husband tell this wife,"did a precious Sura Danielle rise up and over to a curious Jude Aleksander finding the ceiling a distant bed fellow as he'd done all through the night, finding little sleep. "Ah, please don't let me wake you, I don't know what is there to tell, everything," carving and curving gentle fingers through his soft locks, this newest married couple, this husband and wife. "I'm thy wife, I will hear you and love you in despite, please sweet one, my sweet, sweet Jude, tell me, I don't want to be left out of none imagination, I don't know Sura," as one slipped into this wilderness of uncertainty, just this abyss of indecision which was so not his happy-go-spiritual self. "I feel Sura and it isn't you, it's as though I'm being tugged, ah pulled along varied, dark alternates directions, it's like one will make me popular professionally and the other will destroy this professionalism but make me more unto the Supreme, ah God. I'm to love you and serve you unto death part me from, what of Jude Aleksander's heart? No doubt to this direction is wherein thy supreme will be pleased with thee judging the righteous man accordingly. Though man Jude, not man, ahhhh, it is she I'm to love, I'm in love with Paree, with Macremore and Vance, with the Prince of Paris Nicholas Edin Coogan. Surely, unto eternity I'm in love with all the grandness and fame that is  Sura Danielle, the husband Jude most important love, vows of them all, look at it Sura Danielle," leaping out of bed, tossing the drapes back into a starry night and full moon christen the expert grounds into the valley below.  "Just Sura look at it all, how regardless of death's door, look at how the evening star glistens down upon it all as though to bless it, or to curse it, nature's lyrical, the beauty and the beast. I see it as the mother, Jude, she is calling you home, yes, but dearest wife not only I, us, us all being the very cradle of mankind, so when dear man, when do we go? My internship at the firm, yours Sura at the hospital, yes both will no doubt benefit the mother over there. "I'll resign today, as so will I, they both start laughing chest held high, they had not a doubt, Tristian's troubles had brought them together and they knew just what to do with such the miracle. Laying all fond aside dear wife, we must be for a certain, I took Jude Aleksander to be my husband for life, I will follow him for as long as he follow the loving husband, marriage supper of us all, so our glorious point of no turning back, you Sura Danielle have been this certain for a long time, you're right, I lost hope in the things of men long ago, how very pointless even as King Solomon once said,none the tumble weeds Jude are coming,let them come Sura and find us in mother Africa."

                   ...THEY SHAKE THE HEAD, SAYING...
                                              SCENE VII

      {{{"Let me call you back."}}} I know, I shouldn't have run off like. What the hell happen? I felt like everything was closing in on me, I needed to get out for, what, damn it what, you couldn't tell me that? I was afraid you would follow me, I needed to be alone, I even bought a plane ticket. Damn it Tiffany, you freaking don't think about anyone else anymore! You have to admit it Nicholas you can be over protective, ah, overprotective, I see, am I crowding you Tiffany? IS THAT FREAKING IT!" I said I was sorry, arggggggggg, now I'm screaming inside and this whole damn building can hear me. Don't you ever do that to me again, ever, I am sorry, I really don't give a" as one catching himself into this stalk reminder, he was at work, Macremore and Vance offices and all ears, even panic curious hearts were all at them. "A plane ticket, how freaking cute is that!" Fitting his exploding head into a cold wall of calm, soothing breaths, this was insanity and Tiffany was it's carrier, and he again recently infected. "So does this silence mean you forgive me? You need to remember Tiffany, you are not the only one that has lost here, Agurus was like a brother to us, like an uncle to my nephews. It's hard too, damn it, I thought I could do this, loving you as I do! It's hard to believe he's actually gone, it's hard on all of us, not-just-you, I mean, I've been insane about this whole thing. I look out of  this window into the world by air, mobiles and transit, just going on, like they don't feel my pain. I thought I'd lost you, I thought I would never see you again, just left to imagine for it duration how horribly you suffered and died, raped, beaten, burn alive, still I know none of this freaking matters to you, NONE OF IT! I know what happen to Agurus, could've, could've, and I just know it and it's tearing me, ah god it's tearing me, Then Tiffany, Sissy calls and say, Tip don't want none to know, but she's here, and Nickie she need you, all the way to you I'm thanking god alone for it's miracle. You scared the hell out of me when you disappeared, don't, don't freaking come near me, don't act like you give a damn about any of my terrors. Sweet Nicholas, I do, it's why I found you then, it's why I'm running to you now, running to me and you're sure Tiffany you're not confusing the two? Just don't do that to me again, I won't, you won't? I won't, not again, I know, you make promises Mrs Coogan and think everything is alright, but don't you see beloved girl you break them just as you make them? I got to go, I can't be late for court, I'll see you back at the Castle, well can I get a hug or, I can't, but it's me, baby, Nicholas, stop doing that, I just can't, Tif-fi- no, I can't.!!! Shhhh," easily coming into his once horrid space, this sordid beast of beauty, and their wild passion surely it's expert slayer, "it's okay," reaching him, a kiss to this resistant hand, palm, those yet crying eyes, even his ears now filled up at wrapping her into his hurting arms, aching for her, for them arms, so entirely. "You Nicholas, you are my everything, shhhhhh, and I'm gonna prove it, that I love you too, I Nicholas Edin Coogan, love you, soooo much, now go, I'll be waiting when you get back, go be brilliant. You know I thought you'd run to him, the one who warn if you ever did Tiffany he would not again let you go, and I believe him totally, don't you? But I didn't, I ran to my home away from home, dress shop, cherchez la femme, (look for the woman); what is this I'm looking at, just a sweet, edible tickle in your ear, I'm not pregnant. Meaning you really thought you were? Go, go, we'll talk about it later, now that's what happens Phil when you have a woman that look like that, and a man who forgives like that. I would tell you to get used to it, but you needn't worry, right? Not about those two, nor Ann you, it would seem, nor you guys any of us, it's only Nicholas Coogan and his bedazzling the world over lady love, making up as incredibly as they are incredible. What's to be jealous about? Do y'all think she really love him? I believe Lynn, good or bad that she entirely think she does, they both do, and that is everything, everything I tell you, everything, everything we're searching for, beast of besuty, sweet and bitter, damn it, damn it, I won't it, I need it, damn it!"      >>"What got you wired up so? I don't know, I mean I keep looking over this letter Tiffany left behind. I thought everything was okay with her, just the slightest smooch below her deliciously perfumed hair line at getting him a bite of bacon, a cup of coffee. She's supposedly in Paris with Nickie, as in Erica, Nicholas, the fiancee, well hear tell, it's Nicholas the husband, she told me Mat herself. Then I presume she's okay, well, the thin line is, neither Sissy nor I have spoken with her in weeks. Including, not even her best friend Ronda, but Sissy talked with Nicholas who said she's as well as can be expected, yet he didn't sound all that convincing. Plus Sissy knocked me unconscious just as you arrived last night, said Specialist, Cullen Michael Veneer, as in special forces alias, Mat, Michael Day, called him. I know, I know that feeling of being lost in translation right,  bedazzlement all? So not only is Tip's Michael day alive, all theirs were under an alias, a bogus death and he's Erica Lynn, no longer hiding? So was she really in that much trouble, I mean wasn't she in Jerusalem for a memorial? With the monster of Hikes Peak, all that confusion? Right, she went to a memorial there, Mr Artelon's sister, and some kind of way he, this Cullen Veneer her, our Mike come into the picture or darken mirror, so remember instead Mat the days of dodging those gangsters. As in so yes, she was in deep trouble, Agurus, Syefan's best friend and some of his associates were killed during her escape; killed, escape, I don't understand, you right it's like those deadly times over again.  Just not so much her, according to Sissy the small city of Kyra in which she'd been visiting, that it was overtaken by rebels and well Tiffany as well as others such the like Americans became their primary targets, then Mat, especially Tip, they marking her a treasure, all.  I know we went through a lot with her, it's still Erica shocking that other parts of the world can be so diverse from the world you live in, you, you can say that, a New York trauma surgeon?  I don't know, I keep imagining the mafia situation we Mat only recently escaped barely with our lives, yeah Erica, caught up in some vendetta regarding Tiffany's father, I'm just saying Matt, I don't think we're all that different, America is just as violent to more than third world countries, the largest prison system in the free world, and just when did my beautiful model wife become the expert? I don't know, I guess when this thing like now came too close for comfort, you need to get some sleep, probably should get back in bed, noooo," as to lay his head into her lap, but Erica Lynn having boo, coos of work wasn't falling for it, no, no, no, back to bed doctor Hymn. Where are you taking me? I'll wake you up later, get us in there, but your lap felt so much better, ah you know me so well, I know this, these daily meetings haven't let you sleep well for days. Come, come in with me, Tiffany is with Nicholas, the rest Erica Lynn  touring together, and I have a calendar to publish, hum and you stunner husband, right there, giving me an ideal how the publication could close with that, ideal. Er.ri.ca, are you gonna be shooting pictures of me while I sleep? We shall see drop dead gorgeous Dr. Hymn, we shall see, but remember, I can't publish without your consent, nighty, night, something just ain't right Erica Lynn, something just ain't right.

                                ...LET HIM DELIVER HIM...
                                                SCENE VIII

     "I'm glad you made it", Phillip Mance, I would like for you to meet my fiance Tiffany Ann Saurus, Miss Tiffany Ann, hello Phillip, it is good to finally meet you, it is a pleasure to meet you as well," stirred by being cordially kissed on her hand, did Tiffany this castle, this dress, this greeting indeed feel like royalty. "This is really huge Ansome, yeah it is, I believe Mr. Macremore is feeling a little guilty and this grand ballroom is his way of saying he's sorry, you know about Wren and everything. I thought this was a last minute thing, my sentiments exactly Tiffany, don't you look stunning, thank you, I am Avana, come and I'll introduce you to the other ladies in Nicholas' life. Wow Nicholas she's really something and those golden eyes, just mesmerizing, so where's Bji Mein? O he called, it would seem his friend Solanda had to make a stop, he'll be here and Jude Aleksander? Ah yeah, that's whiskey my boy, so I see, but I don't know about Jude, he wasn't certain, so, I'm dying to know,  how did you and Tiffany Ann meet? A long story, man she is really something, yeah more than you know, Tiffany is more than a paralyzingly beautiful woman, she's extremely intelligent, highly gifted though Ansome just as humble, spiritual, I guess you can say, fragile. Where is she from again? "Jamaica, and she's Indian, right? Right? What is it with all the questions? Her overall outlook, the sure completion of her skin, it's just so unusual, she is flawless, what is it Ansome, you don't know whether to love her or hate her? Don't start that again, you are sick Ann man, it wasn't about that, I promise, whatever, I'm gonna get something less to drink, thanks for inviting us Ann, man, what is all this Nickie, without you two?  I'm Mananas, Nicholas's Aid and Philip's friend, happy birthday, thanks. So how you like the castle? What is there not to like? It's, indescribable, I guess Nicholas wanted you all to himself huh? He thought we would be more comfortable at the castle, it's a little matter to me, yes, look, I've been dying to ask you about that suit you had on earlier, although this gown is incredible and you  breathtaking in it. The suit, the tweed, yes, it was so fabulous, so audacious, I've seen nothing like it here and I been looking. That's Alyson because it's one of my special designs, right, you are a designer, well fashion, model designer, yeah I could get it for you, well have it made for you. Could you really? Though you may have to come in for measurements, the cherchez la femme, that kinda stuff, it'll be no problem, and the cost? Honey, baby doll, if you have to ask, no charge, it'll be a gift. Are you sure? Yes Alyson you're helping me, you're be one of the first to sport a design by Maaseiah's cherchez la femme. So that is you? I heard but thought it a rumor, people are falling in love with high fashion all over again. Ah my that look live dressing window, and stunning models. Your idea? Mine yes, but how, what make you think of such a thing, seeing them change from stunning underwear to sports, to evening and to glamor. Thank you for that alone, you're welcome. you have good taste as well, so many people ask me about that one tweed suit, ah, forgive me, Ansome is calling, I'll do that, come in for measurements. Hey, how about tomorrow noon? Sure, we can even search for your fabrics together, hello Tiffany, I'm Ly Lnn, I hope you've heard of me as well. So how is Nicholas Edin really? He's not any different than what you think, except when he's in the courtroom, he's a completely different person when he's working a case. May I?" With a beautiful Ly Lnn taking Tiffany's hand at a better view of her engagement to wedding ring, just one of millions things so painstaking impressive about this wonder woman. "Its stunning, priceless, just when did you guys become engaged, some even say married? This amazing ring and a beautiful bouquet of pink roses baring Nicholas's espousal proposal was my courtship day gift and I said yes before he could get it out. Keep it between us Ly Lynn, Nicholas purpose unendingly as we reach out first ever organmic climax, as I said Ly Lynn, no repeating it, plus, I'll deny it. Humm, I just bet he did, I remember you all screaming love, the last you was here, he did tell me something about that. Our screaming love? No, ah, though Phil asked, Bij as well, while I Ly Lynn had one response, you should have seen the look on his face, everybody think you two are simply astonishing, so, Tiffany, I don't have to ask of Nicholas Edin bed side manners? Excuse me ladies, my lovely, dance with me?" As to kindly wrap Tiffany Ann about his stout arm, she could and did kiss him, thanking him for his perfect timing, all their urgent inquiries where circling and circling. "Hey, I love this song, dance with me, don't, don't do that, what the hell Man is wrong with you? No, you guys treat those two like they're goddesses flawless, standing on the outside looking in that is exactly what they are, and you know what, I want some. I want some for Nun and I, even for you and Phil, so sorry if my questioning seem a little personal, but those two have something and it's driving us freaking crazy because we don't. There's a  saying Lynn, there are other Nicholas Coogan's in the sea, and Tiffany is the only one right now that can tell me what kind of bate I need, and best to know is by asking her so. All eyes are on you, breaths and whispering about, look at her, look at Nicholas' Tiffany Ann, it is obvious they think us a very special pair, a romantic union Tiffany, sorely intoxicating them. What, what is that stunning smile? Believe me Nicholas, your ladies of Macremoe and Vance, who refused to fathomed the authenticity of your claim, your specialty wife, Tiffany Ann, they want more than that, they want marital absolution so blissful and if not they don't want to see us married, and certainly not happy about it. So perfect timing, they're giving you a hard time? They were bombarding me with all these questions, you Tiffany, almost like a celebrity and this it's red carpet, you are an enigma, even a paradox of being inundated with questions of why and how I found you, yeah with some fiery inquiries right into our marriage bed.  So I think most eyes are on you Mr. Coogan, the most mysterious man around Paris France, especially questions by the pretty Asian girl, Ly Lnn? Yes, I think she really likes you and judging by the look of guilt. Guilt? I have no reason to be guilty, what you see is your husband to be Tiffany wishing they all could find, could have what we do, surrender to sacrifice themselves to it. But no, I can't prevent their infatuations to fantasies, is that what they are, all they are? Are you Miss Saurus trying to start something, just how crazy and ridiculous do your intoxicating beauty make all males with crippling interest? Maybe I am Mr. Coogan or just maybe you're wanting to know if I'm still angry about that disappearing act of yours? Yes and whether Nicholas we can wrestle all about it into a climaxing, marriage of whose the winner when we get back, aren't your lusting places just burning? Wait a minute, what time is it? I think we been here long enough? I'm so sorry, glimpses overbearing glimpses Nicholas of being back in Jerusalem after Christian, who's still, I still can't believe I just left him there. You two Tiffany possibly passing each other along the way, Christian is back in the states, I was to tell you that when I got a chance. You barely made it out of there alive, does that not matter to me Tiffany, to all the people who love you and depend on loving and needing you? I'm going to say my goodnights, and I'll be in the car. Nicholas, I know Tiffany, I know, you're sorry, well I'm again suspicious of your compassion, just don't be long, I won't wait long, a Dr Jerkel and Miss Hyde, of an emotional breakdown, was his precious, priceless  Tiffany Ann Saurus 


                                                            SCENE IX

      "Hello Mrs. Coogan," easing cunningly into her door, it was time for Barbara to get serious not only because she promised husband Bradford but for her own professionalism. "Hello to you Mr. Hasselton, do you have an appointment? Not really, I just came by to see how my favorite girl is doing. I'm no girl and my place here is business. Come on, so we can't be friends? Look! I don't know what your game is, but I'm happily married and my husband Mr. Hasselton don't allow me to date, yeah but your husband don't know how very charming I am." That he's to brush her face, actually touching her, as to take them to another level. "Don't do that, don't touch me, I could have you fired for this, for what?  It was only a little touch, it was sexual harassment Mr. Hasselton, workplace, testy, testy,  in such a cute way, I'm leaving, you shouldn't be so damn sexy, I'll just go. {{{Hello, Barbara Coogan, hey babe, how about lunch? Ah, Brad, I'm really busy, so, too busy to have lunch, I could bring it to you, look, I did what you ask, I got rid of, of, so you don't have, so ah, to do this. Do what Barb, miss my wife, want more of her time? Stop acting like I'm harassing you, I've always set aside time for us, this is nothing new, this is not me feeling guilty for taking you for granted, I don't do. You right, I'm sorry, I just feel so constricted, so I make you feel, no, no Brad, I just don't feel good, I'm just gonna leave early and go home, right, talk to you later, sh see you soon."     {{{"Hello Sissy, is it too late that we can do lunch? No, ah, where you wanted meet, Bill's, alright meet you there, good, thanks, come in, Ashleigh," as one instead making ready to leave, taking her coat, purse, had Ashleigh misunderstood, was she too early, too late? "How are you today, I'm not feeling well, will take a lunch and go home, so please, can I, reschedule? Sure, that's fine, unless you really need, no, ah, same time tomorrow? Yes, that sound just right, and I'll be sure to call with any changes, yes good day and I hope you feel better."     >>>"Guys, who's instead free? Tony, I didn't expect to see you, I been here at the center, posing for the charity Calendar, be sure to get one, you hear, Tony, I'm sorry, as so Ash am I, gotta go, I'm late for my clients. Actually it's lunch time, so what Ash are you saying? Ah, have lunch with me, I have a 12:30, I'll be free for two hours after that, okay sound good, so meet me at the shop in about an half, an hour, I'll be there."     >>>"What are you doing? Yawning and stretching awake at looking charming Nicholas Edin in the face, just smiling at him, wondering just what was he thinking, even is he still mad at her? Will you keep a secret? Yes, sure, I was squatting here, watching you sleep, thinking about how there's so many inquiries here, about my Nicholas Edin. I see, I'll be in the shower, my dad had such a weird philosophy, he was always Nicholas so unforgiving and that made him bitter, angry. What are you saying? Now my mom, our mom," following him into the shower, all wrapped in bed covers all around, she'd somehow broken his spirit, now this struggle to fix it. That if possible  Nicholas, made her even more stunning, my two brothers, Icus and Ivar, she had such a holy spirit, she was the nicest person,. You know when I close this door, I can't hear you? I know what happen to your mom, she went to sleep one day and never did again awake, at least you know there was no foul play, I mean beside nature. But with my mom, there's all kinds of debates whether there's been foul play, whether father doing one of his tantrum injured her and she felled, drown, there was even talk of pills, but my mother Nickie believed God, she was teaching us, she would never commit such the transgression. "What?" That he seemed to be mesmerized, just smiling, staring, even embarrassing, what? So you just gonna sit and talk to yourself? I'm talkin to you and god hear me if you don't, you look kinda amazing wrapped up in that white blanket like a special gift, and you in only that towel, Erica Lynn is so right, you're flawless. I know you have to get ready for work, but couldn't you take off and see how this blanket fit us both. So I'm to get fired before I become a partner? I'm distracting you, I need to dress, go, so no." Running bouncing on the bed, this fun? "I have a conference meeting with the Paris Globe today, Macemore and Vance are considering a security contract with their security agents. You understand what I'm telling you? You're meeting with Security Specialist Mr Cullen Veneer, right? So Tiffany Ann, you can't say I didn't tell you. You alright? Because the last time I mention his name, I know, I fainted, yeah, scared the bejesus out of me, whatever that mean. What does that mean? I think Nicholas it's the equivalent of saying, you scared the devil out of someone. You wanna come? It's fine with me, he know you're here, so it wouldn't be shocking to overwhelming, he's not Nicholas expecting to see me. I mean what kinda world we live in you're asking do I wanna meet with resurrected Michael Day Harmon.
 There's the snatching off the bandaid theory. So are we never, ever going home again, well, am I? No, as far as I'm concern darling girl, this is home, and that Mr Coogan is kidnapping, ump, sound like you Mrs Coogan need a lawyer, well good, I have one, well actually a castle filled with them. Is that a threat? You wouldn't really let me see him, you know, I have no idea how I would act around him, right? Suppose I faint again, or just run and leap into his arms unable to let him go, and a lot of other crazy nonsense stuff? I just know love, you gonna have to face him eventually, hey, hey, hey, no, Nicholas!!! I'm okay, I, ah, I'll get the door, you think on that. Jude, and Sura, please, please come right in, I really missed you guys at the party last night, yes, yes Phillip said you asked and asked about us, which brought us here, sorry it's so early. Of course Nicholas Edin we wanted to come, but Sura Danielle and I have a lot to do still, leaving the country for good is truly taxing. You are at all sure? No, not about leaving this place, Paris or even you, my dearest friend Nicholas Coogan, but I know what I am to do, I know where to do it, but Africa, that's the most hostile and extraordinary land, while world within a world on this planet. Africa, a world within a world, I've never heard that before, though yes, yes it is true, it's as though she has a vengeance, a vicious aggression against any who would possess her and legions have died trying to. A myriad Nicholas Coogan are dying and being stripped even as we speak, but, but in a lotta ways she still carries herself as our blessed mother earth, just so, so obvious. Yes, I never told you, but Tiffany's mother always thought Africa is the abandon, and thus cursed areas of what was once an Eden Paradise, and believe it shall be again, for those she called the young, genesis marriage, worshippers.  I Nicholas, as the Paris Globe believe this also, there is something I must tell you," as to move in closer, so suspiciously truly, even severely intriguing Nicholas Edin, as so wife Sura. Like, was this really what Jude Aleksander's visit was about? The work Alyn Tristan has hand you, the truth and faith therein, if you Nicholas Coogan will possess it, this repentance therein, knowledge, even let it possess you. Ah good, I was hoping you finished in time, Jude I would like for you to meet, I know, she's 'Maaseiah Adonai,' ah no and, ah, I'm sorry Jude, ah this is my wife, Tiffany Ann, ah Saurus." As one keeping his head down, as to show her direct reverence, even a form of penance, had Nicholas nor Sura, even Tiffany, seen anything like it, besides in the movies or something. "I beg your pardon miss, please, Sura, please Nicholas, as I said there are a million things to do and no time to do it. Just you remember, Alyn Tristan De'Burk, I'm to believe his faith when it possessed me and made me into another, like a husband to Sura Danielle. I fear I am no longer of this world, I know it doesn't make sense, good day Nicholas Coogan to you and your mistress. I know, it's like we past into the twilight zone, and back here again, but perhaps one day you'll let me explain, I, we, Sura and I must run. Whoa, who, I'm sorry, who was that? Jude Aleksander, a young apprentice at Macremoe and Vance, well he was, he and his wife, Sura Danielle, they're off to make a difference in Africa, leaving everything behind. He think as you, it'll again serve Tiffany as an Eden Paradise, yes, the African Juttah. I'm sorry darling girl, what was that he called me? Then Tiffany treated you accordingly, it sound like Messiah, something like your birth name, and then he just ran away, both this reverence and this trembling. Please tell me you Nicholas told him that name, Maaseiah Adonai, how could I tell what I don't know? I may have mentioned the name Maaseiah to Tristan Allen, but he said something other, Tiffany both counting you as an oracle, just as Christian, Spirit. Just who are you to them? Look, can I hitched a ride with you to cherchez la femme instead? So many people are going batty about that tweed suit the other day and that gown from last night, so, like you Mr. Coogan, I got plenty work to do. I know, I know, but I'll face Mr Veneer on my own terms, and right now Nicholas, I'm just not ready, while neither am I. It's  not like I'm running you into another's man, even husband's arms, so please take all the time you need. Right, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, only which Tiffany Ann is Specialist Cullen Michael Veneer, it's either or?

...THOU HAST GIVEN HIM HIS HEART'S DESIRE, AND HAST NOT WITHHOLDEN THE                                                         REQUEST OF HIS LIPS... 

                                                SCENE X

     {{{"Good evening Mr. Soledad Aggart, I'm Ms. Pitman, you look yummy priceless, here's your stunning wife, Kassle Berlyn as well. I'm sure people are yet riveted through by that open might performance, I know I am. As assigned tonight, I'm going about the Omega Lamar's Ball choosing, asking this single question, my question for you Mr. Soledad Maurice is gun violence, how would you stemm it all? I'm Ms Pitman reminded of the times we shaped our hand into a weapon, as you can see, as I demonstrate, one barron is aimed out, but that same barron is armed in as well, you can't hurt one, without hurting yourself. Prick me Ms. Pitman prick yourself,  bring me to genocide, except by divine intervention extinct humankind. God only created one Adam, male and female, married for procreating the world Elohim created, god only recreated one spirit Adam, male and female, married for procreating the world, Elohim created. We truly are Ms. Pitman, regardless of cursive babels, flesh of one the other's flesh, bone of one the other's bone, we are one Adamaic blood lineage, prick me, prick yourself, bring genocide upon me, except by divine intervention extinct the Genesis Human Being. Probably why the commandment of God, thou shalt not kill, why a furious disciple Peter was made to surrender his sword instead to God's, Jesus' Will. He is the only one that can save us out of this extinction level event we've all gotten ourselves in, six thousand years of bloodletting found guilty. While pardon me while I catch my breath, bedazzling male model, amazing performer and genius, biblical scholar, surely you Mr. Soledad Maurice Aggart, will not cease to amaze us. Excuse me, Ms. Pitman, will you beautiful woman, the wife that God has made and given me please dance with me? Ah Ms Pittman, you left out one description, we are the young, Genesis to Christ' Cross marriage worshippers, and I call on the offspring of the reported two billion inheritance whose parents at least honor the holiday of Christ's Birth, to come, follow us as we follow this Spirit Adam. I hope you pull away from all these various interviews, I Ms. Pitman, hope you as well, dance!"}}} The Omega Lemars Erica, absolutely exploded after that boy's interview, that boy is formulating Discussion Fashion Center into something Erica we didn't intend. Into a movement for the young, for biblical marriage and for a god we barely know ourselves and believe me after seeing another impeccable performance by him, they are all coming. Those coming Sissy include the Paris Globe, world movers on the go for the youth of Christ and literally every form of youth movement this nation and this world. What has Tiffany Ann Saurus, Coogan got us into with Desrek's Chocolate and now Soledad's French Vanilla Colognes? Hey, hey don't fret, I know the floodgates are open but I think Ronda's Dexter Leon is our Noah's Ark, if you know what I mean. That boy Erica Lynn, that speeding and leaping into teen and marriage popularity boy just asked billions of teens this world to join him, Christ marriage worshippers, join him Erica as in join Dissuasion Fashion Center, Sissy, one climb a day at a time, breath. Well, if Dexter Stuart is our Ark, Tiffany, Maaseiah Adoni is it's Noah, captain and we need her on board, boy do we need her on board. Yeah, I agree, but how do we now Sissy tear her from Nicholas Edin? Whoa, I can't believe I just said that, seeing I'm the one who infused them together, we don't need to break up newlyweds here, well Sissy if you think, Tip is in France, so is the Paris Globe, she may assist us better from there, then hallelujah all the more! At least one of us Erica Lynn have our thinking caps on, which remind me, where is Ash? Running late but on her way, okay I need her, I need her, she presented an idea about the kids center I think I love, okay Sosh, I'll tell her, send her your way,  you get to Ronda about Soledad, Tip and the Paris Globe as well. You know sometimes you carry that CEO thing a little too far, you hear me boss lady? I hear you screaming down the hall at me, bye girl, and I need to know more about her look for the woman cherchel la femme or whatever, since that genesis shoe add we're getting calls about that as well!"     {{{"You are the one Dare that encouraged him and his life, yes, but that Soledad right there, that is him moving into a Holy Spirit territory Ron all his own, I'll see what I can do, but know this, he just saved my college campus class, I'm running sis, got to go, bye Dare, love you! Soledad, Soledad, Soledad? Yes, yes, yes, ah god don't scare me like that boy, sorry, use your private entry. What are you doing here? Got a conference, with photography, so why was my name on your lips, three consecutive times, that was about my come mission impossible brother. I know I said that Ball got a lot of people good and bad standing on my head, but Ms. Pitman asked a question and that Ron come out. Sole I am not knocking what you said, what you said was just as heart gripping as that song of yours, but the repercussions of what you said, it leans into a non-violent ever again society, a divine utopia Sole, Yes Desrek, for which Jesus said, love your enemies, do good to those who abuse you, and do all manner of evil against you, be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect, not everybody can do Christ Ron, why the path away from him is so much broader, coveted than the one leading to him. Look, Hain is right behind me, don't let him startle you, tell him I'm in vending, I'll meet him there. Ah I smelled that cologne of yours, I woke, let Dex use it, not knowing I wouldn't get any sleep, well he wouldn't, if you, now a husband Sole know what I mea. So good job you and Tif, thanks, later, look don't you worry about T-KAMB, I know that's your heart's fear, but holy Lords look over us, and when they don't, that's a part of god's will too and something like Job's reward, so unspeakable, remarkable like you and Dex sis come of it. I have a million things to do, get out of here and stop reading my heart!" {{{"No I'm not free, okay babe, thought I'd ask, vending machine here I come, no, go out to the salad and soup shop and Dex sit and I'll get there, no rush, yes madam.  I talked to Derry, he said he had nothing to do with what Sole did, I kinda knew that Ron, that boy is come into his own and he's taking the youth in this nation and world right with him, you better go, if we're not gonna rush, alright, call you on my way there, okay love, bye."}}}     {{{"You plan not to speak to me again? No, that's not it, I just see you're busy, like I can't hear, there, sketches put away. Tell me, how was Michael Day? He didn't join them, he's on a special mission, something about T-Kamb. Ah I see, don't know Nicholas why I'm surprised surely you weren't, catch you at castle Macremore, I'm running, alright, love and kisses, you too love, bye."}}} "Please take me somewhere, Mr. Thompson, you know some place special? Evening me lady, I will take you to Luxemburg gardens, my misses and I spend so much time there it was like a second home. Surely Mr. Thompson you read my mind and my heart, well someone as beautiful must have an affiliation, a kinship if you will as such with beautiful things. I will take this time, the scenic route so that the misses don't miss a thing. Did I hear you talk of her in past tense, your wife that is? I lost Ginni' to a rare heart condition years back, I have two daughters and a son, all grown, all tending to grown up things of their own. I fear only by rumor, that you too are now married, or did I hear incorrectly? No, you heard correctly, look miss, the Eiffel Tower, you have seen many times before no doubt, no, not in person. This Mr Thompsonis, this lady first time in Paris, then should I park, linger about for a while? No, even from here it's appearance is purely magical, what a marvel, what a marvel, ah my god, the Eiffel Tower.  I know Mesure Coogan been anxious that I instead see it, Mr. Thompson, the reason I felt so bless by your offer of a botanic garden, not only did I once by a dream witnessed red roses come right out of the soil. Rising up, into me, scarily paying homage, such a beautiful thing, just the other day I just coveted these particular, white floral,  I heard an offer in my ear, one day I would be given an entire garden of them my own. You are miss with such heart moving testament, surely monsieur Coogan is  blessed to have such a rare jewel himself, their own, I can say, he's fallen all thing this earth and heaven pending with treasures, as long as he get to take Maaseiah Adonai as his own. That too madame   Coogan is glaringly the heart of a testament, I'm enthused to inform you, we've talked and discussed ourselves here, truly misses, enjoy. Thank you Thompson, you two madame, truly god has blessed you both, need I wait madame, or, no, go spend your time as need be, I will call monsieur Coogan when I'm ready and, I'm sure he will love meeting me, very well, madame Coogan, blessed day, you as well, godspeed.

                                               SCENE XI
     "All I'm thinking is that I trusted you, the both of you to your sisters and this is how you return the favor, you come back with wives and children on the way? Please father, don't go blaming Maaseiah she knew no more of this than you before, so you sabotage her trust as well? I see you Itcus, this is so like you, you too Ivar, the both have taken the daughters of fathers without any permission whatsoever, how can you, how will you ever justify that, do you know how embarrassing? Like I raised you without honor a toll, just to be out of control, would you Pepe rather have sons who go after woman for their pretty skirts alone, a spread of bastard children for generations to come? I would rather have sons who didn't go after women at all, you are too young, surely you must realize that. You say that with your mouth, father, and father with your heart, but only as you stand outside our flesh and blood that is our evidence father, we're no longer children, we are men, we leave your household and take upon ourselves our own, as we have, as consented. You are Icus talking about lust son, you think you are the only one, I think the word of God Pepe says, if a man like myself, like my brother Ivar have a burning need for a wife, then take, her, it is better than burning unnecessarily. I see neither of you see the wrong in doing any of this, we only saw keeping you, and other parents in the dark wrong, wanted to free ourselves of such guilt, that father is what we did. I, we can only apologize if you are offended, if this is no longer our home, no longer a place to lay our head we understand that as well, but Ivar and I both have marriages, graduations and proms to go and salvage, we will not be betrayers. Of course you still have a home here, I don't like the manner by which you've come upon this fork in the road, but guess I can be proud you have carried yourselves as men and not whore. Come, I will drive, see what can be done, come on the both of you, just know since the girls are under age, they're not, they are eighteen each, just as we are, around the same time as we are, well that's some better, lets go, let's do this, see what bitter to sweet, it all bring us."   >>"Soledad Maurice quoted the gospel of Jesus Christ, even the beatitudes as plainly as that, all haters have done is make a big mockery out of it, you all know Miss Pitman has been put under review, that she simply gave him over to the floor like that. Didn't we Lion know that would happen? I'm tempted to offer her a position here, it is only that we're an entire other country away, that I don't, why not, this striking the heart and mind interview good or bad has made her famous as well, ask, her, Bronze Cotten if you  feel need to do so let her decide, it's her fate." I thought about that as well, just recruiting her to the Paris Global something Bronze we do daily. So have we decided what so about Mr Aggart and his pending two billion marriage worshipers, isn't that exactly Medicine Bow what the FPD Center, Corranda Aggart is asking of us. I meaning to ask any relations there, she's his older sister, they're all as overwhelmed by him, as we are, he's like herding all these young people into the fashion center and they don't know what to do with them. I you all don't know, most of tim Sioux noel we don't please, pray, tell us, it's Nicholas' Coogan's Maaseiah collection for the male, she is co owner and co-CEO of that Dissuasion fashion, the same one Tristan called his oracle, So you knew this Sioux all the time? Desrek Alum Aggart, Soledad's military, station now in K-town Germany brother is one of our subscription holders and he too make mention of a Maaseiah, even how she's possibly other worldly, that he grew up with, until they're virtually family. What you're not saying Sioux is we get the Aggart brothers, we get her, we get who Tristan, well, Apache Arrow think is this end time Oracle, yes, Saber, something like that, but isn't Tristan. Apache's Oracle, like your future wife, not as simple, as plain as that, like in that vicinity, we need flight plans, Cheyenne, ...on it, alright then you guys that's it, sessions over."     >>>"You really are at home aren't you? Ah god Nicholas I wish, and that doesn't scare you? Well, everyday we go about lives knowing it's gonna end one day, but we don't let that stop us, it's dying, actual death threat, that's terrifying, it's terrified even God manifested in the flesh the night of gethsemane, it's a moment Nicholas, compared to eternity. Can I ask you to plan our trip to heaven together, you can ask yes, but there's only Nicholas Edin Coogan one that grant a wish like that. How will I ever leave these gardens, well could my stomach touching my back encourage you? Meaning you're starving? We only had lunch, we been here since, okay I'll wait for you right here, Tiffany, I was just kidding, I could whisk you up into the car, the car, how long he's been here, not long, we'll soon be back! You know most time Nicholas I just sit and watch you sleep, you know Tiffany I do the same thing, and wonder what it was I did to ever deserve you, and regretting the day I hear you say, you're going home. Speaking of which, I know Erica and Sissy both been calling you, they're having a huge conference, they're to figure the fate of one of our most popular male models who's looking at a super, duper music career. You're talking about the young man that gave that spectacular interview doing the Ball? Yes and in like three days, they're all gonna put our heads together and, ah. They? All the ground up having one way or another to do with Soledad Maurice, and you absolutely have to be present? Even if not darling man, you know I didn't come to Paris to stay, plus you have your own work, and now with your own shop so do you, okay, okay, can we just talk about this later, come close, your head on my shoulder and let's just enjoy the ride back. Plus, that's one of my favorite songs, I'm yawning to say, I think we should adopt it as our song, Whitney's houston, "I want to run to you," you know that's my favorite song of hers as well? No, I, didn't, shhhhhh, just listen, that's how I feel whenever you're not right here with me, god help me, I'm so sick in love with you, so please, help us make all this fantastic journey, last."  

Pieces Of Lord Urusalem, Chapter 7, A Door Was Opened,  http://lordurusalem.blogspot.com/2010/12/maaseiah-vii.html


"Really Tiffany Ann Saurus, were are you running off to, now?" S
lipped out of bed, actually slipped right out of a delicious ass, phenomenal Nicholas Edin. Hands and now pockets stuffed with wiping tissues as the elevator opened to the rooftop, landing pad, plainly quite filled with planes and helicopters. Her Holy God in heaven, why was she crying? “Father, the only way I’m to understand this unmerited grace out of such a horrid reaping of faithlessness is Christ alone hath gotten us all this indescribable for all of eternity victory, thus not to lean unto our own understanding, this fertile quest of rebellious man. Then you give me him, this inconceivable of a holy man, not to be or practice vainglory I know where I would be without him.” A praying Tiffany Ann not realizing, by security surveillance they were seeing to even touched by the emotions of her emotional event. “I fret father I admit, you knowing this heart, you once having given it, but not as fear, for fear is the penitentiary where marshaled at their contrived gates are damning fallen angels. But faith Father, Christ, though it too is a reformatory long Damascus road, it is a true, wondrous freedom of choice guarded and commanded by you of Holy Spirits, this strait gate, path to you, even to our Prince King, I read somewhere, Prince of peace." Or better yet was the ultimate hard swallowing, bitterly digesting, sobbing question, why didn't fiance Cullen Michael Veneer keep her, why did he let her go, why didn't he steal them away, some hiding place, a paradise of their own making? No one would've known the difference, just counting her lost, gone as all other's, and did she now envy both Christian Cros ' Becky, Nadia and perhaps Camilla, even Nicholas recently murderer conrades? "Oh Mrs Coogan, it is you, you seemed to have a tripped a silent alarmed alerted us, I  didn't know, you can stay as long as you don't mind company, no, you're very generous, but no. Perhaps I'll slip back into bed just as undetected as I slipped out, yes madam, good morning, you too. You are? Malcolm, thank you Malcom, yes madam Mrs Coogan, newly wedded Malcom, I'll have to get used to being called Mrs Coogan, good day madam." >>>"Don't Ash look up too suddenly but the entire bold and the beautiful male stage, set just walked into FPD, ah, my god Ash, ah, my god! Ah, girl, that's the Paris Globe, ...and how the hell you know that? I've seen them before, Tony's a Paris Globe fan, ah subscriber ..yeah, okay. okay, but what are they doing here? Ronda, I'm sorry Mrs. Stuart must have invited them to sit in on the dealings with Soledad, that's Mr. Aggart's pending with a singing career and millions, that's of young marriage worshipers, followers. I heard Faithe, they were nice looking but vava-voom my beating heart, they are electrifying, okay,okay I have a really handsome husband myself,  Ash, you guys, say it with me, I have a really handsome husband myself, ...well, hell I don't, so, it doesn't matter Tynan, all those guys are married, .all of them? All eight if them if I'm not mistaking. I don't know those are the younger ones, let me see that's, ...wait, wait, wait, you know their names? Well, Indian, they all Erica have native American names, so not to be funny, but more so like titles, so if I had to guess from what I've seen, read, that's probably Medicine Bow, ah Bronze Coten, Lion Wolf, Sabertooth and the older, other towering steed, that's either Cheyenne or Sioux Noel, ...and you are not so freaking kidding are you? Well there goes fine tail, Dexter Leon, I wonder if he'll do a male cologne for us, ah Dexter, who cares right, as long as he pose for it, my lord, is that Desrek Alum all the way from Germany? We have to get him into a couple of sessions while he's here, Erica Lynn, he's not here for that, ...I know, but we can catch him while we can you know, so Paris and Germany in the house. There is no freaking way Ash, the most heart crippling stunner men this planet are doing a conference at the FPD Center and we're not, ..Erica, look, there's the star of the show, ball, all, heartthrob Soledad Maurice and that stop the presses starbright wife of his, Kassle Berlyn, what a staggering all by itself, name. Got to go, where the hell you going? To conference, I'm Co CEO in Tip's stead, tell me Ashleigh Roget Decorte you know that, then that mean you can get me in there, ....quiet children, adults are talking! You two just get me that walk a fame footage, the best since Soledad and his beauties, walked up in here, you're still a trader! Can you believe her? I believe her, that's Erica Lynn, it's this modeling schedule I don't believe, I am human, you all know that right, that I'm not some damn in and out of it mannequin? Ty, I know we got Meyer and Nguyet, but I think you can pull it off as well, ..I don't, ... try out for the Queen Model contest, be my Dissuasion entry and I'll do all I can to help you. While to start, I mean since you know about them, can you get me the actual dibs on Paris Globes' Medicine Bow, did you say, the youngest right? No, Bronze is under him, then there's a baby sister, Jaguar, Braveheart, ...wow, those names are as incredible, as mystical Ash as they are, ....okay I got you, I'll find out all I can, I'll play matchmaker, and you, wait, even wake, you know they are the authentic genesis marriage worshipers? I know I Wren I would love to know more, to get to know him, the Medicine Bow one, okay, got ya, you consider entering, I got you, .got to go, trying to leave this place sometimes a couple weeks from now, funny Tynan, so funny."     
                                       SCENE XIII

    "Do you really Nicholas think I could go on with a life with you, knowing that Mike is alive, knowing with every tick of the clock his heart is being torn apart, being pulled out, missing me, what about Mike's heart? Watching, hearing her in a dream, sitting on the opposite side of the bed just as she confessed watching him, lovely, lovely husband Nicholas Edin sleep. "Did I really Tiffany think you could go on with a life with me, knowing that Mike is alive somewhere close, knowing with every tick of the clock his heart is being torn apart, being pulled out, missing you, what about Mike's heart?" Watching, hearing himself in a dream, sitting on the opposite side of the bed just as he confessed watching himself, sleep. "What happen? You was breathing really erratic, shaking and quaking, it was scary, almost like you was being chased, you were really, really panic. Did I say anything? No, it was,just, I'm sorry about that, you don't have to apologize, Nicholas, I'm okay, I'm just going to the bathroom. "Knock, knock, knock, you alright? I'm fine, you don't sound fine, my stomach is really upset, that's all, that's' all. Tiffany, just go back to bed okay, please,  you don't wanna talk, about the dream, anything? I don't wanna talk about this, no, just go, go back to bed, this bath is my best friend right now, be careful what you ask, huh? Nicholas, you can talk to me about anything, not Tiffany about this, now please, I'm sick as it is, please, you're only making it worse, okay, okay, unlock the door so I'll know you're alright, nothing to hide and I'll go back to bed, that doesn't make sense, but here, there you go. No, I don't know, I unlocked the door keep your part of the bargain okay, goodnight Nicholas, goodnight, morning, evening, whatever it is out there. What does that mean? Tiffany please, going, going gone!"     >>>"Thank you so much for coming, I didn't think you would," having nervously, unsuccessfully pushed a dark, huge lock of hair behind his perfumed, flavored ear, those fading so perfectly into edible facial stubble, but because an excited Bronze Coten Field was so apparently oblivious of it all, made him all this more remarkable presence. "I'm glad Ms Pitman, you was able to make the meeting, I don't know what good my being here did, but, I, ah, went over the proposal that you sent, ah offered. I'm just going to admit, I can't afford a tuition in France. To be honest Ms Pitman, it's Candace Tatiau, you can just call me Tatiau. Right, as I was saying we, Tatiau, the Paris Globe will cover 20% of it's recruits tuition for an entire year. Please, with that in mind you wouldn't pay no more than you're paying right now, ah possibly less, it's just that I didn't actually Mr. Deburk, it's Bronze. Ah, Bronze, I didn't see that in the tuition packet, well, the offer is like under the table in case someone Ms. Pittman have a financial disability. Well, does that increase the possibility that you many join us, the Paris Global after all? I admit Bronze it actually does and I will ask that you give me a week to further decide. I'll talk to you then, well Tatiau, I can't wait to hear from you, and I Bronze can't wait to call on you, again. I better go, my brothers are being such knuckleheads, I'll be manning the doors and phones, good day Mr, Deburk, you too Miss Pittman. What Saber man, like you actually gonna leave me in Manhattan, even to the statue of Liberty, you tell her, you tell her how much you like her? Yeah Medicine, all while you guys are rushing me into the car and all, those eyes of hers, both amazing and sinister looking sleepy, smoky eyes, yes, yes, smooth, butterscotch skin, and her mouth, her lips, so is she, is smoky eyes coming? She, ah, Cadence Tatiau, is uncertain, will call me in a week, so your prayer closets the brother's I love, knees, fingers crossed all of that. I believe the next question I'll ask Cadance Tatiau Pittman might be, will she marry me? Man Bronze, you are in too deep, why too deep and way too soon, all those who have stunning wives already, give me no negative vibes or comments. I need you guys to be in prayer for Catthery as well, she's really, ah, she's, damn, how do I put this? Look, just pray for her, the non conception thing, right? I Cheyenne didn't want to say, but yes, I don't have a problem, I'm just enjoying my wife, but the fact I come from such a large family, Catthery is freaking out and she's freaking me out as well! Why don't you two come with us to Barbados, come with you to the Caribbean, just like that Chey man? Yeah, and I mean they'll know nothing until we arrive at the private jet, what the hell, ah heck you say? Despite my responsibilities to the Globe, despite hers to the Museum Chey, we just throw all that off and just go? Who is their closet co-worker, friend, confabulation, all? See if you can work out her leave by getting to her boss through them, then you two like take a few days off, next she know we're maxing and relaxing in a Barbadoes paradise and that brother Saber could be the only relief and release she need. So it's Dr, Cheyenne now? Okay Mr. wisdom, don't you mean doctor? You just gonna give Thanie's vacation away just like that? For all I care, and for all Sethanie will care Saber man, we could check into Barbados hotels together and not see each other again until departure five days later, I'm just saying. You really think this is possible? If you want it to happen bad enough yes, guys, guys, out of the car, we better run, that's my bag, what does it matter Medicine, as long as it on the plane? You really Chey have me intrigued, I'm gonna do it, good, I'm telling you it's all the relaxation you two need, both of Thanie's pregnancies come while vacationing, it may work for you two as well, don't want you brothers that far into my marriage, but hope pray, you're right."     >>> "Did you get any sleep? I felled asleep in the bathroom, when I woke I had two towels under my head for pillows, used them for showering and here I am, all Maaseiah's male ready. You gonna talk to me about all of this, this apparent horrifying dream? No, not yet, if ever, well did I do something wrong, say something, or should I Nicholas just count both of them along how many ways? I got to go, This early? It's barely light, plus you've never left this early before, is this about me contemplating home, the center? Contemplating home Tiffany or Michael Day, ah Cullen Veneer? Excuse me, it's what you're thinking, dreaming, so it's now Nicholas cause for your nightmares? I'm just suppose to forget what just happen to Agurus, that if it hadn't been for him standing in it's way, this would be your memorial we're fastening upon? That's it isn't it, you're experiencing the horrors and terrors I suffered while getting to and waiting that, dark, black bunker? That's ridiculous, even impossible, no, no it's not, it's happen to me many times, even to Erica before, probably others being this close. I'm not talking about it, I meant it, I can't stand you like this, like your light has gone and I can no longer satisfy you, and I can't tell you how helpless to horrifying that is. No, no, no, come here, hold me, let me hold you, don't you think that Tiffany, don't you ever believe that, you are the reason my heart rise and fall daily, the reason I take any nurturing breaths, god knows this. My heart tears that you terrify yourself with such thinking, this will never Tiffany be about you losing me, but my losing you, and how maddening. That's never Nicholas gonna happen, and Mike, that wasn't even real, he wasn't real, made sick realizing that..I got to go, that bell ringing, that'll be Nun Con'Nah Lue, so impatient, meet me for lunch, I'll call you. okay,  you look, smell astonishing, that's your E-excellent, see you later, be good, blessed until then.

                                                           SCENE XIV

     -Okay Mis Tynan Qoquarian, this is what I have, in two weeks after your session is done, you'll relocate to France, to Paris. To wha, are you, yes, how two people Ty gonna court two continents apart, besides Nicholas and Tiffany that is? So Tynan only miles from the Paris Globe, you'll assist with Mrs Saurus, ah Mrs Coogan actually, with the grand opening of the look for the woman salon, (that's Ty, cherchez la femme in French), right. After you arrive you gonna start sending Mr. Deburk, alias Medicine Bow, flowers, cards and chocolates, even chocolate cologne samples. Courting and bating him into a blind date with you, before he even see's you, whose invitation will arrive with cards and candies three days later. Once he sees you, Tynan, Cambodian gorgeousness he won't deny you, by that time, even wedding proposals could be the arrow of cupid's love. Hey, don't look so worry, they love and write poetry Ty, very good poetry I may add, they're very romantic. Easily, teasing and intriguing him in this manner girl it's gonna reel him in big time. What is this look? You Ash, you thought of this? Ah, yes, do you know how many of Dissasusions agents here are waiting on this Paris assignment? Especially with Meyer's husband being in France, don't worry about them, they'll be assigned to Paris eventually, you're just the first to go, that's all, and you can explain why? First, those two are future queens of Dissausation, they have to stay put for now, see, I've thought of everything. Wait, did you just verify I won't be competing after all? Now that Nan I haven't figured. What? My mom used to call me that, everyone else called me Ty, but she called me Nan, I heard about what happen to her, I'm so sorry. All of us were in danger, the car accident that day, but she was lost instantly, my this Christ is god, as you all say, I'm relocating to Paris France. I'm courting one of the phenomenal men of the Paris globe, and that part the Paris Globe courtship Ty for now, keep to yourself. Yes madam. Yeah, don't want no one stealing or hurting your brilliant plan, you know that Ash right, this plan is brilliant? Sessions is calling me, got to go, thank you Ash, thank you so much, .yea, you welcome, tell your stunner husband Tony I said hey, okay, I will, wow Ash, keep it together girl, are those tears in my eyes, breath, breath, so damn emotional, speaking of Tony, hell, am I pregnant? Who am I now Ash, your ob-gyn, doc?"     {{{"Yes, this is Mr. Deburk, Bronze Coten, I'm in an, no, ah, airport terminal, ah Tatiau? Yes, I hear, is some, you have decided to come? That is fantastic news, I'm so happy for you, I'll be calling with my itinerary and flight plans so you're know when to expect me. Great, as I said, fantastic, so I should hear from you in like a few days then? Sound good, really, no we just arrived, getting to our transport right now, alright Ms. Pittman, don't keep me waiting, okay, right, right, okay, bye to you as well. Tatiau is coming, my christ, can you smile any harder? You think I can get Soledad Maurice to sing at the wedding? Hard to say, he's going under contract, you know how that is, he'll do it, he'll love to, aren't we getting a little ahead, first you don't know her, two, you haven't asked her, three, you have no answer, and four there is no wedding of yet and five Chey, what I say about brother's with stunner wives, ah, as of children, already, giving negative comments? Geeze, Louise!"     >>>"Jude, I thought I would miss you, Sura let me in, yes Nicholas Edin, I was kind of expecting you, as you can see, Sura and I are very busy, our plane is in, you must explain, explain what? What was that fear, hell that worship, even? It wasn't fear Nicholas, it was observance, ah, reverence, I can perhaps tell you, but it will not be pretty and you will not be complete. Just tell me, .it is believed by Alyn, Tristan Alyn that one day soon on the throngs of unprecedented death a Utopian Paradise will be created out of the ruins of Africa. Only, only Nicholas at the time this was a party to a make believe story he was to write, to even create of his clever mind, loving, aching heart, then, suddenly Nicholas as you know, he get stricken with a deadly virus that is none of his and through its research he is to realize whatever it is to be that is transpiring. Just this evil pathogen, horribly in Africa, will one day change the course, even the bloodline of the entire globe, again like his make believe story. You are right Jude, I don't get it, ok, ok, what year is this? Ah 1994, 1995? Ok the startling statistic you're to understand about Africa from his notes won't be realized by the known world until 15 to 16 years from now", let’s say 2011-2012, remember, they're Alyn Tristan's' evaluations, that he has a theory, a what if, if you may call it that. That is prior to any of his knowledge concerning Africa, no, this was a nonsense plot. One that was to sweeten his fictional project that much more, that theory is what is transpiring in Africa will kill life in ways unimaginable, human, plant, animal, but what will emerge will be an Eden paradise that is profound. Wait, you're saying what is to be realized of Africa, actually the world, so about 15 to  16 years from now was a makeup story by Tristan, only his massive research has proven to him that it's not such a make believe story after all? Exactly Nicholas, exactly, it is like Africa herself was at one time Eden and as she prepare herself miraculously again to be this Eden as the Supreme this grace extended, it will, all things that is not according to this will, this purpose will meet with death. So you're saying Tristan prophesied this? No, I'm to say it made his story sound good, gave it character,  place, and position, only he is to realize what he imagined is coming true, all around. Just prior to this story he knew nothing of Africa but Sierra Leone was the name of an area there, he knew nothing more, I don't know Jude, you, you're still kinda losing me here. Ok, ok, Nicholas Eden is lost again, yeah Jude, kinda, the British, when death cometh escape again to Britain, all the other foreigners in Africa when death cometh escape to their native lands, though for the African person, Africa is their native land. She is their mother, our mother, if it was possible to migrate them all to a deserted land, one that is to be overflowing until Africa is made anew. One like the Mayans' forsaking Petén, many lives could be spared, good ideal right? Apparently not only are these African people, they're the Ethiopian man that cannot change the skin, one that is feared, mocked Nicholas abused. One that is misunderstood and despised about the world, seeming this curse among men, everywhere you go Nicholas Edin they are expendable. It is then realized by Allyn Tristian's pretense, call it insanity or self preservation, that all nations would one day escape unto her, that because of wars and rumors, because of natural disasters gone cataclysmic, because of the deaths of myriads and the ruin of much. Actually because of present –day Africa becoming all territories of this earth at once, there will be a worldwide exodus, and a new Africa, the new revised Eden will be the home of the entire world, but especially the marriage worshipers, again in his make believe story. Something miraculous our beloved Tristan calls it the African Juttah, meaning extension, that's what Tiffany Ann calls it as well, the African Juttah. You said this is a make believe theory of his, but I Jude hear in that, that this is remarkably true? It has all the potential of being true, that potential Nicholas Coogan is undeniable, now imagine his horror when he realized this. Lets' say what Tristan imagined as a form of entertainment, of mystery to his work is to come true, what does Tiffany Ann have to do with this, what was this needful reverence you spoke of? You don't feel it yet Nicholas Edin, but the closer you are to come to the Supreme's belief, faith, you will know things. You will see things and especially feel things, you will know that Tiffany Ann, has everything to do with this, she don't know it yet but she is Sia? "Sia huh? Of course, Tiffany Ann isn't her birth name? It's Maaseiah Adonia, the Sia, the assembler of the African Juttah, although, she seem to be far away from this reality, these truth are what beats her heart and assure it's spirit. Well I've spilled myself as honestly as is possible at this time Nicholas Coogan, please, go in peace, thanks for putting everything in such perspective, well actually thanks for trusting me with such the mystery of godliness, yes, deemed the Righteous Bride, you two have a great trip, and we shall Nicholas Edin, and we shall."

                                                                   SCENE XV

      "And what is that? That Medicine Bow my man is someone sending you a cupid with flowers, a card, with chocolate both edible and chocolate cologne samples. Someone send me flowers, is that a little backwards? I could look at the card, no, no, I mean the tag on the flowers, okay Lion, if you must, ahhhh, it says, from Tynan with love. So whose Tynan? You ask brother like I know, you know those chocolate, cologne samples are from Maaseiah's Male Line. They will Medicine Bow have the women following you around for days. So now you know my secret, so not kidding, someone left me flowers, is it my birthday, an anniversary, am I, what am I celebrating? Have anybody, no, no one has ever send me flowers, nor candy before, which mean Med man, you must be doing something a whole lot better than I am, than any of us. Tynan, right, you can call her Ty, or Nan, this Medicine has really thrown you off kelter, huh? Way more Lion Wolf than I care to admit, I could give the greeting card a gander, no, no, you can't, I'll take the flowers, the card, the cologne samples, I'm telling you, be careful with those, unless you want marriage proposals from around the world and back. I'll keep a few of the chocolates, the rest you can put in the lounge area, in care Med man of Tynan, right?  We still on for lunch so we can go over this Soledad Artelon proposal? We don't want to admit it Lion but Desrek Aggart is possibly right, we might have to start considering nuptial, to prenuptial dorms if we're to help and house, teen married couples. I hear you, feel you and all Med man, but I so want to know what that card says, see you for lunch Lion, come on! Nothing like this has ever happen to us before, okay, okay, I'm going, but when you know more,  come on bro, you gotta tell me something, alright then, going, going, gone!"     >>>{{{"I heard they placed Belize on punishment, probably no prom, not only that, if they allow her, it's to be someone of their choice,  and that Itcus prevents nothing, you just hook up with her once you're both there. What about Dome? Pretty much the same, just on lock down like that's to stop anything, we're married and virtually with children, as father, told them, though they want too there's no undoing it, the only thing that concern me Icus man, they're threatening to send Dome to grandparents in Louisiana, man, god forbid. They can send her off planet, now that father's mind and heart is mad, there's no place they're to hide either of our wives, he will reach them if need be, we need that Paris tuition approved, that's it and that's all. What if we ask or persuade dad, since we're married and going our own way, can we have our inheritance he's been bragging about all our lives? I don't know bro, though Pepe is helping us right now, he's still pretty furious at us, still I say we bring it up at dinner tonight, after we tell him our set plans of what we're to do with it, .hey I'm with you.. rise, fall, good, bad, until death Ivar man, until death part us brother, just like our wives." 

                               ...FOR THE KING TRUSTETH IN THE LORD...
                                                             SCENE XVI

My Dearest Medicine Bow, Deburk

     -I’ve only lived a short time yet I’ve lived forever, I’ve only known a few people yet I'm known by everyone,  I only have eyes for you, yet my vision isn’t clear, I miss you so much, though I little miss you. I was born into this world without a say from me, my parents loved and I was born, what about you?
     -I’ve found you, ah my god I’ve  lost you, yet here you are right beside me, inside me, you and I are one, yet I am alone, I am alone. I know who made you and you say no way, I know where you come from and you say not that place, I know who you are and you say that’s not me, I know that you  are mine and you say not this time  ...what am I? Love Tynan 

      "It's the card from the flowers Lion, it's handwritten and personalized into a riddle I call mission butterfly, no doubt playing Lion into the fact we're also poets. It burns and arouses such the mystery, how fascinating, I got to find her, meet her, I'm at the edge of the seatbed of affections until I do. We could get an investigator, and do what Lion Wolf  man, scare her away? No, as much as I hate dangling so helplessly this thread of unaware I got to see this remarkable out, okay, so mission butterfly? That's what I call it, her, this delicate to impossible fleet, but regardless, I will capture her, seize her the jar of my heart, we will Lion Wolf, meet. Then Lion, the answer to Soledad Aggart proposed billion inherits along marriage worshippers, I know, get Tristan blood farmers article out there, as so that Omega Ball interview Soledad just did about gun violence and get as many to fund the nuptial, prenuptial dorms ideal as possible, so we can start buying and building as soon we can. What? Tristan was looking at a mountain, wilderness property, in New York, Hike's Peak, called the Artelon house, he and Sura Danielle found it, he always fascinated how it, the size of it, the many baths, how it could be remodel into, like a boarding house, ie, a nuptial, prenuptial dorm.  Then that's it Medicine, only first we start a fundraiser using Soledad Aggart the performer while he's hot right now, look, according to Tristan, Maaseiah's Nicholas Edin verifies she's a fantastic singer as well, so those two together, well that's it Med man, , we have a plan, I'll get intouch with Captain Aggart tell him we're moving forward with his plan and we take it from there, then perfect Lion man."   {{{'I know all of that sir, but I wanted to spend special time with Belize, I couldn't do that, I wouldn't do that, until I first make her my wife,  are you sir saying it is alright I spend, I share with your daughter, as long we don't married? Apparently sir you don't how much trouble our youth is in, suicide, alcohol, drugs, violence because of all of the sexual pressure to identity confusion. Therefore though it seem as if I did your daughter an injustice, I've instead shown her the ultimate of respect, this entire house and all I'm asking is that you allow me escort your daughter who is now my wife to our prom.  May I son, shake the hand of a real man? Yes, yes sir, you just remind me what prom night was for us, and it was to play games of tug-of -war over which girl was easily taken advantage, and being the father of a teen daughter, her prom brought that reaping nightmare scenario right home, yes, you have my permission to take my daughter who is as well your wife to the prom and may it son be a most memorable night, thank you sir, goodnight, goodnight and godspeed.}}} Can I say it charles, I've never been so proud of you, not since the day you asked me to marry and doing the wedding said I do, did you hear how he explained it? Did you Charles know that young man that gave yet unconceivable to that gun violence question is one of Itcus best of friends. That they spend their honeymoon cruise, all of them together, that they darling husband are four of the most popular teens o married couples on the planet right? Our God has done awesome by us and our daughter, these are tears of how proud I am of my husband, ump, I need to call Bates, yes, try and explain as best I can, yes, I agree totally, what blessedness. Do you know how long it's been I've felt this good about anything, yes it's sorta like christmas come early, well here goes, just explain it the way Itcus Ivar did, .wow honey, that doesn't make me feel intimidated at all, thanks."      >>>"Look at what I found, these are for you dear, for me? That's what the delivery man said, they're simply gorgeous, well what does it say? For My Eternal Love, Vincent, that is so romantic, yes it is, well let’s not get too overjoyed.  "Look, have I ever told you Nguyet about what happen to Corronda? No, I don't remember anything, well we got into some trouble with the mob some years back, I heard something about that, I didn't Erica think it was real though. Ah, believe me, it was very real, especially for Ronda, in their attempt to learn of Tiffany, whose father was a drug Lord or something, never figured it, some bad guys questioning Tips whereabouts, Ronda was violently attacked and left for dead. Ronda, I mean Mrs. Aggart, Stuart, and Tiffany's dad? It sound so made up, ....the plain truth is Ronda was beaten, viciously assaulted, they broke several of her fingers, ribs, they had no intentions of leaving her alive. My word, that's unbelievable, yeah, she gave up on her life for a while, her friends, even Dexter, everything, everything Nguyet. And what, all of this is public knowledge? No, god no, but she told me I could share it with you, ...my god why? Nguyet, I'm not going to pretend as though I know what happen, but I know something happen, I know that something happen the night Vincent escorted you to the Omega Lamar's Fashion Show. You don't know anything, I know a part of you didn't come back from that night, I have good instincts and they tell me something went terribly wrong. Maybe it did and just maybe Erica it didn't, I must add I feel really guilty sense I encouraged the whole thing, it wasn't your fought. So something did happen? I didn't say that, please Nguyet, I’m so here for you, the entirety of Dissuasion is, if not me then talk to Ronda and see Barbara, don't do this alone, ok! I don’t know what happen, Erica, it all unfold so fast, I don’t want to get him in trouble, hell us, I mean there’s no telling what Bij Mein Paui will do. Look, you stop right there, stop thinking about Bi Mein or Vincent, what about you, can you Nguyet live with it, with what did or didn’t happen, can you go on, have you gone on? Suppose it isn't the first time it’s to happen, that it isn't the last time, this could Nguyet happen again, it could be happening with one of the others girls as we sit around debating. You’re right, and I’ve thought about that, of course Erica I’ve thought about that, I’ll talk to Mrs. Coogan, to Mrs. Stuart even, I’ll take their advice, good, I’m glad, really glad.”


                                          SCENE XVII

     "Look who haven't been himself since the FPD conference, do you Kas realize how much our lives are about to change? To be honest babe I knew that the day we married, only now our paths are clearer, and that doesn't absolutely terrify you? Yes, but it's not Sole like I'm alone, I got you, and you, your gods of both heaven and earth laboring on your behalf, don't you see all you have to do from this point on is just show up? Everything is a red carpet of rose pebbles all laid out for you and before you, we fine Kas as long as we don't lose sight of God and each other, those are what's important? Here, what's that? My work schedule has been cleared for Jamaica for the next three days, you, my blessed, blessed lady? Yes, I went through Dean Lambert, explained the situation, he told me take my time and to make mention of  him and the campus, you too Hain, yeah, he's set, his friend Arron and his girl Madison as well, wow, we're about to have such a mighty good time, wow! They may ask me to sing, to serenade you Kassle like I did that night, what you think? I think as you just said, I can't wait, is this Kassle what it mean when some say not even the sky is the limit? Right, for according to the word, the saints rest is up there right, right, perfect to say, to know. Look I been meaning to ask you, do you think w should see a birth specialist, ah check into natal care, something could be wrong with me, I say Kassle, you're pregnant? Yes, sure, let's, let's do it, great, great, I don't want to wait, then wonder husband neither do I, ah dinner,  you want to order out or go out? What, what that withdrawal about? We kinda been asked to my parents house for dinner, Key as well, and I've allowed not asking or telling to wind down to just an hour prior, I'm sorry, I didn't know how to ask, or say. Kas, your parents are my, are my parents in law now, did I say, okay, anyway, if they sincerely want to be apart of our lives, I welcome them, I so welcome them. Okay then, let's go, Key told me that's what you would say, well, what did you think I would say? I don't know, I guess I was a little to intimidated to think clearly, ..don't ever Kas be frightened to come to me with anything, ever, your parents being atheist that's their belief, I will, actually I can not hold that against them, Christ is the author of all freedom to choose, where the heck."     {{{"Why are you helping me really, if you can't have her neither can Nicholas? I have my reasons, just as you have yours, especially now that you've found yourself on daddy's good list, I doubt very much Pepe Saurus has a good side, beside those kids, and even that's questionable, but I know what you mean. And if she take one look at me and decide she hate me forever, or the type of love, of sacrifice you say you have for her, isn't coming again face to face with her worth that? Tiffany Ann was never married, before, she was  never close to Nicholas, to another man before, I saw them together the Lamars, it made me heart sick to see her that close to someone else, who is her first engagement, the near husband, fated destiny, Mr. Veneer, that got away? I'm pretty sure and so are you a night doesn't go by she's not contemplating what should've been, especially now knowing you are indeed alive. So I look to you Coogan to let me know when she is again in the state, and you say the marriage is nothing but vows, no papers as yet, purely, inconsequential legally and that's the card you play. You do know you're killing him, you're killing Nichola Edin, believe me, this year going on without her I wouldn't wish that kinda blood and flesh ache on my worst enemy, it's purely tug of war insanity to suicide. As as he love her want and think he need her, he has France and I know him, he's not gonna stand in the way of what she want and deep in her she want you, she want Mike, and you're the only one that can deliver him. I'm convinced now if you Sye need to carry on this conversation to persuade yourself, ...no, I have appointed and legal assignments to get to, hear from soon then, ...yeah Mr. Veneer, soon."     >>>"Mire, hey, how you get in, I called ash she told me how to get in, told me you're not feeling good, ..I get like this, sometime not remembering very depressing, then get out of bed get dressed there's somewhere you need to go, I'm not taking no for an answer, I'll be waiting on i the front and what is you got on you smelling so good, some sample Ash gave me, it's the dresser behind you, grab one for your hubby, if he doesn't love it, you will, alright Mire, I'm in the shower and I'm dressed and ready,  {{{"Hey Miss lady I'm at your place and you need a blacksmith, no he got right up, I'm taking the kids to the amusement park, that should cheer him up, you are so welcome, nothing cheer you up like being around kids, so he should be feel better. What are they telling him about his memory? There's nothing they can tell him except time, ah he love those photo albums, and you marking everyone, I know Mire that took work. Well Ash I'm working really hard on being a good sister, well it's really appreciated, kiss my darling husband for me,y'all have fun, I gotta go, okay doll. Wow what was that for?  A sister can't kiss her brother, plus that beautiful wife of yours ask me to, ...so that was her on the phone? I'm ready to go I think, good do I have a fun surprise for you, ...fun, fun is really good, so you Mr. moody think you can happy, yes, for you Mire, yes, ah that's of sweet."  


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