Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tiffany I


The Anamnesis and the spirit of 07/12/2003

-When I took that killing tool Dear Creighton and released it so happily at securing our romantic future did its cold, pitiless projectile directly prick my foreskin. This blood, substance and truly I kid you not I yet hear, seemingly with ceaseless peril the hacking, cracking and sawing of that defensive skeleton releasing out of its skillful carcass what I’d labored life and living for twenty plus one years.
-Then Creighton the fantastic, this literally indescribable, it was as though I was a caged bird being set free at soaring into the unknown yonder, yes wild, yes free and at a serenity dear one. For a certainty, an even more miraculous thing, I wasn’t alone, they were as birds themselves, yes by the thousands themselves. Yes all flocking toward this hospitable weightless-ness, this divine worthiness of songs, voices and tall tales. When dear Creighton just as abruptly a heaviness took place, a swelling vulgar ness. Truly a loutish even boorish spasm as one is to instead clip said wings and you’re not just falling but you’re being abducted and confiscated, consumed skin from skin, blood from blood, as so spirit and soul from spirit and soul. 

-It’s there Dear Creighton the great, glorious light upon which you’re to abide as this unthinkable tranquility that seem now only an arm length away. Ok stretching, extending hands and spread out fingers away grow all the more dim, dark and soon a black void. You could swear Dear Creighton you’re screaming your loudest scream, that you’re fighting your most urgent fight, as so is there this irritating, drilling and soul altering outcry at trying to rewind it all, have a change of heart. Then this resounding indistinctness Creighton, yes this escalating imprecision, this stripper of all things being human and you’re beyond lifelessness, you’re disaster-prone.

And He Became A Living Soul, He Became Adam, He Became Eve, He Became Espoused -My most recent American horror story is the startling fact not only is it heart breaking that most members of armed forces commit suicide, for some odd reason are their loved ones as well struck heart grippingly with this mental form for debilitation of worthlessness to hopelessness to utter despair. Doing a lyric of Selah, as they’re describing Christians , who are as well the persecution church in America and around the world, those hated for the righteousness they upheld despite the trial, horror even bouts of martyrdom. Therein is said, mention, how, we the Saints in waiting are desperate in this place, a place otherwise forsaken by the Creator God who hath them, if it wasn’t for Christ’s Cross, His Holy Spirit joining in and of course that one the lest celebrated as is her bridegroom, Jesus, the Bride, truly soon to ascend.

-Let look at the word, desperation, when I consider this word, and yes we’re all brought to this wilderness of unreachable peace and calm, and bouts feeling completely lowly, the damsel in the distress both the female and the man, but until such the match is made, we’re admonished to trust, delight and commit and thus wait on him, the only God who hath and can thus resolve this man. It been years now, when Holy Spirit like a john the beloved being shown the apostate mother over all the earth that has nothing but man but epidemic of holocaust constantly proven.
-I too was shown a curious thing, how this inconceivable delusion began, this supposedly American Dream, dream being the primary, but whose dream or whose dreaming and for how long now and do they realize how many people have died, how many are dying as I write, with billions yet set in this kaleidoscope regarding the taking of life, and even here is mystery, mankind born sin and death, meaning the only thing of value, America, the west nothing but a satanic form of predatory lending, it is then one’s one immortal thing, the soul.
-I know it seem insignificant, but one Elohim shaped man into a likeness of his imagine, he gave him a miraculous things, when He breath his own immortality into him, this first ever Adam, now a living Soul, so death is the curse, so even if you kill yourself, you can’t escape death, it is appointed to all to die, that is cursed brought upon all that is life, so like SHRINKS told this person long ago, there is no such thing as taking your life, the flesh goes back to the earth, the spirit back to God, but the soul , only God himself can resolve and have resolved, you’ve laid aside the inevitable, that’s all, I just don’t want to think about it, the immortal that morals forgot, Jesus Christ, the immortal, that mortals forgot, Jesus Christ..... 

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTEDOTE ... Beast Of Beauty 2020 

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring, Starring: Nicholas Edin Coogan , Tiffany Ann Saurus, (Maaseiah Adonai), Syefan Erin Coogan, Susan Regina , Bradford Ean Coogan, Barbara Ann, Matthew Edwin Hymm and Erica Lynn, Christian Cross Artelon and Eve Lynn, Spirit River Artelon and Reeese Dexter Leon Stuart and Corranda Bren Aggart, Anthony Decorte and Ashleigh Michelle Roget , Nun Connah Lue

The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy

Unto Rudolph James Saurus and Thadius Consuela Leathercoat was born their daughter Maaseiah Adonai Saurus, twin sons, Icus Ivar Saurus and Agurus Ivar Saurus Unto Benard Reginal Roget and Virgie Denise Coleson was born a daughter Erica Lynn Roget and a son two years later Patrick Benard Roget

Unto Julius Anthony Robinson and Diane Rose Sonnery was born a son Caliph Jonathan Robinson and a daughter Barbara Ann Robinson

Unto Philippe Castro and Rosary Antiqua Reer was born a son Desrek Allum Aggart, a daughter Corronda Aggart and a son Soledad Maurice Aggart

Unto John Luke Roget and Kimberly Breen Lochay was born a daughter Ashleigh Roget, a daughter Trenice Aggart and another daughter Tatiana Aggart

Unto Yon Enid Chow and Stardance Lee was born their daughter Sea Bellows Moon Chow and a Son Nun Connah Lue, Chow Unto James Felton Scout and Brianne Canary Garrison was born their son Evan Charles Scout and a daughter Susan Faye Scout

Unto Anthony Abraham Coogan and Cossie Ann Matheson was born their first son Bradford Elam Coogan, their second son Syefan Erin Coogan and a third son, Nicholas Edin Coogan Unto Matthew Edwin Hymm Senior and Phyllis Ann Deere was born a single son Matthew Edwin Hymm Jr. and a deceased sister Catherine Renée Cloon

Unto Dayson Peak Deburk and Robin Jaybird Longknife was born their first son Arise Sioux Noel Deburk, their second son Standing Apache Arrow Deburk, their third son Cheyenne Water Falls Deburk, their fourth son Marked Tree Hill Deburk, their fifth son Wounded Knee, Saber Tooth Deburk, their sixth son Lion Wolf Paw Deburk, their seventh son Medicine Bow Sign Deburk, and their last son Bronze Coten Field Deburk and a daughter Nesting Brave Heart Longknife
You Just entered the African Juttah 2020 

Tiffany Ann, By: P. A. Bradford, Apostle
Wr. 1992-1996




"What the hell is she doing now?" Turning about, researching, were they as usual in this visual research after Erica Lynn. "It's about time, ---I think he really like me, ---he, when did you Erica get it down to just one? Yeah, yeah you two, just get in!" Flirting as usual Erica at Susan's their designated driver agitation pushed into the auto. “Girl I tell you, you and your men,“ as one starting the car, turning, backing them out, fussing at dawn catching them another morning leaving their favorite night spot. “Man what has happen now? There’s no telling, this is Hike's Peak, there’s always something going on.” Seeming this ritual of their’s, spending most Friday nights partying and the dawn of Saturday mornings rushing home to rest up for that nights’ partying as well. “I can't believe this, it’s what 2, 3 o’clock in the morning? Man this is crazy, damn it Sissy, you’re barely going, moving, yeah, this is awful, people honking their horns and yelling profanity back and forth, like that’s gonna help them at all. I guess I'll go to sleep," with a dazed as this Tiffany Ann laying rather comfortably in the back as it was her turn, was Susan and Erica disagreeing to debating over the cause of this taxing build up.


-"Looook!" Suddenly letting out the most horrifying screech, her eyes stretched, jaws dropped at her pointing and leaping literally from her seat, "it's him! Who?" With a now ruffled Susan and Tiffany anxiously investigating was Erica Lynn hysterical at grabbing Susan's head, turning it to the direction she was most anxious, causing Tiffany Ann at hanging over the seat seeing as well. "Are you guys freaking blind? Ah my god!" With eyes beaming into her own jaws dropping, quite traumatic made aware, did Susan Faye indeed see as well, "it is him. Who? The monster!" With Erica bearing a cunning grin suddenly Tiffany too began to see him, "ah god," sighing sorrowfully, even sickly into a hand over the mouth, it was him, the Monster of Hike's Peak, two-face they all called him, the pressed traffic had caught him as well. “Just try not to look you guys, don’t stare, what’s that other thing they call him? Two faced, it is said for one side of his face Erica is as beautiful as any man would hope and the other side is horribly scared and contused.” People were very cruel to him, the girls had only heard of him and by dares peeped in on where he lived, this is the first time they'd actually seen him, he wasn't but a car over from them, to their right. "I wonder Tip how do you know all of that? I wonder who looks best he or his dog? Ah leave him alone, don't you guys think he has suffered enough? We were only kidding, ---god! I bet he could just die. Okay Tip" winking an eye at Susan that this was their chance to get the best of Tiffany Ann "here's your chance, my chance for what? You know, yeah Erica’s right, you always befriending people, let's see you befriend that, yeah, I bet you won't go over and ask him his name. You guys are crazy" instead shaking her head into a much desired rest down into the back seat was Susan and Erica being their silliest. "What is the damn hold up? Hey!" Summoning one of the motorist as if he’s to know better than them all, was the unknowing unbearable. "You know what's wrong? A really bad accident, about five cars, it's all on WKL 101. Thanks," as one responding to a nod of his head did Susan get busy finding the station. "Five cars, there's no telling how long we're gonna be here, yeah I wished I'd left earlier with Mike" as one peeking out disorderly when suddenly her car door open and she began walking toward the monster's car. "What the hell?" Jerking around quite astonished, turning, as well through the rear view and side mirrors watching carefully. "Is she crazy? I don't believe it," gravely suspecting Tiffany's insane gesture, contemplating her every move as she’d undoubtedly lost her mind. "My god she's actually going over there. ..Ah my god!" As one approaching the car did his dog begin barking rather frantically at causing her to be spooked somewhat. "What am I doing?" Those very words, that very fear squeaked in her tighten throat, “he's gonna think I'm mad, hell I think I'm mad." He'd reclined his seat and couldn't see her as she pursued upon him, but his dog alerted him to the point he rose and looked toward the window, right into her face. "May I help You?" Tiffany thought she would die, she was, she was dying, she'd never done anything so stupid in her life. She thought she would fall right there in the street, in the traffic, her knees were weakening, her legs trembling, her heart was in her throat, her stomach, she was sick. "Miss, is something wrong?" Gulping hard, god! She hoped she'd hadn't swallowed her tongue, for she couldn't speak, she couldn't make a freaking sound. "Miss?" Being of utmost concern after her, that she’d abandoned her own vehicle, came upon him a stranger among all strangers. "Are you alright? Uh huh," as a sort of hiccup. “No, no, my friends, they, sort of, you,” displaying herself terrified, not because she felt threaten, but somewhat dumbfounded, he wasn't a monster, but quite the gentleman, one speaking with such grace, such passion and with a darling accent, only forceful when he ordered the dog to be silent. "I’m sorry, sorry I bothered you," instead backing off, retreating did Tiffany get back to the car as quickly as her weak legs would go. Diving into the back seat, covering her head in shame, she'd made a damn fool of herself. “Ah my god, are you insane?” The both of them jeering her, bursting their sides, it was so hilarious, did Tiffany's throat began to tighten the more, eyes tingled, heart pounded as she felt such the idiot. It would seem she got back just in time, she could feel the car moving faster and faster, getting as far away from him. "You can raise your head now, yeah he's made his turn, he won't come for you until nightfall, Ha, ha, ha," slowly unveiling herself into a push upon their seats was Tiffany herself wondering what mental breakdown inspired her to do such a thing? "My god I can't believe I did that, tell me I didn't just do that? Ah you did it" Erica as did Susan yet taunted her, herein making their way home as quickly as possible. Obviously their not realizing the accident which held them up for hours. All the police cars and ambulances they were passing was an accident involving Susan's man friend Syefan Erin and Tiffany's fiance, Michael Day, one of which had been killed. They paid very little attention to the wreaked cars, the massive chaos, but how could they have known?
The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy


"Ahhh god that was incredible," as one dreaming from an amazing shower, a plush velvet towel finding her soft, butterscotch skin remarkable. "Not all the hot water Erica Lynn, I assure you, man,” that even with his scares, he was almost beautiful, imaging he was so dark and mysterious, his hair, those thicken briars, his deep eyes, even his voice, so eloquently accented. "The monster of Hikes Peak is no monster, god, how juvenile am I? He probably think I’m a lunatic, well,” as one free falling into the bed, fluffing her pillows, trying to figure whether it’s to be a book or television, or was she too tired for it to matter? ”The thing good about that is he doesn’t know me from Adam.” {{{“Hello, ---Brad? What you, well what kind of, no, but, okay, okay, no I, did they hit, what did, we’ll be right there, yes of course.}}} There’s been an accident," flinging the light on, the warm, soothing covers from Erica Lynn relaxing so, at stirring her awake, barely ” That was Brad, Mike and Sye has been in an accident, an accident?” Did a concern Erica Lynn quietly ponder what she'd seen as they drove through the accident that morning, all of them thinking surely people had died. "I guess I should drive, right? Did Brad say how bad they were?" Yet fixing herself was this hearten news, most concerning, even nerve wracking, but was Tiffany Ann convinced all was well, how it simply had to be. "Nall Tip, that's what I’m afraid of, I'm sure they're alright, doing the accident this morning you guys, I did see a car that resembled Mike’s car, maybe but don’t Tip let your imagination run off with you.” Sissy, short for Susan, was the oldest, 27 years, liked acting as though she was boss, but she was quite the little pushover the others liked to think. "I Sissy saw something similar but I was too frightened to say," Erica Lynn, three years younger than Susan, now she's another story, she was arrogant, spoiled and needy, she always needed a man, not just any man, just any rich man. "Just what did Sye say really?" Tip or Tif short for Tiffany Ann was a very serious person, too serious to be so young, only 23 years old but had she met and fallen in love with one Michael Day Harmon they were to wed in one month. "He said they’d been in a serious accident and we needed, ---serious, he used the word serious?" Since Tiffany met Michael, she has been persuaded he is the man for her, that it is their destiny to be together forever, “and you Sissy took that as everything is ok? Nothing about this night, this morning Sissy has been ok, ...breath ok Tip, just breathe, I’m just focusing on the positive here, that’s all we have. Where did you say Michael work? I didn’t Erica say, although he’s an investigator for the FBI, I thought you knew that, yeah Sye say he’s only recently transferred to the drug division. Wow Tip, how serious is that? So serious Erica he felt the only thing missing in his life was a wife and children, so you and him Tip seem to hit it off, yeah, it’s why people always refer to us as a perfect couple. If he’s went off and got himself hurt, I’m gonna kill him myself, now Tip that’s an even better look at this, my God is Christ Sissy I hope you’re right."



"And we are here, you two." Trying to remain calm and encouraged little did they realize the horror awaiting them as they parked their fancy mobile. "There's Brad and Nickie," seeming the closer they drew to the hospital's entrance, the farther it was away, “and they Sissy don’t look all that promising, I don’t think I’ve seen Brad’s face so long. That was quick you guys, you can thank gas pedals over there,” with Tiffany's heart pounding harder and harder, as did Susan's, did Bradford grab her at rushing her down a long hall. “But where, he asked me, ...Nicholas," refusing to be touched, thus followed so tenderly of Nicholas Edin, Tiffany just started to tear, as she continued she could see Michael's mother crying, his father trying desperately to calm her, his sister's were also sobbing. This terrified Tiffany the more, all she wanted at this point was to see Michael, was to know that although he'd been injured, he was very much alive. “Ah god, my god, I need your help,” sensing intensely this wasn't the case, did a horrid fear tighten her throat along escaping warm to cold tears, her cheek, her neck, soon feeling faint. “I got you,” of course Nicholas Edin who'd followed so close captured her losing all control, helping her to a seat. "Where is he?" Passively, looking tenderly, yet sickly into Nicholas's equally lost demeanor, his being there to help. "Where’s Mike? My god Nicholas just tell me okay, he can't be dead, he can't, I, I got to, to find him. Tiffany!" Striking at a single driblet of hers, at taking her hand, at leading her into a private observation room he'd studied and studied how best to do this. "I don’t know how, damn it, I told Sye I, I couldn’t, I was just with, he's not, my god Nicholas!" Did an astonishing creature beyond words, Tiffany Ann style Nicholas Edin so tight into her, swiftly clasping her breaking self about his stout neck, his kind embrace, smell, obviously to prevent him, so overwhelmingly to near tears himself. “Shhhhh, I’m here for you,” ideally closing his eyes into this enormous closeness, her soft silken mane, that baby smooth skin, indescribable scent, her generous helplessness and needing her, this so much, himself. "Something bad, ---No, no!" Jarring the head, did a single finger of hers fly up at accusing him "No! No, you can't tell me that, you can tell me anything but that, please Tiffany, you won’t, look, something bad has happen, please, Tiffany!” Gulping hard as one staying close to her, as to talk sense into her, even into himself, this greatest trials of Nicholas Edin’s life, of theirs. "Mike, he, he didn't make it, the crash was, was, but I was just with him! Noooo! Tiffany? Her flying out the door, his flying out the door after her, "don't you see Mike isn't dead, why in hell should I believe you? I don't even know you, he isn't, Tiffany, look, I'm not lying, I'm not mistaking, my god I only wish I was, please! No, I don’t even know you, no damn it, no! Please stop saying that and let me help you, Tiffany please!" It was then Tiffany Ann looked at that hand, at Nicholas Edin Coogan getting dangerously close to persuading her, that her life. as she knew it, as she'd made it, even from birth, was now gone, over in a matter of seconds. That Michael Day Harmon, her lover and friend was at this very moment, waking up on the other side of life, into an unending peril, emptiness and uncertainty, perhaps even a void blackness, hell she didn't know. "I don't believe you," harshly swatting tears away, into a seat, hell a stand, into a quick get away, that she's to even run and never stop. "Why should I believe any of you, and what about Sye, is he dead too? Come to me Tiffany please, .no! You see Nicholas, this isn't happening, this is only a dream, a freaking nightmare, I'm not even here, this is not even a hospital, ---Tif-fa- ny? No! Damn It! Mike will come, you'll see, he's late sometimes, but he always, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" Hollering explosively toward a pitiful, as well crying after her Erica Lynn, it was then Nicholas Edin signal Erica to get help, as it was apparent, Tiffany Ann was breaking down.



-It was as though someone had cut off life and not only was it dark but there was none living, it was empty and void, vacant and soundless. Suddenly Tiffany was running, running toward the little light she could see, this ray of hope, but it too grew farther and farther away. All about her was pain, sorrows and distress, forget the light, she thought needing only to lay down in the dark emptiness and die but death fled from her as well. It was the point and state of uselessness, the very birth of denial and depression and she was so consumed.



“My god Brad, how will we ever get through this? How will I ever explain this to Him? Mike dead, I can hardly form those words." Syefan Erin was in and out of consciousness, it was horribly unattainable to her that they'd only left minutes before, inconceivable it was that the shortest span could make such a horrid difference in so many lives. First Sis, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, patience, it’s our closest ally in such trials and faithfulness. It would seem Sissy Michael was one of three people who died when a tractor trailer truck spurn out of control, they say it was the worst traffic accident in years, with a seven year old and his father perishing also. I saw a commercial recently, just one of those things, how our number one killer are accidents, I just feel Brad as though we’ll never get passed this you know. But we will, and regretfully somewhere inside sitting dormant Sis you’re too realize that as well. Your feelings Sissy are understandable, right now you’re totally distraught over Michael's death and Sye your lover, best friend as well lying so close to that death, thus you refuse to leave his side. I’ll admit Sissy it’s not much getting over it but getting past it, even now, though we’re to deny it, we’re getting past it. I keep thinking Brad if he'd rode with me as we'd planned, he wouldn't be in the hospital, but possibly Tip would be. They left early as they wanted one another’s advice concerning a major trial early Monday morning, Tip, even said while we waited in traffic how she wished she'd rode with Mike, ah god, waited in traffic, while they both laid dying. And you Sissy don’t know what the rush was since it was only Friday? No, just that a truly involved Mike went on and on about a tape and how he didn’t know when they would be able to touch bases again, I’ve considered that too Sissy, seeing my brother this way. Though then Tiffany could be the tragedy and that would be even more devastating for Nickie, I mean as we speak he’s so beside himself over her, they’ll possibly have to sedate him and put him into a bed alongside of hers. You just don’t know do you? It’s like there’s this predator just waiting for the best opportunity to get you, like fish Sissy caught in a net, remember? Yeah, it’s hard to say what was gnawing at Mike so, this trial Brad was equally important to them both, yeah Sye being the prosecutor for the district, I know they wanted to make sure the case they were working on got their undivided attention. That’s a saying from the bible, right? Right, King Solomon, one of the wisest men ever, describes how men like the fish are snared in a net when they least suspect it, that Sissy would mean life and living, even America is the bait, or Brad being deceived into thinking this is life and living period, I know, ah, been listening to Tip too long I guess. Yeah, Michael Day Harmon FBI Drug Division would bring them in and Syefan Erin District Attorney would make sure they stuck around like 40 years to life. Yeah Brad and look where that got them both, ah my Christ, Mike dead, Tip's wedding Brad, hell Tip's marriage, life plans, over, just like that.”


"They're coming, they're right behind me, it is pulling my heart out to tell her, to see her like this, there are times Erica Lynn I so hate this place, it's cruelty to men, this is one of those times. I remember Nicholas, a great friend once assuring me about the unknown, told me not to lean upon my own understanding, but in all my ways acknowledge him, God, and he would direct my path, whatever that mean. It was Tiffany right? Right, where does she get it? It's faith, it's a quote from the bible. The bible? See, I never knew that, what is she waiting on? It's like she's expecting him to come, she is, that's what she told me, none of this is real to her, her Michael, late sometimes, but as always will come. No,ooooo, hell no, leave me aloneeee, nooooo, I want Mike! Give me Mike! Ah god, I knew it, I knew she would put up a fight, hey, hey, hey, look at me, look at me, it's me Tiffany, it's Nicholas, you trust me, they're to help, ...I hate you, this is your damn fault, I hate you, get away from meeeee, I, I HATE ALL OF YOU!!! You go with her, stay with her, I'm gonna see if I can reach any of her family. Jamaica right? Yeah, I have no idea how, but I think Nickie I know someone who does, okay, well I got her and wild horses Erica can't pull me away.".    >>>"My god in heaven Brad, this is really happening," swabbing both cheeks simultaneously at coming upon Syefan Erin still, bruised frame, just this look of not being there. "I can't wake up from this, you sure Brad, I can't? With much regret Sissy no, I mean not to alarm you but I can’t help imagining what if it was Sye in that morgue you know?" Truly with Tiffany Ann already designing her wedding dress, from the look of it, it would be some of her best work yet, 'The Maaseiah,' she named it. "There’s no harm Brad, I’ve considered that a thousand times, Tip and I trading places and not to sound merciless but better her than me." The three girls were models and fashion designers, they were becoming some of the best, seemed it wouldn't be long before they'd be working for themselves. “You think it's true Brad, that every time a person dies it rains?" This was their plan, even from high school, to own their own unisex modeling industry, indeed the models, the designers, the schools, the works. “I mean with a pouring, blinding and splashing rain right outside Sye’s window, make it seem as though all has gone wrong not only with him but with the world and I tell you something is so soothing about that, you know, in a misery love company sort of way. Yeah, yeah, but if that was true Sis, then everyday it would rain, although perhaps it’s to do exactly that, only when certain people die, you know. You think there’s really a God looking down, controlling us? There’s a book Sissy called the bible filled with lots of people, prophets and testimonies about that very thing, there’s even those Sis who would make you think he isn’t just above us but right here, by his spirit, in our midst, in Susan Faye, our hearts. I had a mother, well, parents Sissy that believed those things exactly, which remind me, I better go check on Nickie, make sure he and Erica are okay in all of this. Okay, what a joke Sis right? It’s raining so hard Brad I can’t see nothing but car lights, ---yeah I hear it." {{{"Hello mar, no it’s me Sissy, I’ve been calling you, for, Sissy, is something wrong, you sound, it’s Sye mar, he was in a really bad car accident." Knowing Syefan Erin about three years now had their relationship been on and off until recently, the last two years they’d been pretty hot, so steamy there was some talk of marriage, but nothing permanent. "Car accident?” As one arm by arm shaking her sweater off, was she in fresh from the grocery store. "Well is he okay? They say he’s okay, got some lung damage, which explain the breathing apparatus spiraling out of his mouth, although mar, Tiffany's fiance, you hear me mar? He was killed, killed, my word darling did you say killed, the accident was that bad?" Although with Syefan Erin so busy Susan Faye would be fortunate enough to see him more than twice a week, they were always disputing that very thing. "Yes Mar it was that bad, ah my god, that sweet child, oh my lord indeed, most of the damage Syefan sustained is a minor concussion and a few ribs, so he really appear to be worse than he is, at least that’s what the doctors told me earlier. Look, will you tell Beth and Tate, I would call them but they’re never there and they never return my calls." Of course Susan couldn’t help turning toward the door, overlooking the nurse’s station and rushed to and from medical staff wondering about the others, even these loud announcements. "Well you know honey they got that college thing going on and all, for sure I’ll tell them, I’ll have them both to call you. Tiffany’s intended dead, what is this world coming to? I love you mar, I love you too baby, you take care of yourself now, I'll pray for Sye, talk to you later.”}}}



"You got to come back to me," as one tucking a non-responsive Syefan Erin in, fixing his light, refreshing his water cup, not unusual but was Syefan's brothers Bradford and Nicholas at the hospital as he arrived. "You can’t leave me, not here Sye, not alone," they were very close, the three of them were all the family they had, their mother and father both deceased, no other known relatives, they knew of. "Here come Brad and Erica now, no Nickie though, I guess they couldn’t get him to leave Tip, I can’t blame him, I don’t want to leave you, ah I so love you. God I can’t believe it, I can’t," as one pulling Kleenexes free unto a distraught Erica Lynn, at hugging and reassuring her, at crying this hard with her, poor Erica was shaking her head and sobbing. "How's Tip?" Imaging the worse into averting a spill, did said inquiry burst Erica into additional tears "she's not good Sissy, not at all, they finally sedated her, god, how she must be feeling. Nickie is with her, god Sissy he is so good with her, ..yeah, I know, you know, what you mean you know? It's no secret to me Erica how Nickie really feel about Tip, well he's gonna take her home. You think? Nall" as one shaking her head sensibly at realizing the answer to the question she was about to ask was it just not possible. "Her family can't know right? Jamaica, they're so far away, plus she's the only one that know how to reach them, which Erica isn't good. I know, I tried though, even called her friend Ronda, but nothing, not yet anyway. He was Sissy decapitated, did you know that? The same Mike Sissy that was only a few minutes ago laughing, dancing and joking with us, no god I didn't, please tell me she doesn't know that. Nickie had too, she insisted on seeing him, that this was all trickery, it was really bad, scary as hell bad! Well what she really need now are her friends, ---yeah, how's Sye? I think he's gonna be alright, I'm gonna go check on Tip, try Ronda again," inhaling long, deep at calming herself, even readying herself a more upset than ever Erica Lynn got to her feet, tried fixing herself. "Good, she'll want to see one of us when she wake, you sure you're ok? Just go, I'll be fine, go! My god this storm is something else, like it's tearing down the building,” walking over to the window it was still raining, storming, the thunder seem to cut through all the conundrum like it was all a horrible nightmare, a bloodcurdling dreamscape but it was all too real. Michael Day was dead, Syefan Erin was on his deathbed and Tiffany Ann was threatening a nervous breakdown, even Nicholas with her, all this in an evil day's work. No matter how they would wish the day could be redone, what was, was and nothing was going to change it, time, chance and death had spoken, their recent wish splendidly performed.



"So we, I mean I’ve been contemplating for, are we to make any stops? Tiffany? No of course not, you just want to get home and not even that." Persuading Tiffany to come home, that there was nothing she could do there, did everybody notice how great Nicholas Edin was with her. "Man the heavens really opened up and poured out, there’s flooding everywhere, even some cars stranded, I hope we’re some of the lucky ones." None of them knew why, why such a wicked work had performed itself so brilliantly and so perfectly within their lives. "A very poor choice of words I know, ...I just keep thinking Nicholas, how angry He must be with me to allow this to happen, I guess I’m not so special after all." It was here in the hardest ride home of her life, the street lights raising and falling periodically mimicking her own burning uncertainty Tiffany Ann was reminded of things her mother said. "Regretfully, even unthinkably Tiffany we all die, I mean I’m in no way trying to justify what just happen, I despise in ways unexplainable what just happen, only it’s not that unusual. You know what my mom always told me? How mankind is forever under attack of the beast, how some attacks are near misses, some hits and some like this one mocking my very sanity, ruining my eternity were direct hits, those unmercifully and fiercely mastered. I don’t think I can do this, if Mike is dead I want to be dead too, I’m alive Tiffany, live with me, ...I don’t even know you, but there was a time you didn’t know, you know, know Mike. 
Having arrived them safely to her house, could it as easily been a horror house, as it held such terrifying implications for Tiffany Ann, there was just no way she was going in there. "You just don’t understand do you? You see Nicholas when I walk along this drive, up those stairs and turn the key, and open the door, it’s to mean I accept the fact that Mike is gone, that my life will never, ever be the same, I can’t do it, I won’t do it, take me back! Tiffany, hey hey," thinking he was to sit there in the car with her for as long as it took, did he instead take the keys from her grasp, exit the auto to unlock and opened the door for her. "Now I don’t know if that’s to help or hurt," coming into her car door, window of convincing her, hearing her lock the door instead, "I only baby, ---don’t! You’re not, you don't have that, arggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!! ..I'm so sorry, ah god, swabbing both cheeks instantaneously this Nicholas Edin digressing along the passenger door after her, after her screaming and screaming. “Look, all I’m trying to say Tiffany is you’re very special to me and I’ll do anything for you, just name it, ...I feel like I’m trapped the very top of this once raging roller coaster, that I’m screaming in ways indescribable and no one hear me. I hear you, that’s what I’m trying to tell you bab, Tiffany, I''m sorry, Tiffany, I hear you, see me, I hear you, I, I think I always have, and will, I always will. I can't, I just can't, then come home with me, no, not that, I have an extra bedroom with a bath, you can stay as long, ...I can't do that, I won't do that! Then unlock the door, unlock it or I'm driving you to my place, Tiffany, please, I'm here for you, unlock the door, please okay, please, Tiffany, I , I, okay my place then,  there damn it, .thank you, wait, what are you doing? I'm picking you up, nooooooo, unless we're to spend the night in this car, I'm carrying you into the house, nooooooo, you don’t, you can’t do this Nicholas please, ..shhhbb, .look at me, I’m with you, don't fear, I'll stay with you for as long as you need me, ..I hate you for this, WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!!! Well I love you and I'm your friend. Now, your bedroom or, ...you put me down I'm just gonna run, and run, and run ....and I'm just gonna chase you, and chase you, and Tiffany Ann chase you, until you get so tired. So here, right here in the living room? I hate you for doing this, I hate, you so, much. Don't see me like this please, please not you Nicholas, please don't see me like this, don't, ah, pleaseeee. I won't turn from you, I won't, I'm in this with you, this is our trial, hate me all you want, " as one delicately making her comfortable on the sofa, did an emotional Tiffany Ann breaking into a hard cry, managed to pull her long, damp hair into a ponytail, hating more than Mike's death was Nicholas Edin seeing her so vulnerable, to pitiful. "Please leave, thank you, now can you just, go? What you wanna watch?" Cutting the TV on, helping get her shoes off, finding a blanket, tucking her in. "Now, you want anything, need anything? Just leave Nicholas :GET THE HELL OUT!" Although sitting in foresight she was running with dead ends at every turn and Mike wouldn't be there to stop her from going over the deep end. "I'm so thirsty, .water coming up, look, Imitation Of Life, do you know Nicholas how long it's been since I've seen, seen, ah, ah,‘Imitation Of Life? What's Imitation Of Life?" As one sitting a glass of water before her, seldom is she to call his name, did he love hearing it roll off of her kissable, edible tongue, mouth and lips. "You're kidding right, ah my god Nicholas tell me you're kidding, right? Tell me about the movie, ...no, you got to see for yourself. You hungry? You got to be, I can fix all types of eggs, I'm a pretty good, ...don't, ah cry, I know what you're thinking and why, don't, I, like you're to sip your glass Tiffany, digest a little at a time, digest a little at a time that Mike is, is, that is so crazy! I hate this so much, you're hurting like this, and it's eating me, killing me. Okay look, if I'm to watch this with you, you at least could tell me something, that’s what I’m telling you, there's no way Nicholas you could've lived in the Saurus household and not watch ‘Imitation Of Life,’ I tell you, there's just no way."


-{{{"Yes Tif but you know how dreams are, they're simply that, dreams, I just think you put too much faith in them, that's all." With Mr. Harmon allowing her to work from home would she have this luxury at least until she felt well enough to return. Having nightmares that Michael was calling her just as she'd feared that very night, telling her to come to him, that he missed her and couldn't go on into eternity without her. "I know Ronda how you feel about dreams which is why I'm sorry I shared it with you, I didn't mean to make you angry. I’m not angry, it’s just that I've been screaming inside every since that night and I just want it to stop you know. It seem Ronda every time I close my eyes Mike is there waiting behind the darkness, commissioning me to come, to follow, to come so we can supposedly finish what we started. I can't Tif begin to tell you how awful that sound, just heartbreaking, how about a shrink? Maybe you should seek out professional help ...and just Ronda what are they to tell me I don't already know? They'll prescribe some drugs that will only escalate or frustrate the problem and I’ll be worse off," imaging she knew what Michael wanted and since life had been so miserable without him, she was considering joining him. "How long has it been? You always ask me that, three months and twenty one days, now why you always ask me that? I don’t know, is Nicholas Coogan still single? If Ronda he's waiting on me he is," evidently as one understanding what she needed to do, she wanted her Mike, and she didn't want to live without him. “How about you waking up in his arms and all? Well I’ll admit I’ll probably never get that alluring scent of Mr. Coogan out of my head, even my stirred up blood, but that isn’t Ronda grounds for a relationship, I told him if he left me there, it would make it all real and I couldn't bear it, so he stayed. I still Tif believe you should tell someone, a shrink about the dreams, maybe then they’ll tell you Michael doesn’t want you to die, how it’s you who don’t want to live without him. How those dreams Tip are your own horrid fears, cowardice because the pain of living without the fiancee is becoming so unbearable, okay, Ron, didn't you just shrink me? Whatever Ronda, the incredible darling Mr. Coogan is or not I'm not nearly ready for another relationship, don't know Ronda if I'll ever be and if so it wouldn't be a Coogan, right now I wish I could walk off the edge of the planet and just not be. I can't tell you how much I hate him seeing me so vulnerable, so helpless, I cried and hated him just for that, yeah, yeah like me you never like those Coogans, I know. I simply remember some of the things you said He said and did that night, which mean he really like you, to be honest Nicholas didn't tell me anything I didn't already know, he just confirmed it, ...good night Ronda, yeah love, you take care."}}}.    <<<"Hello,“ as one cutting a curious eye a visiting Syefan Erin’s way, of all people to call him, to confide in him, ..."I can barely, hear, Tiffany, Tiffany is that, hello, hello, it’s, hello"}}}, I could’ve sworn that was her, you can call back, yeah only it’s saying unavailable, that was Tiffany, since when Nickie do you know Tip’s voice? Okay," as one folding his jacket over his arm at preparing to get out, to get to court on time, had they had a good enough of a visit. "If you’re serious you can always call her at home and if Sye I’m wrong? Explain what happen, why you called, look I got to go, same time tomorrow? If my schedule Sye doesn’t change, yeah, hey, don’t stress so, call her, yeah see you tomorrow. Look I just realized, tonight is game night, come over, maybe you could talk to Tip then, wouldn’t that Sye be too obvious? Who Nickie the heck cares, it’s time you stop hiding behind all the what if’s or what could or should’ve been with Tip, you didn’t kill Mike, no but I wished him dead plenty, that Nickie doesn’t count or Sye does it? He’s, well, he’s gone and Tip is free again, so I‘ll see you there. If she turn me down cold you got my back right? Yes, always, I can’t believe you thought you had to ask, she can’t Nickie deny you, she’s without excuse, see you later, yeah later, apparently you haven't been around her lately, yeah, yeah, but you're Nicholas Edin Coogan, undeniable.”


"I see the rain is gone, perhaps Pepper and I can take our walk after all," if you look for him, you could find him every evening about 5 O'clock p.m. playing catch with his German Shepherd Pepper. They were more than just pet and owner, they were the best of friends and one another’s protector. "Se Mr. Artelon, it has turn into a stunning day, make me want to walk as well." This evening was no different, except it was Monday and every Monday they would go to Hikes' Peak, about a five mile walk, inhaling and living that wondrous day through every fiber of being alive. "You're right and you're welcome, it's simply too much of a stunning day to waste." Known to his neighbors as that burn man, and to others as "The Monster" of Hike's Peak or two-face. His name was Christian Cros Artelon, he was of Israeli/Arab descent and had come to America for one reason, to be alone. “No I was only kidding, I have much work still, then there's the homework you see, but you go, you and Peppe." Wanting to live his remaining life on the ocean, this with his favorite pet a German Shepherd and his house maid, Mrs. Martha. Surely Christian Cros didn't like what he'd become but he liked the fact he'd finally become content with what he'd become. "You've convinced me, pulled my leg and all of that, but first another brownie and we're off to see a beginning spring." Little did Christian Cros know, the incident he had on the highway with that strange woman would drastically change both their lives. Giving much thought to the unusual circumstance what he cared to remember was she was a very beautiful woman, one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen, he figured she was playing a joke, the laugh as typically supposedly on him. "The sun is beaming alright but I wonder how wet it's to be, I know, I'm talking to you like you're the person, but that's because I know you like it." Dragged to safety by firemen he later forgave for saving his life had he sustained severe scarring attempting to rescue his three year old daughter from a burning apartment building where she perished, seven years had since passed. "Hey girl!" playing with and patting German Shepherd Pepper was the grounds not as unbearably wet as he'd anticipated "how about a walk? Wuf, wuf" dancing around like so if someone had told Christian Cros this is what his life was coming to how in a millions years he wouldn't have believed it, "is that wuf yes, or wuf no? We won't be gone long" calling to Mrs. Martha who was sweeping the porch, seeing her nod and smile into a wave would she possibly be gone by the time he returned. “Man what an amazing day," it was a beautiful late winter to spring day, awesome, the air was brisk and fresh coming right off the stunning waterfall. The naked trees of glorious compromise, their tall, swerving limbs so powerful, so free, seemingly tearing into the heavens, knowing with whom to worship there. Christian felt good, life was good, it had taken him seven painful, regretful years to decide to live and to enjoy life, knowing when he died, he and his darling daughter Becky would be reunited forever.


"Hum, that's unusual, an abandoned, “you leave me alone, you, you bad dog, go on leave me alone! Pepper!" As one slapping his pant leg, kneeling into her obedience, valuing her did Christian Cros despite his efforts have a trespasser. "That dog should be on a leash" viewed as one finding and modeling her way out of the shrubbery where Pepper had apparently chased her. "This is her home and you're trespassing, I am minding my own business, you would do well to mind it away from that edge. So it's you,” soon as one stepping into a clearing, at him displaying himself aloof that they
were doing this dance again. "Look Pepper, it's the highway mistress, we've got to stop meeting in such awkward situations, now why don't you step away from that ledge before you hurt yourself. Maybe I want to hurt myself," audibly and visibly upset, crying even, was the perilous situation she was in deliberate to the point she was suicidal now come frightfully apparent. "Maybe I even want to die! Now why would you want to go and do a thing like that? It's none of your freaking business! I see, but you're killing yourself on my mountain, that is my business. It's him,” as one wiping all to better herself, even to free herself, what a quagmire indeed that he’s to find himself, the midst of mystery's greatest trials, indeed. “Mike, my fiancĂ©, he died and he's been calling me to come to him, here,” as one romancing that very reality, even insanity did she turn again into an amazing sunset, just above a deadly abyss at the edge of her feet. “To our favorite place, so we can be together forever, this is the only way. So he didn't love you? Yes." turning hateful at him, even violent at gnashing the teeth at him, at that very accusation "Yes he loved me, wh, what kind of a damn question is that? Hey!" Cautioning hands of his flew up at regulating the pressed as this hour, that she was indeed this close to getting her ludicrous wish and the signs of these times welcomed it. "Hey, calm down, all I'm saying if he love 
 you he wouldn't be telling you to hurt yourself, let alone kill yourself. Ah what do you know?" Maneuvering again into the awesome pink yonder did Christian grow silent at addressing the uneasy situation. This beast of beauty he'd deemed her could easily fall and that would be her end, how if he tried saving her he could fall as well. "I don't know, I keep asking him how, but he won't answer, god he won't answer, he just tell me to come, to come after him, Mike?" Sightless turning into the abysmal edge with mangled thoughts uselessly reaching out into a void, her feet slipping, her balance, running, diving was Christian pulling her to the earth just prior to her plunging to her death;; thinking abruptly, now what? "No, damn it!" Pounding a stinging fist into the brute force of him, of course it didn't matter he wouldn't let her go, "let! Me! Go!" Screaming, kicking and fighting him, "woof, woof" with Pepper dancing and barking was all this frantic, flailing and screaming causing Christian to be so disengaged, so mentally throttled about his next move. "Quiet Girl!" He could only hold her, trap her until she got tired, herein thinking this would draw unwelcome parties for sure. "You suppose to be helping me, showing me how to figure this out, I'll get you to your car and we'll decide things from there, how about that?" Lifting her into his stout arms, breast, carrying her to the car, standing her at managing the door, sitting her lifeless, soundless, there. “Why didn't you mind your own business? Ah believe me Miss, I wanted to, now how does home sound? No!” Rudely shaking the head at him, at grabbing a powerful arm of his, a sturdy decline, even disapproval, as stunning as she was stunning. "Don't take me home, please don't take me home, come on girl, Woof, woof,” running and leaping into the front seat after her master's call, this while Christian sat contemplating his next move. Asking him pointedly not to take her home, he had no idea where she lived anyway. “Ah god Mike,” seeing she’s to lay across the back seat, as one fearing getting the police involved would raise unwarranted suspicions did he uneasily drive her to his house, "Mike, I'm so numb without you, I wouldn't have felt a thing."


"O my what is happen?" When Mrs. Martha saw him carrying her she didn't know what to think, what was happening, it just wasn’t rightly comprehensible. "Thank god you're still here, she tried to throw herself from Hike's Peak." Hurrying in at Mrs. Martha holding the door, at speeding her up the stairs did Tiffany now sound asleep appear as delicate as she was unbalanced. "That poor littlest one, she's exhausted now, I’m afraid when she wake she will not be happy, such a pretty girl. It is good you found her, yes but what do I do with her?" Quizzed at this snappish circumstance getting him farther and farther up the staircase, laying the darling of her across a priceless bed, finding and measuring a cord, a stout rope to bind her hands, her feet, as he didn't trust her. "Come girl let's get to the bottom of this, Huh?” As one returning to her car Christian decided to search through the purse he'd seen for ID, for anything that would help him better understand what was happening and why to him of all people? "This doesn't mean you can bring some stray fellow home, right, we got that straight, right?" Soon learning her name was Tiffany Ann Saurus, that she lived at 22HL Lakeview Lane. Needing a phone number was there none so far, this he thought was more strange when taking his research further he soon heard a loud scream, “arggggggggggggggggggggggggg! “One buckling him in his very blood, bones "god!" Taking off immediately, rushing into the house, getting through the door, pass Mrs. Martha who was ranting on in her Spanish gibberish, something she did whenever she was upset. Just as abruptly up those stairs, in that bedroom "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" Furious at her hands being bound, her feet, "WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO? THIS IS KIDNAPPING! YOU BASTARD! YOU FREAK!" Fiercely scuffling against the restraints, but to no prevail she was now a captive, the monster of Hike’s Peak hostage. "I'LL KILL YOU" crying and wrangling on and on, what indeed had Tiffany gotten herself into? He could rape her, kill her and totally disappear her. "Be quiet, or I'll gag you as well, YOU LET ME GO, DAMN IT!!!" Gnashing out brutally at him, had Tiffany not considered how vulnerable she'd made herself, how perilous her predicament. "YOU LET ME GO! ...So you can throw yourself off the mountain? Yes, if that's what I want, it's my freaking, well it's my mountain and I will not have you doing such a stupid! Stupid thing! YOU WON'T HAVE, JUST WHO, WHO IN THE HELL ARE YOU! Look! You be calm, no fighting, screaming and maybe I'll un, YOU LET ME GO NOW DAMN YOU!" Wrestling and tussling bitterly was she angry and violent enough to do more than bodily harm to herself, but to him "DAMN IT! ....No!" As one instead backing out, making ready to close the door behind him convinced bringing her there wasn't the grandest idea after all "not until you calm down, ...I'll, I'LL KILL YOU! I'M GONNA KILL YOU FOR DOING THIS TO ME! Whatever!" Rolling evil eyes of his own into that exit at making the stairs downward it had been a long time since he'd seen anyone so angry, indeed, so self-destructive. "You can go home Mrs. Martha please," shaking his head as he meet Mrs. Martha's curious waiting at their end, at their staring quite fazed at one another "I'll figure something out. She's afraid" as one agreeably getting her things did Mrs. Martha know how truly uncomfortable this ordeal made him, Christian virtually being a hermit. "Well so am I" sitting into the sofa, nervously fondling his hands truly Christian Cros wasn't at all happy with what he'd found, he lived a private life, finding solace there, now this. "Now she want to kill me, you, but you, you helped her, you, what is that word, res-cue her, ...yes, only she didn't miss Martha want to be rescued. What the hell was I thinking bringing her here?“ As one fretfully getting into the frig after a drink, thinking this one had problems, “you know I could go dump her on the hospital lawn, someone would find her, or better yet take her to where I found her and call 911, yeah like she'll sit long enough for the cops to come. Well, I best as you say go, dinner is ready, eat before it's too cold," witnessed as one again starting up the stairs did Christian Cros also figure he could tie her down in the car and take her home, he did have an address. “You sure you want to go back up there girl? She just may bite both of our heads off." Noticing her screams grew quiet, noticing she was such a beautiful, beautiful thing, did Christian imagine her crying, sobbing uncontrollably, was she also angry and frighten as Mrs. Martha said, possibly most frighten of her own self-destruction.


"It's good to see you didn’t blow a gasket?" As one laying pretty lifeless on the bed, silent, her eyes were open, tears, useless tears escaping still. "I know you’re not going to believe this, or even care but I know exactly how you feel." Greeting her rather calmly as he felt deep sorrow for her, sitting on the bed to the feet of her, rolling and cutting her eyes at him, when suddenly she kicked him landing him right on the floor. "Aw now that's cute, so you ready to kill me, or are you ready to be released? Okay, first I can't get you to shut up, now you're speechless, I found your address, I'm taking you home. No, please no, ...may I ask why not? You're the freaking genius that brought me here you figure it out! Aw that's easy since you're so grateful and all, ...grateful! Why in the hell should I be grateful? You should've mind your own damn business! I tell you what, I'll drive you back to that ledge and let you jump, only right before your skull splash against the waiting rocks below you're gonna realize the mistake you've made only it'll be too freaking late! That's not what he want, how would you know? If he love you he doesn't want you to hurt yourself, let alone kill yourself, think about it? That's all I've done" with new tears running down, under this sorry, pitiful sort seen wiping her cheeks, her chin into the pillow, "is thought about it, I don't want to live, not without him. Well you’re gonna have too, Nooo!" Argggggggggggggggggggggggggggg,” as one Wrestling about the bonds once again at enforcing a useless battle, although did he have her fix quite well. "You calm down, please, just calm, ...no don’t, please untie me, please, I won't do anything stupid, my wrist are hurting. You're gonna behave?" Focusing a daring glance at her did Christian instead display this literal cruel response "yes, I promise, ok? Anyway I believe you, you make sense, you can't go killing yourself, it's not what he want, maybe it's what you want. Maybe he is waiting for you, but not for you to kill yourself you know, the day of your assigned appointment. Perhaps you're not to forget, you know, what the two of you had together," sincerely his words were precise, his voice heavy, their wise lurid accented rather perfectly. "What you’ve shared, maybe that's it, ---he keep calling me" sniffing at this brutal breakdown at cutting Christian deeply, how could something so extraordinarily designed, her flawless skin, those indescribable eyes, be so terribly haunted? "I can't sleep without him calling, telling me to come, then you tell him to let you go, ...what? Yes, I mean I am no doctor but if he's calling you to join him, you need to tell him it's not time just yet, ...yeah, well that's insane, no more insane than you leaping to your death with intents to join him. Untie me, now damn it! I guess, no I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be cruel, you were a stranger, you were out of control. Thank you" as one massaging tried wrists, ankles was Tiffany relieved to know Christian didn't mean her any harm after all. "I want to hit you, even strangle you, although I guess I need to thank you for saving my, ...I didn't save your Miss, I only stopped you from jumping from a cliff, only you can save your life, I don't know by finding a better way, a positive way to deal with your friend's demise. These things that you tell me, what make you the expert? I am no expert Miss, but I've lost a loved one, and myself once. O, and did you kill em?" Pausing Christian witlessly at clearing a sudden tightness of emotions in his throat, as so tingling in his eyes, in his nostril. “My wife thought so, you're gonna behave now that you're released? I might, you best do," handling the rope with which he'd bound her as a reminder, more than folding it, was he all the more threatening her that she was to behave or else. "I'm sorry if I offended you, it was anger that's all, I can tell I’ve insulted you and you was only trying to help, showing yourself quite wise. Really, I didn't mean anything by, ...are you hungry? Yes, maybe, ---are you still enchanted with killing yourself? I guess it can wait until the morning, I'm only kidding, who are you, my guardian angel or, ...I am going to set you a place for dinner, there's a bathroom right through there," as one pointing out an exit at making an end of this bizarre scenario of when loved ones die and supposedly haunt you down for it. "You can clean yourself up, you come down the stairs, keep right and you'll find the dining area."


"Erica is gonna be so green with envy, I can just taste it." Finding her way Christian home was very impressive and very large, the furnishings and paintings very eloquent, seeming straight from the page of a better homes and garden magazine. "I hope you like baked chicken, wild rice, yes, good, Miss Martha make the best. By the way, my name is Christian Cros, I know" smiling excusably at her as usual response that all are to have at the annunciation of his name. "Mine is, ---Tifny, I know that as well, Pepper and I kinda went through your purse for ID and stuff” as one placing her plate and silverware before her was Tiffany watching Christian as he cautiously sat to eat in a shadow that concealed his mutilated visage even more. "I hope you don't mind, no, I know I placed you in a very precarious position. So who was it?" Thinking how delicious it all smelled, looked as she’d barely taste her plate, but was she somewhat curious "the love one you lost?" "Ahhh" reconsidering into clearing his throat, resting his fork, his manly palms into a wiping cloth, did he prefer not talking about such things. "It was my daughter, ...my god I'm so sorry, ...her name was Becky, short for Rebecca, she was only five years old," that in light of a taste of his glass was there sheer wonder in his eyes, even his at odds heart at recollecting. "It was a house fire, some faulty, electrical wiring" necessarily cutting that admittance into a distance away had Tiffany opened wombs seldom ever spoken of, mention names nearly forbidden. "She'd just Tifny began preschool, is that how, you know, you got? Yes, some type of explosion after I ran in after her, firemen pulled me to safety after half my flesh was melted away, I hated them for a very long time," hastily sweeping both eyes as such memorabilia cut him to his heart so, did Christian Cros seldom speak of such things, especially to strangers. "The gall Tifny they had pulling me out instead of letting me die with my daughter. What?" Having re-evaluated her fork into it's fill was Tiffany yet to take her first bite, but was she all the more inquisitive "no wife? Camilla" shrinking low arrogantly but did just the mention of that name apparently sour him through and through. "I haven't seen her since my first night in the burn center, I was screaming outside, inside, the pain was unbearable. The wound of my daughter's death and those in my flesh, it was maddening and she was the only thing left of married life. I could barely see her you know" playing his silverware into an eerie unaware at him apparently flinching in his spirit was Tiffany getting the entire sordid story at how horridly wrong it'd all gone. "One eye was wrapped and the other damaged, but I could hear her, ah god could I hear her, killing me softly with her fears, her betrayal and all the what ifs.” Inevitably seeing after a single tear escaping down was Christian Cros’ mangled heart laid opened for all to see and hear, this beast of beauty itself. "How living with me would be too unbearable, rendering too many bad memories, how I should’ve saved Becky first. My god" was this too intolerable, too grievous to be concrete at her imagining touching his resting hand at comforting him. "I'm so sorry, ....that was long ago Miss, it's not much of a hindrance most of the time. Come to think of it, it was a good reason for her to get out of the marriage, she never liked me much, it being an arranged affair, but she loved my money pretty well. An arranged marriage?"
 As one looking to deliberate another issue Tiffany sat listening, pondering Christian near bitterness picking at her food. "I didn't know people still had those, in some cultures, like ours, some religions it's still ritualistic to mandatory.”


“I can't go home, what about your family?" Growing quite uncomfortable, picking at his food, was Christian not at all surprised at Tiffany's resistance still, even cowardice "want they be worried?" Christian Cros hair was shoulder length, very dark and very straight. He was charmingly build, very athletic, very well groomed that even with the inauspicious injury he was an attractive man, his head always tilted to veil his wounded side. "Can't I stay just tonight?" Witnessed upon as one clearing his throat into that apparently uprooting him was Tiffany Ann being her most selfish. "Do you know the chance I am taking just having you here? Of course you don't, we live Tifny in two separate worlds don't we, you and I? God forbid if something happen to you on my mountain, people don't like me Tifny, they tolerate me because I'm rich and I'm private, but they wouldn't hesitate crucifying me. What’s gonna happen?"As a priceless one raising questionable shoulders at Christian peeping and cutting his marvelous eyes at her, again such the stunning gentleman despite his scarring, "I've promised to behave, I don't know miss, I really think you should go home,” just as he raised from the table, to the sink, scrapping his plate, yet contemplating her strange request at talking back to her. “Face this, I really think it would be best where all are concern, what can I say? You're right, I'm just being a chicken, a chicken eating chicken. I'll lead you through the trail" earnestly taking her plate as well, getting additionally to the sink was he a paradox as presumed, but nothing as they'd imagined, nothing indeed. "No you don't have, yes, I have to, well I can't argue, ...you should be good from here," pulling his truck to the side of the curb, with Tiffany pulled to his side, insisting she allow him to at least lead her to the highway, Tiffany didn't know if it was because the woods were dark and after a while all the turns and stops appeared the same or he just didn't trust her. Although who was this man? “You Tifny be safe, ...yes, I know my, way from here, ...you want to say so long to the pretty lady? Well thanks, you're welcome, again Tifny, be safe." Just as well waving her off, through the rear-view mirror seeing her until her light disappeared into the night. what a day he pondered as he watched her drive away and what a woman he thought further. He had a friend at best, even if only for a moment. "Well girls she's gone," making a U turn just as he pondered the lights from her car fade and fade, "yeah, we'll probably never see her again, still I think our lives are somewhat changed because we met Tiffany Ann Saurus, huh girl, huh!"

Tiffany II

                                           BEAST OF BEAUTY

                                      ...WHERE THOU FEEDEST...
                                                  CHAPTER II
                                                      SCENE I

     "Tip called yet?" Inquiring of an otherwise Erica Lynn entering the kitchen with her, soon getting busy refilling their crystal ice bucket, not really suspecting Susan's inquiry. "Not a word, what's up with you and, wait a minute, you don't think she would try anything? I don't know Erica," as one restocking the snack trays did they as usual on game day have company. "I mean it's possible, I thought she was much better, Tip haven't been much better since Mike's death, yes Sissy but don't you think hurting herself would be a bit Extreme. Extreme! Are you serious Erica? Mike is dead, it can't get no more extreme than that! My god!" Horrified at Susan's horror at laying all things aside into an urgent panic as this definitely Susan had never seen Erica this genuinely concern. "You're right, I’ll, I'll make some calls, yeah Erica, I'll call work just in case.  What a freaking game!” Like most Monday nights they'd gotten together with some friends and were watching Monday night football. New York Giants Vs Dallas Cowboys and it was a close game. The Giants ball 4th quarter 3rd down with 15 seconds remaining and the Cowboys leading by 3 points. "Man I knew this would be a nail-bitter, ...man, I hope they can pull this off" with brother Syefan Erin as well toasting his beer into a cheer. Their guess included Nicholas Edin, Bradford's wife Barbara Ann and Erica's friend Dr. Matthew Edwin. "Hey, you Okay? I'm just having a hard time Sye getting into this game you know, I'm sure Nickie she'll be here soon, so you’re saying I'm that obvious? It's a compliment I assure you, I’m to hear Tiffany is having a hard time living with the reality of you and Sissy marrying. My birthday, in less than a month, though Sissy told her this wasn't to hurt her, that life Nickie was going on as life does, as painful as that is. We could always Nickie make it a double ceremony, I'm gain if you are, of course I'm gain Sye, although I'm certain Tiffany isn't having any.” {{{“Hey Corronda, Erica here, Tip wouldn't just happen to be there, right? No I haven't seen her or heard from her since earlier today, the last I spoke with her she told me she was having dreams about Mike, she seem really desperate, scary sad actually. Well what about her brothers Icus, Ivar, her mom? I even thought of trying them, don't, they and Tif are so estranged, there's no way she would go to them well, you most of all Ronda would know how impossible they are, thanks, hear, sure, you're welcome, hey, call me either way, I'll do that."}}} Hesitantly replacing the phone could Erica hear the rattle of keys at the door, finding herself relieved even more when Tiffany entered right in, “Uh, Hello?“ With a quick glance of hers capturing Erica's directly and Susan's soon after could Tiffany feel the intense inquiry about them but she gave no explanation. Instead getting directly to her room, I mean what was she going to say? Oh by the way I tried killing myself today and the monster of Hike's Peak saved me?

                                                           SCENE II
     "Man I knew they wasn't going to pull it off, I just knew it, they should've went for the kick, nall Matt man you was the one screaming, run it, run the ball! Ignore them honey, I believe you," as one massaging his shoulders into a sensuous, blood stirring kiss, temptation as Erica Lynn in all areas is, would she and Matthew no doubt leave early. "I don't know, Sissy was talking about ordering Pizza, playing some games, you know since the night is yet young,. Could you Nickie at least pretend you're enjoying yourself, but this is me Brad enjoying myself, as if you didn't know, ah that’s cute, really cute, I'm gonna remember that one. We all Sissy know Nickie's 'infatuations with Tiffany, but I’m the only one that’s to tell him he’s wasting his time; and just why would you say that? Ah it’s not that he and she wouldn't make for an incredibly perfect couple, I know, Tip is very finicky when it come to men and dating, very. So how about we elope?” With warm inciting words seconds from hers, his engaging ambiance and marvelous stout build trapping her against the kitchen sink was Susan Faye being teased and blushed into a stinging admittance. "Ummm, that sound very tempting Mr. Coogan, when you wanna go? Yeah right, you would never let me live it down, you're right as usual, ...where you off to Nickie man? It's still early, yea while I am about done for, ---ask her, yeah Nickie man, ask her, The Betzler Cancer foundation was having their annual Ball and the Coogan boys had been invited, Nicholas wanted to ask Tiffany to be his date but was reluctant to do so. He'd hoped the night would present the opportunity but it seemed all was lost. The Cancer Foundation was of utmost importance to them, they'd lost their father viciously to this deadly disease, and had thus vowed to do everything they could to help fight against it and find it's cure. Giving substantial donations, this Ball alone would raise millions in cancer research, revenues.

                                    ...PLEAD MY CAUSE O LORD...
                                                    SCENE III

      "Maybe I should do like Ronda and cut it all off, talk about a new look, it would be a whole new personality." Talking to her reflection in the mirror was it obvious to her from all the celebration that the guys were really having fun. “Even a tastier look for the new guy on the block, Mr. Christian Cros, of course Michael would really have a fit, think he's to haunt me now, let me put scissors to his  favorite playground. Then there's Nicholas, alias Nickie, they think I don't know, I wonder is there a way to tell if certain people of interest will haunt their loved ones if suddenly they find themselves dead." Easing over to the door and peeping out, the coast definitely appeared clear of Erica and Susan's come with multiple questions, sidled out quietly, making her way to the kitchen. "The last time I told Ronda I would do like-wise she herself literally threw a tantrum, what was her problem, she can cut hers, but I can't cut mine? She’s a haunter for sure." Opening the frig, looking for a small snack, there was fruit pudding, yogurt, milk and cereal sound good for a pre-sleep snack. “Ummm, what do I choose? Attempting suicide makes one hungry, of course what does talking to oneself mean, haunter or no?" Justly as one oblivious of Nicholas's silent approach of her was she making her quick-witted but noiseless maneuvers when abruptly this mild tap on her shoulder "O god, Nicholas!" literally a falling into the refrigerator, at catching her heart into a mightier than normal gulp of her last breath, hell Nicholas Edin was already stalking her. "You frighten me half to death, ...I'm so sorry. that wasn't my intent, ...you did sneak up on me" hoping the girls wasn't around, was Nicholas Edin always so special, so incredibly designated and she his determined after designation. "Yes but I didn't mean to frighten you so." Unable to get over how much he resembled Syefan Erin, they were almost identical, Syefan a few years older. "I really need you, to, to ask you something," having to admit was he simply too gorgeous for words, so unthinkably without proper narrative, definitely a haunter most welcome day, nights, holidays, all of the above. “Can we sit?” An extremely handsome man indeed, alpine, stout and invitingly muscular, very popular with the women, what a magnificent doll after one heart, hers. Both he and brother Syefan stood a few inches over six ft, they were both blond, although the hair tint differentiated as well as the style, Nicholas's hairstyle taking on a wiry, scurried look, making his sumptuous appearing that much more riveting. "There's a Ball at the Betzler Cancer Society Friday, this Friday" stuttering in his haste Tiffany knew where this was leading but she stood quiet, listening, wondering and inhaling as he smelled so delectable. “By the way did you call me today? I got this call around noon,” as one thinking oh, his god, was Tiffany Ann easily one of the most stunning women in the world, her bronze color skin, her beautiful silken chestnut mane, long, glistening in the light. Those sexy, somewhat golden bedroom eyes, golden, lazy, sexually alluring, her simply flawless figure. “Anyway the person on the other end really sound like you, I know, just how is it I'm to know your voice so well, right?” Tiffany's father was Jamaican and her mother Seminole Indian, the sleek combination made her extraordinarily breathtaking, so much so she was literally used to people from all walks of life who just stood in awe of her truest identity, then to have such a caring and compassionate innocence just made her sensationally unite, even priceless. "I guess what I'm trying to say, I'm asking you to accompany me, to be my guess, my date Tiffany, for the evening. You don't have to answer now, I mean, not unless you want too. I don't know, with you frightening me so,” spinning off as to open her yogurt, stirring her spoon in, soon filling her tenacious mouth, staring directly into those sensational green eyes of his own, his expert attention. “So I don't know if I'm to ever forgive you, I guess, Okay, I'll love to go, ...great! I'll pick you up around seven thirty, the events begin at 8 o'clock, that sound good" yet filling her sumptuous itself mouth, was she proving herself all the more a benumbing temptress. "Good, by the way Erica and Susan are going as well, then Mr. Coogan, I'll see you Friday, ...good night, ...good night Nicholas, be good." Receiving his coat to himself, his scuff about his neck, a hand into its pocket after his keys, what a fabulous male species all, all hers for the taking, a super man to herculean. "By the way you're free to call me at any time, I just have to know, yes, I did, ..why did you hang up? I could Nicholas say because I heard your voice, okay, that’s fine, call me anytime, so I’ll see you Friday, yes, of course, truly you're the one, Mr. Coogan." Patiently watching him depart, the hall, out the door, but had this little rendezvous been a long time coming, "you could haunt me any time." How it was then Tiffany was reminded of how Nicholas Edin Coogan had always been in her life, way back in the distant, not directing her, she never directing him but still there he was always. It was then she also remembered how tremendously compassionate he'd been at the hospital that night and when he escorted her home, she don't know, realizing such darling things seem to both thrill and frighten her somehow, to simply terrify her.

                                 ...ALL YE THAT HOPE IN THE LORD ...
                                                        SCENE IV

     "I see somebody else need to take my advice," teasing Susan and Syefan about getting a room as he'd done with Erica and Matthew who'd seemingly taken his advice and left. "So is everything alright with you? Pretty much yes, I had my snack now I'm to get into bed Sissy and get some rest. I think I’m going home with Sye,” with Erica Lynn already gone, probably for the night, was Syefan Erin pulling Susan Faye right along. "I don't have to go if you don't want to be alone, are you crazy, and leave that incredible Syefan Erin alone for tonight, where is Susan Faye's head? Go Sissy, I'm fine, ...I couldn't, well I saw you and Nickie talking, what was that about? An invitation actually, he want a date for some upcoming ball that's all.” This being the very thing Tiffany attempted to avoid, although it wouldn't be hard for her to explain to Susan that she'd been to Hike's Peak because she had a lot to think about. that she'd even agreed to attend the Betzler Ball with Nicholas. "So you did agree? He was literally Tip terrified at asking you, well guess Sissy where I’m to be this Friday night, the Betzler Ball, wearing Attorney Nicholas Coogan on my arm? Good, I'm glad you two worked it out, yeah, he studded about a lot, but we end up in agreement, goodnight you two, do as I would if this was Mike Sissy dragging me home with him,  or Tip what you wouldn't do, right? Right, no regrets right? No, none so far Sissy, good, love you, see you in the morning, okay, I'll have breakfast willing and waiting, night, night Tip."  {{{"Hello, wow, just how fast are you? Tiffany, am I dreaming? Yes, you're dreaming, I know that Nicholas because I'm dreaming too, I believe you completely, girl if you didn't read my mind just now..I don't know, maybe the yogurt was spiked and I can blame all this on being drunk with wine or whiskey. Goodnight Nicholas, glad you made it safe, can't have anything happening to you as well.You sure you have to go? Well, I know I caught you coming in the door, you got to undress, prepare for, too late, I'm already down to my underwear, the last button on my shirt, under shirt pulled over my head, I'm bouncing into bed, twisting and turning to get the covers from beneath me, there, I'm officially Tiffany Ann in bed, and I have you to thank,. Me? Yes, I think I set a record, ..,you'll all alone aren't you, wishing you'd come home with me, right? You can admit it, I won't tell anybody, I could come for you, nothing romantic, we could catch one of the twenty-four hour malt shops, just hang out ...goodnight Nicholas Edin,  ....goodnight Tiffany."}}} I can't believe I did that, my god Mike, I love and miss you so, my god, so much."

                            ...BY THE FLOCKS OF THY COMPANIONS...
                                                          SCENE V

     "Damn it girl, you drive me insane," heated even before she and Matthew got through the door, was Matthew stirring into Erica's ample bosom heightening her woman-hood into a seething, erotic foreplay. Uselessly wrestling with the door she was all over Matthew's neck, his chest, that pesky, tickling tongue teasing his ear, devouring this her steamed lover right up. “Ahh god Matt, not, not my ear, no, no!” With his burning flesh pulsating rapaciously within Erica's insane seduction, harassing him, his fierce blood so intently they both felled to the floor laughing, courting as the door gave in never stopping their hot, extreme over burning. “Nooo, ah god, not, not my,” managing the door closed with his foot was Matthew Edwin unbending in his full- bodied wrestle with his sexually madden lover to have him bare and taking them as she willed. “You feel and smell so good, so edible,” ideally with vigorous subtly to make themselves as one this night, tearing her open, pulling himself apart it was here Matthew hasten to unfasten, untie and undress this marvelous lover of his loins. “Look at you, my heavens Erica look at you,” just as soon discovering her piping lust, those ripe steeps just faultless unto his taking, indeed thinking she would explode, she was, she was exploding, with Matthew hot, wet mouth collecting her there, ate and ruin her there. This flaming intensity alone tantalizing so fiercely her already inflamed deliverance, it was for certain, Erica Lynn was discharging without him. "Ah god Matt, I'm coming, ah god you're trying to kill, me, I'm coming without, no you're not, I'm right here, you know me baby, I'm right here." Fluttering anxiously his stone overlook at melting her into the sexual web, rage of this handsome, hot betrayer, retarding any normalcy. Ideally so good to him, so very good to the very blood of him, sanity at aching wholesomely within every delicious ounce of her sweet, wet wall, finding a temporal fulfillment, a timely explosion quite perilous for sure. “You’re killing me, Matt, where, where are you?“ Loving the way this man kissed her inside and out, the way he found her places of intimate obscurity, of privacy she imagined getting lost in his masterful love making, this ingenious ruination, indeed those hands. “Ahhhh god I want this always, always Matt just like this,” with those powerful hands now directing their voluptuous path into wild abnormal indulging, igniting both their walls at penetrating every ounce of flesh, bone, blood they soon collapsed so splendidly exhausted, so amorously disengaged.

                                         ...IF THOU KNOW NOT ...
                                                     SCENE VI

     "Nickie and Tip, Nickie has been after her forever, of course Mike had to die, but who better to see her out of this untellable nightmare?" Laying in bed, teasing between her fingers Syefan's blonde strands of hair, resting her naked bosom, yes talking to herself. "My god I'm so happy for her, well, them," here pleasuring  Syefan's stout nakedness now so preciously entangled into their amiable calm, Susan couldn't help but ponder whether Tiffany had been honest with her. “Man I hope she and Nickie find each other as it’s clear how he truly love her, she him, admittedly, oh god Sye, should I call her or not, and just what will I say?” Suspecting the phone, anticipating calling her, did she passionately kiss Syefan on the temple, snuggling all the more into this delicious man, here thinking how awful it would be to lose him, how very unbearable. “Man I came so close to losing you, that fear is still like a bitterness in my blood that just, won't swallow away, ”shhhh, sleep baby, sleep," wiping and blinking back tears at how losing Syefan Erin was something she hoped she would never have to live with, although she'd come close, too frighteningly, close.

                                       ...O THOU FAIREST AMONG WOMEN ...
                                                         SCENE VII

My Dearest Camilla:


     It all seem broken now, cast unto the winds at toss, tumbling about endless heed, as though all in the world is lost. I’ve hope upon it still, upon it still I wish, that such perilous time enduring, would not be my end as this.

‘It all seem broken now, dissolved and smashed to hell, upon it’s hearten heart, upon it’s mockery and will. However it’s looked upon, whenever this one doeth see, tis nothing but treacherous blight, it’s coming after me, tis nothing but treacherous blight, it’s coming after me." CCA, Apb

     "I think I miss her Pepper, a woman I don’t even know,” as one having sat into the wood pile
for a while now, did the nearing night, truly impress the sky, impressing Christian Cros. “I know you thought I was talking about Milla, but no, I’m talking about Miss Saurus, Tifny, and how I’m barely able to get her out of my mind, even her scent. I don’t know girl what I feel about Milla, or even if I feel, she left me long ago and that seem to be that. It all seems broken now, a poem I been writing since day one, a poem I’ve been inspired by my experience with Tifny to finish. You know Mrs. Martha want me to send it in for publishing, her not realizing poets are a dime a dozen. I’m thinking about going to see her, can you girl picture me walking into a modeling agency? You know that's where she work, Woof, woof, yeah, but is that woof yes, or woof no? I know, I know, I would stick out like a sore thumb, anyway Mrs. Martha is leaving, meaning dinner is ready and god forbid we let it get cold.”

…It all seem broken now, ravaged, thrashed and harmed, without an ounce of notice, without  an authentic mourn. By a multitude that lived there, there so nigh his heart. A multitude that walked there, spilled from his tears the blood. Now a worthless existence, refusing to go his mar. CCA…Apb

                          ...GO THY WAY FORTH BY THE FOOTSTEPS...
                                                    SCENE VIII

     "So what you think? Are you kidding Tip? It’s amazing, so what inspired you to do this?” Thinking it was time to show Erica and Susan her newest creation, was Tiffany Ann always considered to be the best designer among them. ”I could tell you Erica but that would be too much like sharing an ideal with you, and you stealing it and making it your own." Known well for stealing, altering and style lifting someone else's work, as so taking all the credit was Tiffany unusually taking a chance with Erica Lynn. “So when are you going to present it to Mr. Harmon for spring collection? I’m not, I’m through with him, he’s full of nothing but broken promises. No, if I have it finished in time will you wear it to the Ball? Are you kidding, you’re freaking kidding, right?” Astonishing Erica additionally, was this so unlike Tiffany to first present a new design so early in it’s creation and to secondly offer its presentation to Erica Lynn of all people. “But why me, you do know how incredible that gown is right, and that I hate you for coming up with it before me? Yes I know, which Erica is why I’m asking you to wear it, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, there’s lots of work to do and only a short time. So will you do the material? Me? But you’re a better material analyst than I am, perhaps but I trust you with this, I don’t know why, it’s just a feeling I have. What color Erica, I mean I’m seeing a bronze, green gold mix, see that’s why you should do the material. Let me design a jacket, a breast to waist, removable sheath, ah that sound absolutely gorgeous but you Erica don’t do jackets, I’ll do a breast to waist cloak on this gown in a red second Tip and be the envy of the Beltzner Ball for years to come. You Erica in a jacket, even a short cloak is going to be worth it all, okay, let me run it by Sissy, let her give her expertise and we’ll meet in the conference room at 1:00, right after lunch. I know what Sissy is gonna say, she’s not going to like the ideal of a jacket with this gown, but the one I have in mind, it’s going to be flawless and such the envy I assure you. Then Erica that’s what we’ll call it, Envi, ah my god girl you is so incredible, and we’re going to be so rich, so very, extremely rich.”

                             ...OF THE FLOCK AND FEED THY KIDS...
                                                         SCENE IX

     {{{"I noticed you didn't get much sleep last night," responding to a now silent receiver was Syefan Erin spouting his misgivings at Susan worrying herself so. "Sissy, I heard you" inhaling and exhaling decorously did she with concern know where this conversation was going, "and? And it was nothing, it was Tip right? Baby, I know neither of us can remotely imagine what she must be feeling but no one can help Tip but Tip. I think she tried something last night Sye, I don't think it was the first time, and I don't think it's the last. Tried something, you mean hurting herself? No Sye, I mean killing herself, I think Tip is suicidal, I know I would be. Tip is going to be fine, you'll see, her returning to work has to be a good sign. I hope you're right, but don't you Sye feel the least bit guilty that Mike died and well you didn't? You mean like you're feeling guilty that Tip's' fiance died and yours didn't? Mike died Sissy because his body succumbed to a deadly impact, I lived only because my body withstood it's injuries. there is no divine selection going on here, it was a terrible, terrible accident. I best go." }}} Growing all the more uncomfortable at a disconnected at the heart Syefan Erin just not getting it, just not being good for her right now. {{{"I don't want to keep the girls waiting, I love you}}}," all to better the truly foggy conditions, they'd apparently wondered into {{{"and I you, perhaps Sissy if you said it with more feeling, good day Sye, yeah, you too, love you.'}}}

                                     ...BESIDE THE SHEPHERDS' TENT ...
                                                           SCENE X

     {{{"Hello Nicholas, Tiffany here, look something urgent has come up that could actually take me out of town and I simply will not be able to be your escort after all, sorry, bye."}}} “So how many times Nickie have you listened to that message? You Sye don’t want to know.” What a sad, sorrowful day, as one standing on the balcony of his high rise apartment, his brother Syefan Erin joining him, was this Nicholas's contemplation. Although it was late February, in New York City, it could be worse. "I knew it was too good to be true, I just knew it. yea," making him something more than disappointed but angry, even flabbergasted "a vacant excuse. If not Tiffany Sye man, then who? Aruggggg! I could just scream, wait a minute, she left a message on your answering machine for a reason, ..now you thinking, ...yes Sye, to, to avoid talking directly to me, ...yes, how very clever was that Nickie indeed. I'll just place the Betzler ball back in her court, pretend I'd not received her message at giving her the opportunity to refuse my request personally, hummm," granting his little brother a long, celebratory kiss, was brother Syefan Erin so proud of him, not realizing how terrified this all made Nicholas Edin, having to again face Tiffany Ann, directly. "I never told you Sye, never told anyone, but several times the night of, Tiffany told me she hated me, even something like she didn't want me to see her that way, whatever that was. Vulnerable Nickie, she didn't want you to see her having such a need for you, meaning she's as well intimidated by you. Tiffany. Ann, intimidated by me? You Nickie is one of the best men I know, you have waited for this woman through impossible bouts and trials, just the ideal of seeing her fall in love and come so close to marrying another. Still you stood firm, never wavered and believe me, Tiffany Ann as you say, like the rest of us know this, you and she Nicholas Edin Coogan are simply meant to be. So call your big brother later on, let me know what happen. I will, .good to be hearing from you then, I better get, yeah be, drive safe."

.                           ..I HAVE COMPARED THEE, O MY LOVE ...
                                                    SCENE XI

     {{{"Great, I get up the nerves and no ones answering the phone," with the phone now in it's fourth ring when just as suddenly, {{{"hello, yes, hello, yes, may I speak to Tiffany? Oh yes, hold on"}}}. Clearing his heart from his throat, not knowing exactly what he would say, only that he wouldn't take no for an answer. {{{"Hello, hello Tiffany, how about dinner and a movie? Excuse me, who, who is this? This is Nick, Nicholas, it's still very early, I could pick you up in about two hours, how about it?Ah, no" shaking her pretty head into an abrupt denial as this, would leading him on be the last thing she’s to do "I don't think, come on Tiffany, tell me anything but no. I really miss you, I would love to see you, spend time with you. Miss me?" Puzzling her into a research of the phone receiver, didn't he get her message, and if so, why was he asking her out and carrying on so? {{{"Hellooo, Tiffany, yes I'm sorry, yes, yes it's a date? Yes, I guess, why not? Fantastic, great! I'll see you in a couple of hours then, yeah, ah okay."}}} "Don’t look at me, all I did was answer the phone, what the hell Erica just happen? That was Nicholas, ah Tip I know, I wanted to say no, needed to say no, but only yes would come out. Said he needed to see me, that he missed me, that alone moved me in a way that, that brought my tongue, how could I say no to that? Well Tip, it's only dinner right, possibly a movie, what can that hurt, right? Don't play Erica, we're talking Nicholas Coogan, but, but you're right, I can do this, right?" Throwing Erica for a loop along a ball of confusion as Tiffany is seldom this open with her, this trusting, as different as night and day, they didn't talk men, let alone this dream boat, Nicholas Edin Coogan.

                             ...DRAW ME, WE WILL RUN AFTER THEE...
                                         .                 SCENE XII

     "Was rain in the forecast? I only ask Sye because it's just got really dark, like midnight all of a sudden." Observing clearly how very sad Susan looked as she fold clothes, did Tiffany know she'd really disappointed them at lunch the day before. "I wouldn't know babe, you pay more attention to those things Sissy than I. Sye, helloooo, Syeeee, you said you wouldn't fall asleep, that's exactly what you're doing. Okay, okay," stretching, yawning hard, long at coming to the edge of the bed to her, that he's to even help fold clothes. "Just what you need me to do? Just Sissy baby give me something to do, that will probably wake me up, all that’s left Sye is my personals and I don't need help with those. Something to drink then, to the Frig here I go, or is that here I come? Hey Sissy, you gotta see this, it didn't just get cloudy suddenly, it's an eclipse, an eclipse? Yeah, you better come, see this, you know they don't last long. I want to apologize for earlier, I'll be damn right proud if you sister wore it, wore it, my wedding dress, ah god Tip is that why you thought I asked? I see why you was so mad, no, I was so mad Sissy because you still got Sye, and Tip you thought I wanted that stunning wedding dress as well, right? Ah baby I'm so sorry," folding a come emotional Tiffany Ann, into her loving arms, neck, asking about the wedding dress wasn't as Tiffany thought, though now that she'd suggested it. "I love you, I want to wear it, it's the most amazing thing Tip you've ever made." Seeing a just as touched Syefan Erin standing distant, filled cups in hand, so proud that they were working things out "and I want you and Sye to have it, it'll be my wedding gift to you two. Ah, I better get dressed, I have a date with the most eligible bachelor this entire city, you have fun, yeah I know Sissy, be careful with him, right? Right, goodnight you two, you sweetheart as well, ok, Sissy what just happen? I know, at first she wasn't having any of it, I was thinking she just wasn't ready, and then bam this wordless grown is mine, well ours, she said ours, now Sye, what was all that craziness going on outside? 

                       ...THY CHEEKS ARE COMELY WITH ROLLS OF JEWELS...
                                                         SCENE XIII

 {{{"I mean Matt, it's only been three months., or that perhaps she was just jealous, and the next we're discussing men, ....and Erica is that strange? Tip is a virgin, ...excuse me, ...nall," seeming to choke up on the phone, truly tickling her, just knowing this would be his response, she having Michael Day they being engaged. "I know Matt just knowing that make her all the more astonishing right? If that's possible, I mean I've seen the way you look at her, ...I don't think so, come on Dr. Hymn it's ok, be honest, I don't know one yet who don't ...ok, yeah, but who Erica doesn't look at her that way? Yeah, it can't be easy baby being that attractive, you should know, I know Erica Lynn has a mirror reminding her of just how stunning she is as well, right? Well Mat, I’m glad you called, ...and why is that? Because I really needed to hear your voice, ...yeah, you acted Erica as though you barely recognized my voice, don't be silly. So are we on for tonight? Ah they're calling me babe," peeping into a jarring him to attention beeper, was Matthew Edwin being summoned hurriedly, this doctor, surgeon on call. "My patients are calling me, I'll call you back, alright? Yeah Matt, alright."}}}

                                 ...THY NECK WITH CHAINS OF GOLD...
                                                      SCENE XIV

     "Not that it's any of my business, so that was Nickie on the phone earlier? If by Nickie Sissy you mean Nicholas Coogan, yes, it was." Although hearing the doorbell maybe not, hopes that Nicholas would renege on their date speedily, faded. "Who is it?" Equally witnessing Erica get right to the door, it was Nicholas Coogan all right, pleasuring him from a distant, did he look good as usual. Relaxing his fine coat, Nicholas was wearing a chocolate cashmere shirt, collar-less, trimmed of the v-neck line and long sleeves of pearl. Fashioning a close fit, it vivaciously romanced his stunning build, highlighting his streaked wires perfectly.. With his sharp slacks a bit lighter in tint, flowing gloriously about his long powerful legs, it was here he moved so easily, as though he was gliding. He was as always too much for mere narration and this frighten Tiffany so, she could find herself very attractive to this one, for he was darling perfect, darling. "So have you Nickie had time to consider my offer? No Erica, actually I've been so busy at the office, but I haven't forgotten." Performing himself as usual, as to smile and politely declined, of course Erica wouldn't give up. This was one of the purposes she was attending the Betzler's Ball, she'd planned an extended article about the Coogan brother's and their generous charities. It was Erica's intention to make it the primary story, with Litigating Attorney Nicholas Edin Coogan, Prosecuting Attorney Syefan Erin Coogan, and CPA agent Bradford Elam Coogan on the cover.

                                     ...WE WILL MAKE THEE BORDERS OF GOLD
                                                                    SCENE XV

      "You said Tiffany there was nothing in the local or national news about an eclipse? No, and if I’m not mistaken Nicholas they can’t just suddenly appear, after what Sye said he saw, he and Sissy both, the heavens are stunning tonight." Although it had proven to be an awful day, Tiffany thought the night was sensational. A beautiful starry sky and a full moon gave the darken moore a mystic incandescence. "Well it does belong to him, as he wills it all, so, yeah." Stunningly having this astute gentleman escort her through the streets by the hands in route to the theater made it a very romantic gesture indeed. “So what was it they saw really? I mean I don’t know, neither do you ,right? We weren’t there, well actually Nicholas momentarily I was, I peeked out slightly and saw as well, brought their attention right alone." As one soon giving her insight, pointing and directing his attention into the heavens, their marvelous constellations, there was to her no closer way to be with God. "Especially Nicholas, one like it, one phenomenal twilight will happen the unprecedented moment the Prince King return with her. With her?" Adamantly holding her ground, her heart, but Tiffany was really impressed by this superman seeming to be dissolved by every word of hers, or perhaps it was her mouth. “Do the stars and eclipse truly hold mysteries we’ll never understand? No, not that we'll never understand, holy lords will not leave us ignorant, which is why I Nicholas Edin simply think it’s all a lower compartment, a lesser floor of one of the Supreme’s many mansions, therefore not a mystery at all.” All the more proving to be very considerate of her, only asking the right questions, still out spoken at times, very veracious. "I hope I don't get in trouble, but, so you believe Mike is there, right? Like at dinner he told Tiffany how truly beautiful she is, oddly right into her heart's blood and that she was very important to him, passionately, frightening her to death. "Actually no, Mike like most people Nicholas are not that much of a believer, god is just one of those lesser things of many, many other bigger things, I'm just being honest, been kicking myself numb in some areas for that one, not being honest about my faith." Telling, explaining to her further how he knew she'd not remotely gotten over Mike, but he wasn't attempting to replace Mike or move into his space, how he didn't think that was possible. “I wasn't Tiffany expecting that, actually I'm floored by that answer, to be honest you talk as if you’ve been there, perhaps I have, though the written word of God is the next best thing Nicholas to being there. He, the Son did say, to see Him, is to see and know Heaven's Father, ahhhh, you're laughing, are you Mr. Coogan making fun of my beliefs? That wasn’t a laugh I assure you, an unconvincing smirk maybe, how even more remarkable you are which is literally impossible and I'm Tiffany Ann just elated about how unite you're proving to be!" Again as one shouting happily through the streets, getting utmost attention, was Nicholas Edin as happy as could be. "Well, He did Nicholas walk on water and calm the sea, waves with his hands, okay, okay, I'll go along, but if you don't believe Mike is in heaven, which is why Nicholas I been kicking myself. But that Tiffany is not your fault, it can't be if we're all individual doing our faith process, no, kicking myself Nicholas, that I wasn't more honest. So we’re all pretending? Yes Mr. Coogan, that we don't know our own Creator at all, that one said to give and take as easily as that is said, we as hath been declared in the bible, look through a glass darkly and think that solves our bouts of ignorance, this excuse, but since Christ, despite that, ours Nicholas is an evolution of knowledge darken only at our rejection of it. I received your message concerning the Ball," as one spinning them way off the subject, not surprising her at all, it'd lasted a while and Tiffany appreciated, that. "So I hoped Tiffany this date would change your mind, when you called me earlier I must admit I had my doubts you'd received my message, that you was ah, ah, gone crazy.” Determining shortly how Nicholas Edin was to have a great sense of humor, mostly talking about his brothers and how very far they'd come from being lousy kids. “So you been there? Non-convincing huh? Yeah, what if I told you Nicholas I believed we’ve all been there at one point or another, that all human life, first begin spiritually, and develops immorally along a cursed bloodline, even as we're born?“ That losing their father to the violent disease cancer, their mother to a heart that just stopped, without any previous warning one terrible night, had in some way helped put decent direction in their lives. “So the sooner we get our off-springs to him, all the better, maybe I have, have what? As you Tiffany say, maybe I’ve been there, ah I can believe you’ve been there, look Tiffany at how beyond description, how extraordinary you are, that's including your heart. You Mr Coogan is a tiny, bit incredible yourself,  because flesh and blood did not reveal that to you and boy are you so forgiven, good, so what are we going to see? I don’t rightly know, huh? I like surprises, how about you? Yeah, sure., so we decide once we get there. I'm at odds with agreeing with you, so you have something in mind? No, no, not that, I feel really encouraged to tell you something I've told no one, okay, I guess, my, well our mother and father, themselves were believers and that Tiffany, their punishment and you, this stunning, benumbing creature is this sweet to bitter reminder. Punishment, there is only one culprit here Nicholas and you're not gonna like it, the womb, where the human being is procreated along a curse of death, the horrid is as the days of Cain and Abel, we doing it to ourselves. You just said your parents timely deaths is why Bradford is such a stunning father and husband, that Syefan  makes Susan Faye such a perfect matrimony to be, that you Nicholas Edin is a perfect example of what all young men should be, forgiving, loving, endurable, even that most perfect, in love. So their unthinkable sacrifice gave way to three wonderful men, amazing Tiffany, now I must have you! We have arrived, so what we gonna watch? Do you really want to? You gotta stop doing that, doing that? Reading my mind Mister, tall, and expertly stunning. Will you stunning temptress, marry me? Okay now I  know I said too much, ...who are you Tiffany Ann Saurus, really? I could tell you, but you see that little diner right there, I would much rather go there, sit, have some tea, coffee and what you can't repeat ever, a slice of apple pie. My answer, will you marry me? I guess we'll see huh? I don't know Miss Saurus, but that is so not a no, good, now come, my mouth is watering just thinking about apple pie, ....mine too ...yeah, mine too, but more Tiffany Ann Saurus, about your answer."

                                                     ...WITH STUDS OF SILVER...
                                                                     SCENE XVI

     {{{"No Matt she still isn’t here, while for the hundred time tell her I called, you know I will, yeah you too."}}} “Was that Matt again?“ Having called the house repeatedly, looking for Erica did Susan feel sorry knowing she was out with Paul, a new model at the agency. “I really Sye thought she was serious about him, Tip and I both, I mean it's clear as day he’s crazy about her, proposal crazy. Then before Matt the only thing Erica actually cared about was what she would wear and what shoes would match? Yeah but you know what has happen, Right? Evidently the accident put a little scare under her feet, a Sissy sort of wake up trimmer and now with time she’s back to her old self, back to her old games. I truly Sye hope not, I really admire Matt, he’s the best thing to happen to her period, man these damn heart games Erica like to play, you know it's not just Erica Sissy, you know that. I know just now Sye I had a good mind to tell him where she was and who she’s with, but I couldn't, for his heart's sake. you know. Speak of the devil, that’s Sissy probably her now, guess Erica who's been calling and calling. Said you two had a date plan,”as one jumping right on her about Matthew, just this furious with her, not believing she would treat Matthew like crap. “He mentioned something okay," roughly moving her gloves, getting to her room, knowing what mommy Sissy would say, do, "but it wasn't final. You know one day somebody is going to do it to you! Ah do what? Treat you like dirt, pull you though it's muddy waters, stunning outfits and all. Ah please, I don't wanna freaking hear it, I thought you were serious about him Erica, you thought! I never said I was, Well forgive me, I've never known you to date a guy longer than one night, ah that’s cute, just stay out of my damn business! Ahhh, I just don’t know what to do with her, hey, I know, come here, I want to hold you, get some sleep, it’ll be okay. I don't know Sye, yeah babe you do, it'll be fine, just relax okay, I love you, I want to fold myself into you, come here, get into these covers the future Mrs. Coogan and relax. The future Mrs Coogan, huh? That sound about as good as you Mr. Coogan, look, yeah, I don't believe you, come in here, show me."

                                  ...WHILE THE KING SITTETH AT HIS TABLE ...
                                                                  SCENE XVII

     "Will you Tip past the berries please, what about the cream? No, no cream." Now into the following morning did they all sit quietly about the table eating breakfast or making notes, Tiffany could tell there were bad vibes between the two of them. Truly the only thing she cared to remember at this point was how tenderly Nicholas Coogan had kissed her the night before, really sneaky, fiercely intimidating, like he'd been waiting all his life.
"I said the berries Tip not the cream, what dreamland are you in this time? Ah my darling, forgive me, you did go out with that fine ass Nicholas Coogan, what dreamland wouldn’t you be in? And please, please for me, take your time, so how was it anyway?Ah that man Erica as you say, is so incredible, not to discredit your Mike, yeah, I know, but where Tip has Nicholas Coogan been all of our lives? Right, all of our lives, then for all of time? Strangely enough Erica, actually I hated for the date to end, he's simply paralyzingly special, you know. That's enough Tip, so leave her alone Erica, can’t you see she’s smitten, plus she doesn't whore around like you! Who's smitten? You are, hello, earth to the woman who dated Nicholas Coogan just last night, very funny Erica Lynn, ha, ha! Tip, you just said you hated for the night to end, ...I did not, ....yes, yes you did, ..so you saying I read your mind? Maybe you and Sissy are right, what am I doing, what I said I wouldn’t do? Tip, listen, please stop and listen, it's okay if you move on with your life. You of all people Sissy can't, even better not say that to me, how the hell would you know, how, next time you're so cuddled into those cover with Syefan Erin Coogan, how will you ever know? What are, stay away from me, all of you, by the way, as I run off in a rage, Nicholas Edin Coogan proposed marriage, what the hell you two do I do with that, huh, huh? I gave you my wedding dress ,I bought tickets to Jamaica, called my dad assured him I'm coming home, what the hell do I do with a Nicholas Coogan marriage proposal? Like I said, you two don't know a damn thing, a damn thing at all!

                                                            SCENE XVIII

     {{{"I really enjoyed myself too," with the phone wedged between her right ear and shoulder was Erica flirting, giggling and casting her bare feet upon her desk. "While I don't know about tonight, I’m still reeling from last night you naughty, naughty boy you. Ah no! I'm not serious about anyone, to be honest I don't believe in it, that's more my friend Tip, I could give you her number. Aah god you're so nasty, Matt!" Responding out of a gaping mouth at bringing those long legs to the floor, even into the search of her shoes. "Let me call you back, how long you been there? Are you playing with me Erica? No, of course, who was he? Who? The phone damn it Erica! Just a friend. just another boy friend right? The night was great, I set a record? It was nothing, it was nothing you say, it just happen, you tripped right? What Damn it Erica!" Slamming his fist angrily into her desk top only inches from her, it may as well been her chest, her heat, actually both of there's. "What just happen, or is that suppose to make me feel better, that I have a girl Erica who trip up and screw other men? It wasn't like that, did you sleep with this guy? I told you, did you sleep with him damn it Erica? Yes, yes I, I did,” ingesting and sniffing into nearing emotions at feeling her most complex, confused even, never in a million years would she hurt him like this, never, not Matthew Edwin, please not him. "But he doesn't mean anything to me, ah god Erica do you know how that sound, what is that even to mean? I don't understand this, I'm, what, sorry, are you Erica even capable of being sorry? No, hell no!" Dismantling her coming after him was she more emotionally torn than she would ever let on, begging, pleading not him, not Matthew. "It was a mistake, damn it Erica, that trifling conversation didn't sound like a woman who'd made a mistake, I heard you just now ,okay, okay Matt, Okay, I really care about you, if that's true Erica none of this makes sense, if I Matt was out of my head, mind for a, I was wrong about you and that, that, hurt,  ,,,,Matt, Matthew please," as open following him right out the door, hoping Sissy wasn't somewhere around, this, close. "I can fix this, I, look, obviously we got our signals crossed somehow, we're not looking for the same thing, Matt, wait please, I admit, ah so now you admit? I admit that what I did was really stupid, reckless, I didn't think, I didn't think about your feelings, or his, Matt, goodbye Erica, ....please don’t do this, please, I, you what, you love me Erica? The worse day of my life, ever" a witness to her holding the elevator into this dramatic break off, up, men just didn’t quit Erica Lynn, they just didn’t, plus Sissy alone would kill her, dead. "Let's talk about this, don't leave angry please, let’s just talk, just let me go, like you did last night, remember? I can't, okay, I, damn it girl! Damn it, what the hell were you, if you would just let me, what have you done, huh? Damn it! Damn it Erica, what have you done, to me, to this guy, to yourself? Ah god I can’t, how would I ever trust you again if it's that easy? I wondered about people who can change a lover as easy as they change dance partners, do you know how scary that is for me? Please Matt,  you please Erica, I got, I got to go."

                                                           SCENE XIX

      "May I Tip come in, have a word? Since when Sissy do you have to ask? Of course," sitting in the mirror suspecting her hair for split ends, remaining silent at first, did Tiffany Ann have inquiries of her own. "Can I ask you a question first? Yeah, please, first Sissy I want to apologized about getting so upset the other day, while you had a right, no, no Sissy I didn't, it was stupid and envious, "well apology accepted, now what's the question? Do you think it's too soon, you know, for me to have feelings for someone else? Who is it? Come on Sissy, please, the question. it's Nickie isn't it? Ah my god Tip he's been in love with you forever, like since high school, What? Okay, I don't know about all that, I just wanted to, ....well no, I don't think so, it's only Tip natural, ...I understand and respect nature, but I can't Sissy help feeling guilty, you'll never Tip forget Mike, never, but he's gone and well you're here, I know he would see it that way. You say that Sissy with such ease, that Mike is gone, how do you know that, I mean isn't that just some popular aphorism? Yes, and though I can’t say I know how you feel, I only Tip know how I felt seeing Sye lay that close to death himself and as painful as it is Tip, life goes on regardless of how much it hurt, and if it was Sye instead you would be telling me that, and you Sissy would instead spite me. So who is he?{Thinking, the monster of Hikes's Peak, maybe}, I can't say, yet, I just wondered what you thought. Hey" bending directly into Tiffany's gorgeous mirror image, again those amazing golden brown eyes, such the stunner human being, "I'm very proud of you, you have really been brave, keep it up, ...I think Sissy we all have, you and Erica, Syefan, Bradford and Nicholas," actively touching Sissy resting along her vanity mirror, of her departing just as soon, turning back, "I Tip think you're right, let's keep it up, right, right, lets!

                            ...HE SHALL LIE ALL NIGHT BETWIXT MY BREAST...
                                                               SCENE XX

    {{{"Matt? No it’s that damn answering machine again, hello Mat, do you hate me this much? If you're there please pick up, please!" With three days now pass Erica's worse trials and gossip still there was no manner of interaction with Matthew Edwin. "They say talking to yourself is alright as long as you don't answer yourself, Tip, so are you going to be Nickie’s escort to the Ball or not? I kinda Erica told him I would be, yes, that's what you're whispering about? Did you or Mike ever go out of your relationship? Coming into the kitchen, thinking she'd just have a bagel, sip of juice, get out and find Matthew, find them before the others knew. "I mean that you know of? Not Erica that I know of, what's up with you, Matthew did that to you? No,” as one loaning Tiffany that estranged, far-off, even pitiful look, would she be her most honest, “I Tip did it to him, the Paul guy right? My god Erica what are you thinking, how many times have I told you just as they’re sex organs they're for marriage, for reproduction, even predestination and can't be, shouldn't be toyed with, how entire worlds to nations have been lost. I know Tip, I know, I better go, you think he'll ever forgive though, only true love Erica can tell,  love, like practicing what billions of love songs only sing about. Just ask yourself Erica, where is your heart, what is chasing Matthew Edwin away only to now chase after him, truly about, is it your inter love or your arrogant lost?  {{{“Hello Matt, I know I’m the last person you want to hear from, look I really need you, need to talk with you, see you, please call me.“}}} "My inter love or my arrogant lost, what the hell does that mean? Rumor is they caused quite the scene this publicized breakup, so you think Tip she's really hurt, or is it that lost of control she had? Or Sissy she thought she had, well losing is a part of loving, so Sissy, maybe losing Matthew will cause Erica Lynn to love a man and be faithful only to him, the way she suppose too, soon married with children. Now Tip, whose dreaming, the one Sissy believing in romantic miracles, me, me, me!"{{{"Yes, Will, I'm pulling from the drive now, I don't know, in about thirty, yeah I know, yeah I really owe you one, right, thanks again."}}} Thinking it wasn't easy persuading William at again zooming the highway in her pricey hot rod, but did he confide in her how Matthew would be at a moving party that very night, and so should she be there.
                                     ...MY BELOVED IS UNTO ME ...

                                                      SCENE XXI

     "My god it is him, I don’t believe it!" Barely believing her eyes, it was Christian Cros, he seem to have just finished his shopping. “I’ll be right back,“ thinking she would never see him again although Tiffany had to admit she and Corronda driving out his way to attend a wedding shower she couldn't help thinking about him, but she never anticipated seeing him. "Christian! Wasting no time, getting directly after him, clearly startling him, a hug, kiss, taking, keeping his hand. "Tifny, while how are you? Fine, I’m stun, I didn't think I would see you again, especially so, is something wrong?” As one lifting his box of groceries at growing uncomfortable at the clerk staring unending at them both, this apparent, beast and beauty. “So where's the wonder pet? Ah, she's in the truck,” as one swinging his silken hair around, was he as usual shadowing his scarred side, at Tiffany being such the paramount creature, very stirring to his blood. “So what Tifny bring you to never, never land? Excuse me, Ronda! Ron, yeah, I'm, hellooo, yeah, over here,' waving at and directing her friend did Christian Cros take this opportunity at visualizing what an astonishing seductress Tiffany Ann was indeed, how she smell just as excellent, what titillating wonderment. “While I'm in a hurry Tifny, I better go, it was good seeing you again, yeah, you too. Actually Christian my friend Ronda is here with me, would, I am Tifny in such the hurry, perhaps another time, place. " Thinking he’s running, hiding again, my dearest Christian Cros, what will I ever do with you? Who was that? A friend, ummm, kinda cute, I found the wine, finally girl, I thought I would have to try another brand, Okay what's wrong? What you mean? Best friend To Tif-fa-ny, it’s nothing, let's go huh? Okay, but that's nothing has a lot of something written all over it. His name is Christian Cros, what’s Christian Cros? He is, that’s his name, the burn guy, ah come on, we’re not talking about one of your dreams right? The wine Ron, the party, ah yeah, okay, okay, okay, hel-lo, ah, right, humm these chips look really good, you’re serious, the burn guy name is Christian Cros, Ron? Okay, okay, alright, it‘s just really weird that's all, just so you know, the burn guy looked kinda fine, I'm just saying."

                                    ...AS A CLUSTER OF CAMPHIRE…
                                                           SCENE XXII

     "{{{So! So what? So how Tip did you like him? He seem nice Ronda, handsome, but I’m just not interested." Laying in bed remembering the horrible time she'd had at the party, how she couldn't help thinking about Christian Cros and how incredibly lonesome he must become at times. "Come on Tif, I kinda made him a promise, a promise, what kind of a promise?" Thinking here was this beautiful person unfairly trapped inside of an unpleasant life, mocked and misunderstood by people who didn't give a damn whether he lived or died. “You haven’t even told me his name, who is this guy, why does everyone think I’m to date again or die? I mean do I have a dating game contestant written across my face, even my back? Calm down, it’s not that bad, just a double date that’s all, Dex and I, you and Carver, it’s only one date." As one again staring at the ceiling crying herself asleep one more night, it was now one day before the Betzler Cancer Society Ball, she would spend most of tomorrow deciding what to wear. "Carver huh, how can you Ronda make such a promise without me? I don’t know, I thought you two would be good together, I mean he’s really a great guy." Nailing it down to two possibilities, both dresses being designed by Susan, were they very extravagant, cleverly as a promotional strategy toward their own up and coming Fashion Center, all three of the girls decided to wear some of their own designs. “No matter how impressed they are with us Ronda, most of them only want this one thing, right, he’s possibly wondering am I as good as he think I look, just the thought of that make me cringe." Anticipating a long, boring night, though Tiffany had to admit the reality of being with Nicholas Edin again, of going as his special date, did hold a certain pleasure to it, even hope. "That maybe true Tif but when has it been ever I’m to sell you short, there’s no way I would set you up with this guy unless he was as sincere as you, yourself." Of course Tiffany Ann didn't know what would happen to either of them, Nicholas, Christian nor herself. That there was one thing about life she'd learned the hard way, even Michael Day way, the more you took a hold of it, control of it, the more it controlled you instead. "So what say you? It’s nearly a week away, come out, have a good time, never speak to him again or instead, fall in love and marry him, I would probably have to give Nicholas Coogan an answer first, huh? Yeah, he asked me to marry, just for fun, but, but if Tif you said yes, he'll marry you in a nano-second, ...yes Ronda, but never again, you hear me? I’ll do this Ronda this one time, I don’t need you setting up blind dates for me, yes madam. And yes madam, I get it, your head is already filled with another prospect, and Tiffany Ann Saurus, know me so well, or should I say Saurus, Coogan?Not if you ever want to speak to me again, goodnight!!! Yeah, sleep tight, don't let Nicholas Coogan bite, you know I had to say it, bye, bye girl.}}}}